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Browsing Greinar- HÍ by Title

Browsing Greinar- HÍ by Title

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  • Teitsdóttir, Unnur Diljá; Arnardottir, Erna Sif; Björnsdóttir, Erla; Gislason, Thorarinn; Petersen, Petur Henry (Springer Nature, 2018-10-11)
    Purpose The inflammatory markers chitinase-3-like protein 1 (CHI3L1) and chitotriosidase (CHIT1) have both been associated with cardiovascular complications. The aim of this preliminary observational study was to assess the roles and interaction ...
  • Geirsdottir, Olof; Chang, Milan; Jónsson, Pálmi V.; Thorsdottir, Inga; Ramel, Alfons (Hindawi Limited, 2019-02-18)
    Objectives. Obesity-related physiological changes can limit improvements of obese subjects after training. The aim was to investigate obesity, muscular strength, and physical function in community-dwelling nonsarcopenic old adults. Methods. Nonsarcopenic ...
  • Liu, Danfeng; Wang, Liguo; Benediktsson, Jon Atli (MDPI AG, 2020-05-21)
    Most of the available hyperspectral image (HSI) visualization methods can be considered as data-oriented approaches. These approaches are based on global data, so it is difficult to optimize display of a specific object. Compared to data-oriented ...
  • Hajihoseini, Hamidreza; Kateb, Movaffaq; Ingvarsson, Snorri; Gudmundsson, Jon Tomas (Beilstein Institut, 2019-09-20)
    Background: Oblique angle deposition is known for yielding the growth of columnar grains that are tilted in the direction of the deposition flux. Using this technique combined with high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) can induce unique ...
  • Waldherr, Max; Lundt, Nils; Klaas, Martin; Betzold, Simon; Wurdack, Matthias; Baumann, Vasilij; Estrecho, Eliezer; Nalitov, Anton; Cherotchenko, Evgenia; Cai, Hui; Ostrovskaya, Elena A.; Kavokin, Alexey V.; Tongay, Sefaattin; Klembt, Sebastian; Höfling, Sven; Schneider, Christian (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-08-16)
    Bosonic condensation belongs to the most intriguing phenomena in physics, and was mostly reserved for experiments with ultra-cold quantum gases. More recently, it became accessible in exciton-based solid-state systems at elevated temperatures. Here, ...
  • Huang, Guo-yuan; Ohlsson, Tommy; Zhou, Shun (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-04-05)
    We investigate possible interactions between neutrinos and massive scalar bosons via g ϕ ¯ ν ν ϕ (or massive vector bosons via g V ¯ ν γ μ ν V μ ) and explore the allowed parameter space of the coupling constant g ϕ (or g V ) ...
  • Cano, Zach; Wang, Shan-Qin; Dai, Zi-Gao; Wu, Xue-Feng (Hindawi Limited, 2017)
    We present a detailed report of the connection between long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their accompanying supernovae (SNe). The discussion presented here places emphasis on how observations, and the modelling of observations, have constrained ...
  • Farioli, Andrea; Straif, Kurt; Brandi, Giovanni; Curti, Stefania; Kjaerheim, Kristina; Martinsen, Jan Ivar; Sparen, Pär; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Biasco, Guido; Violante, Francesco Saverio; Mattioli, Stefano; Pukkala, Eero (BMJ, 2017-11-13)
    Objectives To assess the association between occupational exposure to asbestos and the risk of cholangiocarcinoma (CC). Methods We conducted a case–control study nested in the Nordic Occupational Cancer (NOCCA) cohort. We studied 1458 intrahepatic ...
  • Strøm, John Fredrik; Rikardsen, Audun Håvard; Campana, Steven; Righton, David; Carr, Jonathan; Aarestrup, Kim; Stokesbury, Michael J. W.; Gargan, Patrick; Javierre, Pablo Caballero; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-05-27)
    Predation and mortality are often difcult to estimate in the ocean, which hampers the management and conservation of marine fshes. We used data from pop-up satellite archival tags to investigate the ocean predation and mortality of adult Atlantic ...
  • Vilmundardóttir, Olga Kolbrún; Sigurmundsson, Friðþór Sófus; Pedersen, Gro; Belart, Joaquín M. C.; Kizel, Fadi; Falco, Nicola; Benediktsson, Jon Atli; Gísladóttir, Guðrún (SAGE Publications, 2018-10-07)
    Lava flows pose a hazard in volcanic environments and reset ecosystem development. A succession of dated lava flows provides the possibility to estimate the direction and rates of ecosystem development and can be used to predict future development. We ...
  • Sigurgeirsdóttir, Sigurbjörg (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2015)
    Þessi rannsókn snýst um hugmyndir og hagsmuni í heilbrigðisþjónustu á Íslandi. Rannsóknin lýsir því hvernig annars vegar hugmyndin um heilsugæsluna sem fyrsta viðkomustað sjúklinga í heilbrigðiskerfinu og hugmyndin um það að sjúklingar eigi að hafa ...
  • Kjartansdóttir, Skúlína Hlíf; Hjartarson, Torfi; Pétursdóttir, Svava (Frontiers Media SA, 2020-09-04)
    This paper presents findings from a collective case study focusing on the efforts of a grassroots team of seven pioneering women: teachers, IT consultants, and tech enthusiasts. The team was formed to introduce, encourage, and establish makerspaces in ...
  • Bergsteinsson, Jason Már; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar; Óskarsson, Guðmundur Kristján (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2017)
    Markmið greinarinnar er að kanna umfang og eðli ofmenntunar á íslenskum vinnumarkaði. Úrtak rannsóknarinnar byggðist á tilviljunarúrtaki úr þjóðská sem Þjóðmálakönnun Félagsvísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands framkvæmdi 9. mars til 9. apríl 2016. Könnunin ...
  • Egilsson, Jón (Informa UK Limited, 2019-04-16)
    We propose a new exchange rate model using interest rate differential (IRD) time series as the input, and we fit the new model with empirical data for calibration. We assume that exchange rate modeling cannot be based on the response to a single shock ...
  • Tarsi, Matteo (Háskólinn á Akureyri, 2014)
    This article focuses on the Icelandic lexis' history by analysing the loanwords of Latin origin in it. The corpus examined traverses the history of Icelandic through its whole. The borrowings are divided into four main waves, ...
  • Hannesdottir, Holmfridur; Gudmundsson, Jon Tomas (IOP Publishing, 2017-03-27)
    We apply particle-in-cell simulations with Monte Carlo collisions to study the influence of the singlet metastable states on the ion energy distribution in single and dual frequency capacitively coupled oxygen discharges. For this purpose, the ...
  • Helgadottir, Asdis; Guittet, Arthur; Gibou, Frédéric (Hindawi Limited, 2018-10-17)
    We analyze the accuracy of two numerical methods for the variable coefficient Poisson equation with discontinuities at an irregular interface. Solving the Poisson equation with discontinuities at an irregular interface is an essential part of solving ...
  • Harðarson, Gísli (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-12-23)
    In this paper I review the locality domains of contextual allomorphy, contextual allosemy and morphophonology with a special emphasis on compounds. I show that when the applications of these processes within compounds are compared, we observe a distinction ...
  • Levi, Gianluca; Biasin, Elisa; Dohn, Asmus O.; Jónsson, Hannes (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2020)
    Copper(I) bis-phenanthroline complexes represent Earth-abundant alternatives to ruthenium-based sensitizers for solar energy conversion and photocatalysis. Improved understanding of the solvent- mediated excited-state structural dynamics can help ...
  • Mandal, Sucharita; Sigurdsson, Snorri (Wiley, 2020-05-12)
    1,3‐Bis(diphenylene)‐2‐phenylallyl (BDPA)‐based radicals are of interest as polarizing agents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). For this purpose, a BDPA‐nitroxide biradical, employing a phosphodiester linkage, was synthesized. Contrary to what ...