Greinar- HÍ: Síðast bætt við

  • Lemarquis, Andri Leo; Theodors, Fannar; Einarsdottir, Helga K.; Ludviksson, Bjorn (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-03-18)
    Objectives: It has recently been shown that individuals with selective IgA deficiency (sIgAD) have defective B cell responses both to T cell dependent and independent mimicking stimulations. The complex intracellular signaling pathways from different ...
  • Wouters, Hans; Rhebergen, Didi; Vervloet, Marcia; Egberts, Antoine; Taxis, Katja; van Dijk, Liset; Gardarsdottir, Helga (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-04-03)
    Objective: A recurrent observation is that associations between self-reported and objective medication adherence measures are often weak to moderate. Our aim was therefore to identify patients with different profiles on self-reported and objective ...
  • Song, Huan; Fang, Fang; Arnberg, Filip; Mataix-Cols, David; Fernández de la Cruz, Lorena; Almqvist, Catarina; Fall, Katja; Lichtenstein, Paul; Thorgeirsson, Gudmundur; Valdimarsdottir, Unnur (BMJ, 2019-04-10)
    Objective To assess the association between stress related disorders and subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease. Design Population based, sibling controlled cohort study. Setting Population of Sweden. Participants 136 637 patients in the Swedish ...
  • Egilsson, Jón (Informa UK Limited, 2019-04-16)
    We propose a new exchange rate model using interest rate differential (IRD) time series as the input, and we fit the new model with empirical data for calibration. We assume that exchange rate modeling cannot be based on the response to a single shock ...
  • Basran, CJ; Bertulli, CG; Cecchetti, A; Rasmussen, Marianne; Whittaker, M; Robbins, J (Inter-Research Science Center, 2019-02-07)
    Entanglement in fishing gear is a significant anthropogenic source of large whale injury and mortality. Although entanglements have been reported in the eastern North Atlantic, their frequency has not been previously estimated. This study used systematic ...
  • van Bemmelen, Rob S. A.; Kolbeinsson, Yann; Ramos, Raül; Gilg, Olivier; Alves, Jose; Smith, Malcolm; Schekkerman, Hans; Lehikoinen, Aleksi; Petersen, Ib Krag; Þórisson, Böðvar; Sokolov, Aleksandr A.; Välimäki, Kaisa; van der Meer, Tim; Okill, J. David; Bolton, Mark; Moe, Børge; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Bollache, Loïc; Petersen, Aevar; Thorstensen, Sverrir; González-Solís, Jacob; Klaassen, Raymond H. G.; Tulp, Ingrid (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-04-04)
    Non-breeding movement strategies of migratory birds may be expected to be flexibly adjusted to the distribution and quality of habitat, but few studies compare movement strategies among populations using distinct migration routes and wintering areas. ...
  • Jóhannsson, Erlingur; Stefánsdóttir, Rúna Sif (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-15)
    Erlingur Jóhannsson prófessor og Rúna Sif Stefánsdóttir doktorsnemi fjölluðu um fyrirbærið svefn, hvað gerist þegar við sofum og um mikilvægi svefns fyrir líðan okkar og heilsu.
  • Ragnarsdóttir, Guðrún; Gestsdóttir, Súsanna Margrét (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-14)
    Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir, lektor og Súsanna Margrét Gestsdóttir aðjunkt ræddu um áskoranir og leiðir til að hvetja framhaldsskólanemann af stað í náminu eftir páskafrí. Rúmlega 100 þátttakendur hlýddu á erindi þeirra og sendu inn spurningar. Guðrún og ...
  • Þorsteinsson, Jakob Frímann; Ástvaldsdóttir, Ingileif (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-08)
  • Björnsdóttir, Margrét S. (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-08)
  • Ólafsdóttir, Sigríður (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-07)
  • Senner, Nathan R.; Verhoeven, Mo A.; Abad-Gómez, José M.; Alves, Jose; Hooijmeijer, Jos Corstiaan Elbert Wouter; Howison, Ruth A.; Kentie, Rosemarie; Loonstra, A. H.Jelle; Masero, Jose A.; Rocha, Afonso D.; Stager, Maria; Piersma, Theunis (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-04-09)
    Few studies have been able to directly measure the seasonal survival rates of migratory species or determine how variable the timing of migration is within individuals and across populations over multiple years. As such, it remains unclear how likely ...
  • Pinto, Cecilia; Travers-Trolet, Morgane; Macdonald, Jed; Rivot, Etienne; Vermard, Youen (Canadian Science Publishing, 2019-08)
    The biological status of many commercially exploited fishes remains unknown, mostly due to a lack of data necessary for their assessment. Investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of such species can lead to new insights into population processes and ...
  • Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís; Rafnsdóttir, Gudbjörg LINDA; Jonsdottir, Gudbjorg (MDPI AG, 2020-09-30)
    Research shows that bullying is a significant workplace issue. A previous study showed increased sickness-related absences among municipality employees during the Icelandic economic crisis in 2008. This led to the following research questions: has ...
  • Gunnlaugsson, Geir; Hauksdóttir, Íris; Bygbjerg, Ib; Britt Pinkowski Tersbøl (Informa UK Limited, 2019-05-07)
    Background: The Ebola epidemic in West Africa caused global fear and stirred up worldwide preparedness activities in countries sharing borders with those affected, and in geographically far-away countries such as Iceland. Objective: To describe and ...
  • Safarian, Sahar; Ebrahimi Saryazdi, Seyed Mohammad; Unnthorsson, Runar; Richter, Christiaan (Elsevier BV, 2020-12)
    This study is a novel attempt in developing of an Artificial neural network (ANN) model integrated with a thermodynamic equilibrium approach for downdraft biomass gasification integrated power generation unit. The objective of the study is to predict ...
  • Benonisdottir, Stefania; Kristjansson, Ragnar P; Oddsson, Asmundur; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Mikaelsdottir, Evgenia; Kehr, Birte; Jensson, Brynjar O; Arnadottir, Gudny A; Sulem, Gerald; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Kristmundsdóttir, Snædís; Ívarsdóttir, Erna V.; Tragante, Vinicius; Gunnarsson, Bjarni; Runolfsdottir, Hrafnhildur Linnet; Arthur, Joseph G; Deaton, Aimee M; Eyjolfsson, Gudmundur I; Davidsson, Olafur B; Asselbergs, Folkert W; Hreidarsson, Astradur B; Rafnar, Thorunn; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Edvardsson, Vidar; Sigurdsson, Gunnar; Helgadottir, Anna; Halldórsson, Bjarni; Masson, Gisli; Holm, Hilma; Önundarson, Páll Torfi; Indridason, Olafur S; Benediktsson, Rafn; Palsson, Runolfur; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F; Olafsson, Isleifur; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; sulem, patrick; Stefansson, Kari (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018-11-24)
    Urine dipstick tests are widely used in routine medical care to diagnose kidney and urinary tract and metabolic diseases. Several environmental factors are known to affect the test results, whereas the effects of genetic diversity are largely unknown. ...
  • Jónsson, Ólafur Páll (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-06)
    Í síðasta fyrirlestri fjallaði ég m.a. um gildi, margbreytileika, mennsku og stimplun. Af þessum viðfangsefnum má kannski segja að mennskan sé grundvöllurinn: það er vegna mennsku okkar sem sum gildi eru mikilvæg, margbreytileikinn endurspeglar ólíkar ...
  • Emilsson Peskova, Renata (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-06)
  • Sigurjónsdóttir, Hrefna; Jónsdóttir, Kristín (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-03)
    Þær Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Heimilis og skóla og Kristín Jónsdóttir lektor í kennslu- og menntunarfræði tóku af skarið reifuðu málin á fyrsta fræðslufundinum sem bar yfirskriftina Tengsl heimila og skóla – tækifæri eða tjúlluð togstreita!