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Browsing by Subject "Heimspeki"

Browsing by Subject "Heimspeki"

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  • Brynjarsdóttir, Eyja (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018-04-20)
    This paper argues that philosophical practice in the Western world, in particular analytic philosophy, suffers from problems that contribute to its lack of diversity in two senses: the exclusion of women and minorities, and a narrow choice of subjects ...
  • Watson, Ian (State University of New Jersey, 2005-05)
    Following in the tradition of studies of categorization in everyday life, this dissertation focuses on the specific case of sets of categories. The concept of the "contrast set," developed by cognitive anthropologists in the 1950s, is the central ...
  • Unnsteinsson, Elmar (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2016-04)
    Speakers are confused about identity if they mistake one thing for two or two things for one. I present two plausible models of confusion, the Frege model and the Millikan model. I show how a prominent objection to Fregean models fails and argue that ...
  • Sigurðarson, Eiríkur Smári (Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet, 2017-04-01)
    An exploration of Aristotle's ideal of science between the philosophy of Plato and the "historical" research best exemplified by Herodotus.
  • Konchak, William (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2018-11)
    This dissertation draws upon philosopher Pierre Hadot’s conception of philosophy as a way of life, which views philosophy as a process of self-transformation through engaging in practices (which Hadot characterizes as spiritual exercises) alongside ...
  • Unnsteinsson, Elmar (Wiley, 2018-05-23)
    Many philosophers have argued or taken for granted that Frege's puzzle has little or nothing to do with identity statements. I show that this is wrong, arguing that the puzzle can only be motivated relative to a thinker's beliefs about the identity or ...
  • Konchak, William (Philosophy Documentation Center, 2020)
    This paper explores the Greek conception of theoria, Gadamer’s interpretation of it, and how he applies it to his own hermeneutics. In particular, the transition that Gadamer makes from traditional metaphysical perspectives of theoria in ancient thought ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Kolbrún Þ. (2016-12-31)
    Í þessari grein mun höfundur skoða hvernig merkingar- og tilgangshyggja Páls Skúlasonar heimspekings varpar ljósi á tengsl formlegs og óformlegs náms. Heimspeki Páls byggist einkum á tveimur áhrifamiklum straumum, annars vegar tilvistarspeki og hins ...
  • Kalmansson, Jón Ásgeir (Menntavísindasvið, Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018-12-31)
    Í greininni er sjónum beint að heimspekilegri orðræðu um hjartað og grafist fyrir um merkingu og mikilvægi þessa hugtaks í siðfræðilegu samhengi. Fyrst er rætt um hjartað í ljósi hefðarinnar og upprunalegs skilnings á heimspeki sem viskuást. Þá ...
  • Brynjarsdóttir, Eyja (Cornell University, 2007-08)
    This thesis explores the prospects of a distinction between subjective and objective properties in terms of how they are instantiated. While there are many ways in which the subjective can be separated from the objective, the one that interests ...
  • Sigurðarson, Eiríkur Smári (Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2016-12-15)
    Í þessari grein er fyrsta saga sagnfræði og heimspeki sögð í gegnum notkun orðanna historía og filosofiía frá upphafi í Forngrikklandi til fjórðu aldar f.o.t. Þá höfðu orðin öðlast sess sem nöfn á tveimur aðskildum – en umdeildum – fræðigreinum. Sérstök ...
  • Sandberg, Ole (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2021-05-23)
    Claims about human nature are unavoidable in political theory. A theory about which social arrangements are best for human beings must make some claims about the nature of the human beings - how they behave, what they desire, etc. These anthropological ...
  • Jónsson, Ólafur Páll (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-06)
    Í síðasta fyrirlestri fjallaði ég m.a. um gildi, margbreytileika, mennsku og stimplun. Af þessum viðfangsefnum má kannski segja að mennskan sé grundvöllurinn: það er vegna mennsku okkar sem sum gildi eru mikilvæg, margbreytileikinn endurspeglar ólíkar ...
  • Brynjarsdóttir, Eyja (Félag áhugamanna um heimspeki, 2017)
    Analytic philosophy has for a long time had the image of not being a field where social criticism is practiced. Instead, it gives the impression of putting all the emphasis on abstract concepts that have little or no application to current affairs. In ...
  • Sigurðarson, Eiríkur Smári (Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet, 2015-04-01)
    In this paper Plato's ideas of sleep are analysed and the role of sleep in his philosophical reflections, in particular the ideas expressed in the Republic about preparing for sleep in order to free the soul in sleep.
  • Sigurjonsson, Njordur (City University, London, 2009)
    Variations on the act of listening: Twenty-one orchestra audience development events in light of John Dewey’s ‘art as experience’ metaphor This thesis is a contribution to a critical debate about the role and impact of audience development theory on ...
  • Halldórsdóttir, Nanna Hlín (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2018-09-28)
    In recent years, the concept of vulnerability has gained momentum both in feminist philosophy and as an interdisciplinary concept. The philosopher Judith Butler is well known for exposing how hidden ontological assumptions permeate social institutions ...
  • Harris, Daniel W.; Unnsteinsson, Elmar (Informa UK Limited, 2017-12-05)
    Many philosophers have assumed, without argument, that Wittgenstein influenced Austin. More often, however, this is vehemently denied, especially by those who knew Austin personally. We compile and assess the currently available evidence for Wittgenstein’s ...