Opin vísindi: Recent submissions

  • Carraro, Ugo; Alberty, Marie Sophie; Anton, Stephen; Barbieri, Elena; Bersch, Ines; Bosco, Gerardo; Coraci, Daniele; Forni, Riccardo; Gargiulo, Paolo; Gentil, Paulo; Gorgey, Ashraf S.; Maccarone, Maria Chiara; Mayr, Winfried; Messina, Giuseppe; Perrin, Philippe; Pietrangelo, Tiziana; Quadrelli, Marco; Sestili, Piero; Tavian, Daniela; Tognolo, Lucrezia; Masiero, Stefano (2024)
    Scientific conferences increasingly suffer from the need for short presentations in which speakers like to dwell on the details of their work. A mitigating factor is to encourage discussion and planning of collaborations by organizing small meetings ...
  • Beres, Stephen B.; Olsen, Randall J.; Long, S. Wesley; Langley, Ross; Williams, Thomas; Erlendsdóttir, Helga; Smith, Andrew; Kristinsson, Karl Gústaf; Musser, James M. (2024-03-28)
    Group A Streptococcus isolates of the recently described M1UK clade have emerged to cause human infections in several European countries and elsewhere. Full-genome sequence analysis of M1 isolates discovered a close genomic relationship between some ...
  • McInally, Wendy; Taylor, Vanessa; de los Rios de la Serna, Celia Diez; Sulosaari, Virpi; Trigoso, Eugenia; Gomes, Sara Margarida Rodrigues; Dias, Ana Rita Cesario; Piskorjanac, Silvija; Tanay, Mary Anne; Hálfdánardóttir, Halldóra; Dowling, Maura (2024-08)
    The European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) is a pan-European not for profit society involving approximately 28,000 cancer nurses from 32 countries in the region. The European College of Cancer Nursing (ECCN) exists under the umbrella of EONS and was ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Dooley, Therese; Corcoran, Dolores; Ryan, Miriam (St Patricks College, 2011)
    This article describes a research on students’ views of what constitutes good mathematics teaching. A questionnaire with open ended questions was given to 106 students in six different mathematics classes, with five different teachers, in four different ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Durant-Guerrier, Viviane; Soury-Lavergne, Sophy; Arzarello, Ferdinando (Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique, 2009)
    The first Icelandic textbook in geometry was published in 1889. Its declared aim was to avoid formal proofs. Concurrently geometry instruction was being debated in Europe; whether it should be taught as purely deductive science, or built on experiments ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Pytlak, Marta; Rowland, Tim; Swoboda, Ewa (Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2011)
    ‘Modern math’ was implemented in Icelandic schools at all levels in the 1960s. It was introduced to parents at meetings and by media articles, interviews and a television programme in 17 episodes. It is argued that the information was presented by ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín (2012)
    Living conditions in Iceland worsened in the period 1600–1800, and the greatest lava flow on earth in historical times in 1783–84 was accompanied with severe earthquakes and famine. Concurrently, the Enlightenment movement, channelled from Germany ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Halldórsson, Bjarni Vilhjálmur; Barbin, Evelyn; Janquist, Uffe Thomas; Kjeldsen, T.H.; Smestad, Björn; Tzanakis, C. (Oslo Metropolitan University, 2019)
    The treatise Algorismus is a complete prose translation of the Latin hexameter Carmen de Algorismo into the medieval Old Norse language. Carmen is dated in 1202, written by the French canon Alexander de Villa-Dei. The treatise explains for the first ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Furinghetti, Fulvia; Kajser, Sten; Tzanakis, Constantinos (2004)
    In the 19th century, only one learned school existed in Iceland, where the population was 47,000 in 1801 and 72,000 in 1880. Considering the circumstances, the Learned School enjoyed excellent mathematics teaching in the period 1822–1862, when the ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Pitta-Pantazi, D.; Philippou, C. (University of Cyprus and ERME, 2007)
    Mathematics education in Iceland was behind that of its neighbouring countries up to the 1960s, when radical ideas of implementing logic and set theory into school mathematics reached Iceland, mainly from Denmark. Introduction of ‘modern’ mathematics ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Barbin, Evelyne; Kronfellner, Manfred; Tzanakis, Constantinos (TU WIEN Technische Universität Wien, 2011)
    Icelandic arithmetic books from the 18th century, printed and in manuscripts, adhered to the European structure of practical arithmetic textbooks, formed in the late Middle Ages: The number concept, numeration, the four operations in whole numbers and ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Janquist, Uffe Thomas (2013)
    In this paper two nineteenth century Icelandic arithmetic textbooks are investigated, both written according to the late medieval tradition of libri di abbaco, practical textbooks. The authors were influenced by the German Protestant tradition that ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Radford, Luis; Furinghetti, Fulvia; Hausberger, Thomas (IREM de Montpellier, 2016)
    The New Math was implemented in Iceland with the intention to facilitate understanding in the midst of increased demands for education for all. The article contains an analysis and comparison of typical papers in a selective entrance examination into ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Krainer, Konrad; Vondrova, Nada (2016)
    In a seminar on new thinking in school mathematics, held in Royaumont, France, in 1959, one of the main speakers, Jean Dieudonné, summarized the new schoolmathematics programme he had in mind in the sentence: Down with Euclid. The purpose of the article ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín (Rannsóknarstofnun Kennaraháskóla Íslands, 2005)
    Í greininni er fjallað um stærðfræðimenntun við Kennaraskóla Íslands, fræðslulögin 1946 og lög um menntun kennara frá 1947 og árangur nemenda á landsprófi í völdum skólum borinn saman við aðstæður og menntun kennara þeirra og menntun stærðfræðikennara ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Bergsten, Christer; Grevholm, Barbro; Strømskag Måsøval, Heidi (Tapir Academic Press, 2007)
    The importance of understanding concepts and procedures is emphasized in most mathematics textbooks written in Iceland, from the earliest writings in Icelandic up to present day. Simultaneously, assertions are found at regular intervals that the emphasis ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Winslow, Carl (Sense Publisher, 2009)
    Regula de Tri, the Rule of Three, is in its simplest form a way of computing the fourth proportional in an equation of two ratios. It was an indispensable topic in Iceland from the first textbooks in arithmetic in the 18th century until the 1970s. ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín (2018)
    During the centuries, ordinary people in Iceland had few opportunities to study mathematics and few reasons to apply it. Instead, Icelanders have composed verses since medieval times, adhering to complex rules of rhymes and alliteration. They have ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Halldórsson, Bjarni Vilhjálmur; Guðmundsson, Einar H.; Brynjarsdóttir, Eyja Margrét; Karlsson, Gunnar; Vésteinsson, Orri; Jakobsson, Sverrir (Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2010)