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Browsing Greinar - HA by Title

Browsing Greinar - HA by Title

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  • Aðalsteinsdóttir, Sólveig; Tryggvadóttir, Ellen Alma; Hrolfsdottir, Laufey; Halldorsson, Thorhallur; Birgisdottir, Bryndis Eva; Hreiðarsdóttir, Ingibjörg Th.; Hardardottir, Hildur; Arohonka, Petra; Erlund, Iris; Gunnarsdottir, Ingibjorg (SNF Swedish Nutrition Foundation, 2020-01-06)
    Background: Historically, Iceland has been an iodine-sufficient nation due to notably high fish and milk consumption. Recent data suggest that the intake of these important dietary sources of iodine has decreased considerably. Objective: To evaluate ...
  • Stefánsson, Magnús Örn; Baldursson, Sigurður; Magnússon, Kristinn Pétur; Eyþórsdóttir, Arnheiður; Einarsson, Hjörleifur (MDPI AG, 2019-07-31)
    The following study reports on the first thraustochytrid isolates identified from Iceland. They were collected from three different locations off the northern coast of the country (Location A, Skagaströnd; Location B, Hveravík; and Location C, Eyjafjörður). ...
  • Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2010-12-31)
    Þessi grein byggir á eigindlegri rannsókn, einkum viðtalsgögnum, sem framkvæmd var í fjórum grunnskólum, tveimur á Íslandi og tveimur í Hollandi. Meginmarkmið rannsóknarinnar er að rannsaka, lýsa og túlka hugmyndir og skilning grunnskólakennara í ...
  • Ramesh, R.; Chen, Z.; Cummins, V.; Day, J.; D’Elia, C.; Dennison, B.; Forbes, D.L.; Glaeser, B.; Glaser, M.; Glavovic, B.; Kremer, H.; Lange, M.; Larsen, Joan Nymand; Le Tissier, M.; Newton, A.; Pelling, M.; Purvaja, R.; Wolanski, E. (Elsevier BV, 2015-12)
    The Land–ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project was established in 1993 as a core project of the International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme (IGBP) to provide the science knowledge to answer “How will changes in land use, sea level and ...
  • Kristinsson, Sigurdur (Elsevier BV, 2016-12)
    Surrogate motherhood has been prohibited by Icelandic law since 1996, but in recent years, Icelandic couples have soughttransnational surrogacy in India and the United States despite uncertainties about legal parental status as they return to Iceland ...
  • Roos, Eirik; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Svavarsdóttir, Margrét Hrönn; Steinsbekk, Aslak (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017-12-16)
    Background: The discharge process from hospital to home for patients with severe mental illness (SMI) is often complex, and most are in need of tailored and coordinated community services at home. One solution is to discharge patients to inpatient ...
  • Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2018-12-31)
    Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða líðan leik- og grunnskólakennara í lok vinnudags og starfsaðstæður þeirra til að komast að því hvaða þættir í starfsumhverfi þeirra ýmist skapa eða draga úr góðri líðan á vinnustað. Settar voru ...
  • Rafnsdóttir, Gudbjörg Linda; Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2019-11-18)
    Líðan leikskólakennara og leiðbeinenda, svo og aðbúnaður á vinnustað, er meðal þess sem getur haft áhrif á leikskólabörn og þroskaferil þeirra. Því er brýnt að rannsaka líðan þessara starfshópa og hvaða þættir í vinnuumhverfinu styðja við eða draga úr ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019-02-01)
    The increased importance of social media platforms and network media logic merging with traditional media logic are a trademark of modern hybrid systems of political communication. This article looks at this development through the media-use by ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur (SAGE Publications, 2009-05-20)
    Preferred emigration destinations among adolescents reflect images and stereotypes of other countries that continuously emerge in a multitude of local and global discourses and from concrete experiences with other countries. The affinities of Icelandic ...
  • Nilsson, Annika E.; Larsen, Joan Nymand (MDPI AG, 2020-01-31)
    Since the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015, efforts are underway to identify indicators for monitoring progress. However, perceptions of sustainability are scale and place specific, and there has also been a call for ...
  • Oddsson, Guðmundur; Hill, Andrew (Félagsfræðingafélag Íslands, 2021-04-29)
    Markmið rannsóknarinnar eru að kortleggja þróun mannafla íslensku lögreglunnar frá árinu 2007, skoða lögregluna í evrópskum samanburði og greina upplifun dreifbýlislögreglumanna af helstu áskorunum þeirra og bjargráðum. Notast er við fyrirliggjandi ...
  • Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad; Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína (University of Aberdeen, 2018-08-11)
    This article is situated within the Arctic Regions North Norway and North/East Iceland. It presents a study on what motivates adults in Arctic regions to apply for and complete a Master’s degree in Education. Motivation is examined in relation to ...
  • Hreiðarsdóttir, Anna Elísa; Dýrfjörð, Kristín (The Educational Research Institute, 2019-11-18)
    Greinin fjallar um mat og þátttöku leikskólabarna í rannsókn um sköpunarsmiðjur í leikskólanum þeirra og var tilgangurinn að rýna í hvernig börn upplifðu þátttöku í rannsókninni. Bakgrunnur rannsóknarinnar byggir á ákvæði í Barnasáttmála Sameinuðu ...
  • Höller, Peter; Trinka, Eugen; Höller, Yvonne (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-04-05)
    High frequency oscillations (HFOs) are electroencephalographic correlates of brain activity detectable in a frequency range above 80 Hz. They co-occur with physiological processes such as saccades, movement execution, and memory formation, but are also ...
  • Guðjónsson, Sigurður (Viðskiptafræðideild og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, viðskiptafræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík og Seðlabanki Íslands, 2017-06-30)
    This critical literature review begins by giving a short introduction to the microfinance industry. Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are explained and an account is given of their dual performance goals of financial performance (‘financial sustainability’) ...
  • Seyfrit, Carole L.; Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Ólafsson, Kjartan (Informa UK Limited, 2010-11-02)
    Rural communities in Iceland have been profoundly affected by natural resource management policies. As part of a regional development strategy, a large aluminum smelter and 650-megawatt hydroelectric plant were built in the sparsely populated Eastfjords ...
  • Sveinbjornsdottir, Sigrun; Thorsteinsson, Einar; Lingam, Govinda Ishwar (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2017)
    A two-dimensional theory of adolescent coping with cross-cultural and cross-Human Development Index Categories (HDI) application was tested: the Measure of Adolescent Coping Strategies (MACS). The MACS was answered by 809 adolescents of diverse origins ...
  • Frímannsson, Gudmundur Heidar (HERMES History Education Research Network, 2017-01-18)
    In this article I attempt to answer the question - is there is a conceptual link between moral and historical consciousness? I shall first discuss moral concepts and moral development; try to explore what they mean, and what they involve. In doing ...
  • Hauksdóttir, Hildur; Steingrímsdóttir, María; Svanbjörnsdóttir, Birna María (The Educational Research Institute, 2018-12-21)
    Fyrstu tvö árin í starfi hafa mikilvæg áhrif á fagmennsku kennara. Í greininni er sjónum beint að mótun starfskenningar nýrra framhaldsskólakennara til að skilja betur hvaða þættir ráða þar för. Rannsóknin er byggð á eigindlegum gögnum.1 Í ársbyrjun ...