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Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Department "Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies (UI)"

Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Department "Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies (UI)"

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  • Brynjólfsson, Guðmundur S. (University of Iceland, 2022-05)
    Í þessari ritgerð er könnuð staða skáldsins og þýðandans Jóns Óskars á íslenskum menningarvettvangi. Höfundarverki Jóns er fylgt eftir frá því hann fer að láta að sér kveða opinberlega á fimmta áratug síðustu aldar og nánast allt þar til hann lést 20. ...
  • Ingason, Anton; Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr; Wood, Jim (Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum, 2016)
    Þessi grein fjallar um föst orðasambönd þar sem tiltekin sögn og tiltekið andlag hennar eru túlkuð á sérstakan hátt sem ekki er fyrirsegjanlegur út frá merkingu einstakra orða. Við ræðum samspil tiltekinna setningagerða í íslensku og túlkunar á ...
  • Bade, Stefanie (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2023-06-19)
    Iceland has long been a monolingual and monoethnic society, with the Icelandic language serving as a key element in the construction and maintenance of national identity. As numbers and percentages of first-generation, L2 speakers have risen substantially ...
  • Tarsi, Matteo (Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, 2018)
    This article deals with the history and word formation of the Icelandic word for ‘police’, i.e. lögregla. The word constitutes an interesting case of word formation in that said lexeme is a dvandva compound whose creation is related to the expression að ...
  • Benediktsdóttir, Ásta Kristín; Sverrisdóttir, Rannveig (Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2017)
  • Nowenstein, Iris; Guðmundsdóttir, Dagbjört; Sigurjónsdóttir, Sigríður (Samtök móðurmálskennara, 2018)
    Er aukin enska í málumhverfi íslenskra barna alltaf á kostnað íslenskunnar? Getur tæknin stuðlað að bættum málþroska barna? Eða ýtt undir tileinkun nýrra mála? Greinarhöfundar rýna hér í rannsóknir sem gefa vísbendingar um svörin við þessum spurningum, ...
  • Tarsi, Matteo (Edizioni dell'Orso, 2019)
  • Santanicchia, Massimo (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, School of Education, 2022-10)
    Becoming Cosmopolitan Citizen Architects: A Reflection on Architectural Education in a Nordic–Baltic Perspective This doctoral thesis contributes to the discussion of how architectural education can be advanced to respond better to the current climate ...
  • Jónsdóttir, Margrét (Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum, 2016)
    Eiginnafnið Ester (Esther) er áhugavert af ýmsum ástæðum. Í þessari grein er skýrt frá beygingarsögu nafnsins. Fjallað er um eftirfarandi atriði: 1. Nafnið Ester kemur fyrst fyrir í Guðbrandsbiblíu (1584), fyrstu íslensku Biblíuútgáfunni 2. Í ...
  • Aðalsteinsdóttir, Auður (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Íslensku- og menningardeild, 2016-02)
    Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um vald ritdómara og virkni ritdóma á íslensku bókmenntasviði sem og í alþjóðlegu samhengi, allt frá upphafi fjölmiðlunar til dagsins í dag. Sýnt er fram á að vald ritdómarans er ætíð ótraust og að hann á sífellt á hættu ...
  • Nowenstein, Iris Edda (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2023)
    The Icelandic case marking system has for decades proved an important testing ground for theories on case and productivity. This is in part because Icelandic has the rare property of marking argument function redundantly, with both rich morphological ...
  • Stanićević, Ana (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2023-06-12)
    The dissertation analyses the phenomenon of small presses in the Nordic countries in the early twenty-first century (2000–2022). The first two decades of this century have been marked by an explosion of small presses in the Nordic region. This can be ...
  • Westcoat, Eirik (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2021-08)
    This work investigates the Icelandic folktale figure known as the kraftaskáld (power poet, hereafter anglicized as kraftaskald). Prominent in Icelandic folklore of the Post-Reformation period of the sixteenth through early twentieth centuries, these ...
  • Rosatti, Stefano (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2022-04)
    Abstract This dissertation focuses above all on Clemente Rebora’s epistolary: that of 1916, 1920-1923 and 1913-1914 respectively. In Chapter I, the analysis concerns the period, following a war accident and its very serious consequences on his ...
  • Sigurjónsdóttir, Sigríður; Nowenstein, Iris; Þorvaldsdóttir, Þorbjörg; Guðmundsdóttir, Dagbjört (Cascadilla Press, 2020)
    onsidering work on quantitative input effects and the possible distributive characteristics of bilingual knowledge (e.g. Pearson et al. 1997; Oller, Pearson & Cobo-Lewis 2007; Thordardottir 2011 and 2014; Paradis & Grüter 2014; Unsworth 2015 ...
  • Yucheng, Jia (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2022-12-05)
    Literary translation means not only transition from a source text to a target text, but also reconstruction of contexts in the target text as much close as to those with the source text. Although the accepted view that there is no absolute in literary ...
  • Ingason, Anton Karl (Ubiquity Press, Ltd., 2016-10-04)
    This squib studies the order in which elements are added to the shared context of interlocutors in a conversation. It focuses on context updates within one hierarchical structure and argues that structurally higher elements are entered into the context ...
  • Tarsi, Matteo (Isländska sällskapet, 2017-12-21)
    The article deals with the birth of a linguistic norm in Iceland and Italy. The dis­cussion focuses on four works, which lay the foundations for the discussion of grammar and poetics in their respective vernaculars, namely Dante Alighieri’s De vulgari ...
  • Cordier, Lionel (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2020-12-08)
  • Werth, Romina (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2023)
    Responding to the rapid growth of interest in the intersections between folklore and Old Norse literature in the field of Old Norse studies in recent years, this study aims at renewing and expanding the discussion on the relation between the fairy tale ...