Title: | Cognitive design. Creating the sets of categories and labels that structure our shared experience |
Author: | |
Advisor: | Eviatar Zerubavel |
Date: | 2005-05 |
Language: | English |
University/Institute: | State University of New Jersey |
Subject: | Félagsfræði; Félagsvísindi; Heimspeki; Doktorsritgerðir |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/732 |
Abstract:Following in the tradition of studies of categorization in everyday life, this dissertation
focuses on the specific case of sets of categories. The concept of the "contrast set," developed
by cognitive anthropologists in the 1950s, is the central focus of analysis. Canonical examples
of everyday life contrast sets include alphabets, identification numbers, standard pitches,
and the elements of geographical categorizations. This dissertation focuses on the design
issues surrounding the deliberate, conscious construction of such sets (rather than on
contrast sets which are natural or emergent). The chapters focus respectively on the creation
of contrast sets; the way contrast sets are used as labels for other contrast sets; the use of
rules, principles, and set topologies in this labeling process; the standardization and
institutionalization of contrast sets; the way in which people justify, legitimate, and attempt
to change standardized contrast sets; and the ways people learn about unfamiliar contrast
The dissertation uses the method of pattern analysis. It identifies and describes
abstract social forms, gives numerous concrete examples of each form, and includes sixty
images. The goal is to understand a recurrent type of human activity that affects and
structures many everyday life experiences. The dissertation is practically oriented as well,
and directly addresses the concerns of those responsible for designing contrast sets for public
Description:A Dissertation submitted to the
Graduate School — New Brunswick
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy