Doktorsritgerðir- HÍ: Recent submissions

  • Mörk, Svava Björg (University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, 2022-01)
    The project is an empirical qualitative research that aims to explore the concept of the “third space” as a collaborative learning arena with partners in Icelandic preschool teacher education. The explicit focus is preschool teacher education, specifically ...
  • Byrne, Conor (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, 2021-11)
    The Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) approach to fisheries management has been promoted as a way to improve efficiency by reducing biological and economic overfishing. However, ITQ´s have also been challenged from environmental and social perspectives ...
  • Olafsson, Bragi (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild, 2022-02)
    Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um handritasöfnun Jóns Sigurðssonar forseta. Markmið hennar er þríþætt. Í fyrsta lagi að varpa ljósi á tilgang söfnunarinnar og þá hvata er lágu þar að baki, í öðru lagi að skoða þær deilur er spruttu í kjölfar hennar og ...
  • Dillman, Kevin (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021-08)
    Globally, electric vehicles (EVs) are being touted by countries and international organizations as a key transition technology to decarbonize the road transport sector. Yet, other researchers have suggested that EVs may not be a silver bullet solution, ...
  • Atlason, Hans (2021-12)
    Magnetic resonance images (MRIs) enable neuroradiologists to investigate the human brain to look for possible causes of disease. The clinical interpretation of these images is, however, mostly limited to subjective assessment or a rough measurement of ...
  • Bonatotzky, Theresa (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-06)
    Frequent tephra deposition and a steady influx of aeolian material of diverse origin dominate soil formation in Iceland. Little is known about the weathering behaviour, mineral formation and alteration of tephra and Icelandic soils after tephra deposition. ...
  • Hansen, Charles Christian Riis (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021)
    Genomic population bottlenecks and small population sizes are well described and well-studied areas of biology. However, few studies analyse samples from before and after a population have gone through a genetic bottleneck, and thus studies commonly ...
  • Adalsteinsson, Jonas (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2021-09)
    Vitað er að mikil aukning hefur verið á grunnfrumu og flöguþekjumeinum í húð síðustu ár í vestrænum löndum en ekki er alveg skýrt hvers vegna svo er. Helstu áhættuþættir þessara meina eru ljós húð og útfjólublá geislun, og einnig hafa sum lyf verið ...
  • Rafiei, Mohsen (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, 2021-12-10)
    Our eyes are the primary gates to the visible world around us. Yet, whatever we perceive involves a translation of the patterns of the photons hitting our retinas into mental representations. It could be argued that visual perception is merely an ...
  • Zhao, Bin (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021-12-16)
    Hyperspectral images (HSIs) acquired by hyperspectral imaging sensors contain hundreds of spectral bands. The abundant spectral information provided by an HSI makes it possible to discriminate different materials in a scene. Therefore, HSIs have ...
  • Hanifpour, Fatemeh (University of Iceland, 2021-11-05)
    Our world is struggling with the negative impacts of greenhouse gases, with CO2 constituting more than ¾ of them. The ammonia production through the Haber-Bosch process which is vital for the sustain of human beings by ensuring food security, accounts ...
  • MIBEI, GEOFFREY (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 2021-10)
    In this study, the magmatic evolution and the eruptive history of the Paka volcanic complex are investigated and its geothermal reservoir is assessed. The study comprises two parts. The first part deals with the eruptive history, magma evolution, and ...
  • Eymundsdóttir, Hrafnhildur (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Food Science and Nutrition, 2020-06)
    Aims: The aim of this thesis was to evaluate lifestyle factors and the associations with cognitive function and the development of dementia among older adults with special considerations for vitamin D, physical activity and body mass index. Additionally, ...
  • Andrason, Alexander (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2021-10-06)
    The present dissertation concerns formal aspects of Polish borrowing in 21st-century Wymysorys – a minority Germanic language spoken by a few dozen people in the town of Wilamowice in Poland. By drawing on modern borrowing theories and his own empirical ...
  • Birgisdóttir, Helga (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Íslensku- og menningardeild, 2021)
    Saga Nonna fjallar um bernskuminningar Jóns Sveinssonar (1857–1944), Nonnabækurnar svokölluðu, ímyndir aðalsöguhetjunnar og aðdráttarafl bókanna. Nonnabækurnar eru tólf talsins. Sjö þeirra fjalla um bernskuævintýri Nonna og eru þær meginviðfangsefni ...
  • Björnsson, Eyþór (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2021-10-08)
    Kransæðasjúkdómur dregur fleiri til dauða á hverju ári en nokkur annar sjúkdómur á heimsvísu. Sjúkdómurinn einkennist af framvindu æðakölkunar, sem er flókið og margþætt ferli. Á undanförnum 14 árum hafa rannsóknir með víðtækri erfðamengisleit leitt ...
  • Klarenberg, Ingeborg J. (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-10)
    Climate warming in sub-Arctic regions leads to shifts in plant communities and retreating glaciers. Mosses and lichens contribute to important ecosystem processes in these environments, including nitrogen fixation via their microbiome. The first objective ...
  • Árnadóttir, Áróra (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021-08)
    The consumption activities of urbanites contribute to an ever-increasing share of greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. As urban form influences behaviours, the search for the most sustainable type of urban form is a research topic of interest. ...
  • Kristinsdóttir, Bjarnheiður (University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Subject Education, 2021-10)
    This thesis introduces results from a design-based, task design research study in mathematics education, within which silent video tasks were defined, developed, and implemented in upper secondary school mathematics classrooms. It discusses a research ...
  • Ghasemisarabbadeih, Mostafa (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-09)
    Oxytocin is a uterotonic neuropeptide. It has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the first line treatment to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). PPH is the main cause of maternal deaths (27.1%) in many low-income ...