Háskóli Íslands

University of Iceland

Undirflokkar í þessum flokki

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  • Choudhary, Dhawal; Mediani, Laura; Avellaneda, Mario J.; Bjarnason, Sveinn; Alberti, Simon; Boczek, Edgar E.; Heidarsson, Pétur O.; Mossa, Alessandro; Carra, Serena; Tans, Sander J.; Cecconi, Ciro (American Chemical Society (ACS), 2023-07-06)
    Small Heat Shock Proteins (sHSPs) are key components of our Protein Quality Control system and are thought to act as reservoirs that neutralize irreversible protein aggregation. Yet, sHSPs can also act as sequestrases, promoting protein sequestration ...
  • Li, Dongzhe; Haldar, Soumyajyoti; Kollwitz, Leo; Schrautzer, Hendrik; Goerzen, Moritz A.; Heinze, Stefan (American Physical Society (APS), 2024-06-10)
    Using first-principles calculations and atomistic spin simulations, we predict stable isolated skyrmions with a diameter below 10 nm in a monolayer of the two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnet Fe5⁢GeTe2, a material of significant experimental ...
  • Dellinger, Marion; Steele, Sarah Elizabeth; Sprockel, Evert; Joris, Philip; Pálsson, Arnar; Benhaïm, David (The Royal Society, 2023-12-13)
    Animal personality has been shown to be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and shaped by natural selection. Currently, little is known about mechanisms influencing the development of personality traits. This study examines the extent ...
  • Bjarnason, Sveinn; McIvor, Jordan A.P.; Prestel, Andreas; Demény, Kinga S.; Bullerjahn, Jakob T.; Kragelund, Birthe B.; Mercadante, Davide; Heiðarsson, Pétur O. (Springer, 2024-02-16)
    More than 1600 human transcription factors orchestrate the transcriptional machinery to control gene expression and cell fate. Their function is conveyed through intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) containing activation or repression domains but ...
  • Tverijonaite, Edita; Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Ólafsdóttir, Rannveig; Hall, C. Michael (2023-05-27)
    The growing popularity of nature-based tourism means that the tourism industry is increasingly utilizing wilderness areas to provide visitor experiences. However, tourism activities negatively impact wilderness quality. Tourism service providers play ...
  • Kazemi, Masoumeh (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2025-01)
    The present thesis is devoted to a theoretical analysis of optical excitonic response and magnetic lattice dynamics in two-dimensional materials, in particular monolayers of CrI3 . Combining the results of DFT and Bethe-Salpeter simulations ...
  • Staub, Maya; Gursch, Ann-Marie; Puschmann, Anne-Katrin; de Witt Huberts, Jessie; Müller, Juliane; Wippert, Pia-Maria (Pabst, 2018)
    Ziel: Inwiefern physio- oder trainingstherapeutische Programme bei chronisch unspezifischen Ruckenschmerzen (CURS) nachhaltig wirksam sind, hangt masgeblich von der Compliance der Teilnehmer ab. Ziel der Studie ist es daher, aus Sicht der Behandler zu ...
  • de la Cámara, Marina (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2025-01)
    Exploring the genetic basis of ecological diversification is crucial to understand how diversity is generated and maintained. The overall aim of this thesis is to disentangle the genetic basis behind the ecological differentiation of the Arctic charr ...
  • Olagunju, Olanrewaju (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, 2024-12-19)
    This dissertation provides an economic assessment of catfish farming in Nigeria and offers actionable recommendations for revitalization. Data collection was conducted in two phases: a preliminary study involving 30 farms took place from July to August ...
  • Arnadottir, Sigurveig (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 2024-12)
    Jöklar ísaldar og vatnsföll hafa grafið sig inn í fjölda megineldstöðva sem mynduðust á Íslandi á Míósen og Plíósen og því má nú með góðu móti kanna innviði margra þeirra og rannsaka um leið gerð og þróun slíkra eldfjalla. Ritgerð þessi fjallar um ...
  • Hreinsdóttir, Steinunn (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology, 2025-02-07)
    In this dissertation and through the phenomenology of the body, I explore the nature of touch, affect and implicit meaning in the formation of meaning in Luce Irigaray’s philosophy linked to her concept of sexual difference, embodiment and action in ...
  • Erlendsdóttir, Guðlaug (University of Iceland, School of Education, 2025-01-14)
    Í gegnum tíðina, hefur alþjóða samfélagið samþykkt og staðfest ýmsar alþjóðlegar yfirlýsingar er varða menntun og mannréttindi. Fyrsta slíka samþykktin leit dagsins ljós árið 1948 þegar Sameinuðu Þjóðirnar birtu yfirlýsingu þar sem fram kom að allir ...
  • Theodorsson, Unnar (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration, 2024-11)
    This doctoral dissertation aimed to critically examine talent management practices in large commercial banks and how these practices influence employee experiences and relationships. By emphasizing the employee perspective, this study addressed a gap ...
  • Henke, Theresa (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2025-01)
    Biological invasions are a global phenomenon representing one of the biggest threats to biodiversity. Addressing species introductions, often marked by context dependency, requires the incorporation of multiple perspectives and disciplines to develop ...
  • Nagy, Vivien (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024-12)
    Kítósan er náttúruleg fjölliða með víðtækt notagildi. Hún er örveruhemjandi, óeitruð og hefur lífsamrýmanleika auk þess að vera niðurbrjótanleg. Þessir eiginleikar gera fjölliðuna áhugaverða til notkunar í lyfja- og læknisfræðilegum tilgangi. Rannsóknir ...
  • Olson, Sarah Christine (2024-12)
    To stay within the 1.5 degree warming limit, changes to lifestyle and personal consumption are necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change. From a consumptive perspective, the emissions from affluent countries and individuals are greatly exceeding ...
  • Palsson, Arnar; Steele, Sarah Elizabeth (Wiley, 2023-05-31)
    Adaptations occur at many levels, for example, from DNA sequence of regulatory elements and cellular homeostatic systems to organismal physiology and behaviour (Mayr, 1997). Established adaptations are maintained by purifying and stabilizing selection. ...
  • Jónsdóttir, Guðbjörg Ósk; von Elm, Laura-Marie; Ingimarsson, Finnur; Tersigni, Samuel; Snorrason, Sigurður Sveinn; Pálsson, Arnar; Steele, Sarah Elizabeth (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2024-05-21)
    The diversity of functional feeding anatomy is particularly impressive in fishes and correlates with various interspecific ecological specializations. Intraspecific polymorphism can manifest in divergent feeding morphology and ecology, often along a ...
  • Iqbal, Atef (University of Iceland, Faculty of Physical Science, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2024-11-29)
    The world population is rising dramatically over the next 80 years, potentially reached to 11 billion people before stabilizing at the end of the century. This population growth will need higher food production, which can be accomplished more efficiently ...
  • Raudsepp, Johanna (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental engineering, 2024-12)
    The thesis explores the connections between the urban environment, travel behaviour and wellbeing with a mixed methods approach, focusing on the Nordic countries. Despite being hailed as climate leaders, Nordic countries’ travel footprints are exceeding ...
