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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Morino, Costanza; Conway, Susan J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Hillier, John; Jordan, Colm; Saemundsson, Thorsteinn; Argles, Tom (Wiley, 2018-09-20)
    Debris flows are fast-moving gravity flows of poorly sorted rock and soil, mixed and saturated with water. Debris-flow initiation has been studied using empirical and experimental modelling, but the geomorphic changes, indicative of different triggering ...
  • Rousta, Iman; Nasserzadeh, Mohammad; Jalali, Masoud; Haghighi, Esmaeil; Olafsson, Haraldur; Ashrafi, Saeide; Doostkamian, Mehdi; Ghasemi, Ali (MDPI AG, 2017-08-03)
    This study focused on decadalvariations of extreme precipitation thresholds within a 50-year period (1961–2010) for 250 stations of Iran’s northwest. The 99th percentile was used as the threshold of extreme precipitation. In order to analyze threshold ...
  • Holmlid, Leif; Olafsson, Sveinn (Elsevier BV, 2019-06)
    This work reports identification of muons by their characteristic life-time of 2.20 μs after laser-induction of their precursor mesons, both kaons K± and KL 0 and pions π± in ultra-dense hydrogen H(0). The pair-production signal from scattered muons ...
  • Boschini, M. J.; Torre, S. Della; Gervasi, M.; Grandi, D.; Jóhannesson, Guðlaugur; Vacca, G. La; Masi, N.; Moskalenko, I. V.; Pensotti, S.; Porter, T. A.; Quadrani, L.; Rancoita, P. G.; Rozza, D.; Tacconi, M. (American Astronomical Society, 2018-05-04)
    Local interstellar spectra (LIS) of primary cosmic ray (CR) nuclei, such as helium, oxygen, and mostly primary carbon are derived for the rigidity range from 10 MV to ~200 TV using the most recent experimental results combined with the state-of-the-art ...
  • Einarsson, Einar Jón; Patel, Mitesh; Petersen, Hannes; Wiebe, Thomas; Fransson, Per-Anders; Magnusson, Måns; Moëll, Christian (Springer Nature, 2016-11-10)
    The objective of cancer treatment is to secure survival. However, as chemotherapeutic agents can affect the central and peripheral nervous systems, patients must undergo a process of central compensation. We explored the effectiveness of this compensation ...
  • Zhu, Kaiqiang; Chen, Yushi; Ghamisi, Pedram; Jia, Xiuping; Benediktsson, Jon Atli (MDPI AG, 2019-01-22)
    Capsule networks can be considered to be the next era of deep learning and have recently shown their advantages in supervised classification. Instead of using scalar values to represent features, the capsule networks use vectors to represent features, ...
  • Hassanian, Reza; Helgadóttir, Ásdís; Riedel, Morris (MDPI AG, 2022-11-03)
    The subject of this study presents an employed method in deep learning to create a model and predict the following period of turbulent flow velocity. The applied data in this study are extracted datasets from simulated turbulent flow in the laboratory ...
  • Dürig, Tobias; White, J. D. L.; Murch, A. P.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R.; Mele, D.; Dellino, P.; Carey, R. J.; Schmidt, L. S.; Spitznagel, N. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-06-29)
    The majority of Earth’s volcanic eruptions occur beneath the sea, but the limited number of direct observations and samples limits our understanding of these unseen events. Subaerial eruptions lend some insight, but direct extrapolation from the subaerial ...
  • Dürig, Tobias; White, J. D. L.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R.; Murch, A.; Carey, R. J. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-09-30)
    In 2012, the eruption of deep-sea volcano Havre produced an abundance of fine ash at a depth of ~ 1000 m below sea level. In this study the 2D shapes of Havre ash grains retrieved from the seafloor were compared quantitatively with those of particles ...
  • Larsen, Friðrik; Gudlaugsson, Thorhallur (Viðskiptafræðideild og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, viðskiptafræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík og Seðlabanki Íslands., 2016)
    The marketing of electricity is an increasingly significant issue following the liberalization of electricity markets. Substantial emphasis has been placed on green electricity, but the concept is vague to many consumers. In this paper, the focus is ...
  • Oddsson, Gudmundur V. (MDPI AG, 2020-03-10)
    Aquaculture intensity has been used for years as a means to gauge how much production a site makes using three terms: extensive, semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture production systems. The industry has a relatively coordinated understanding of ...
  • Gunnarsdóttir, Sigurlaug; Kristmundsson, Árni; Freeman, Mark A.; Björnsson, Ólafur Már; Zoëga, Gunnar Már (Laeknabladid/The Icelandic Medical Journal, 2016-05-04)
    Vanstarfsemi í fitukirtlum augnloka er algeng ástæða augnþurrks. Demodex-mítlar geta valdið slíkri vanstarfsemi og þar með hvarmabólgu með kláða, þurrki og almennri vanlíðan á augnsvæði. Það er mikilvægt að hafa Demodex-mítla í huga við greiningu ...
  • Sigurðarson, Eiríkur Smári (Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet, 2017-04-01)
    An exploration of Aristotle's ideal of science between the philosophy of Plato and the "historical" research best exemplified by Herodotus.
  • Ólafsdóttir, Jóna; Hrafnsdóttir, Steinunn; Orjasniemi, Tarja (SAGE Publications, 2018-05-29)
    Aims: This research was designed to explore the extent to which the use of alcohol or drugs by one member of a family affects the psychosocial state of other family members. The study asks whether family members of substance abusers are more likely ...
  • Arnarsson, Arsaell (The Educational Research Institute, 2020-02-10)
    Sú skoðun að kynslóðin sem nú vex úr grasi sé útsettari fyrir depurð en þær sem á undan hafa komið er útbreidd bæði á meðal almennings og fagaðila. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða hvernig algengi daglegrar depurðar íslenskra unglinga breyttist ...
  • Dovemark, Marianne; Kosunen, Sonja; Kauko, Jaakko; Magnúsdóttir, Berglind Rós; Hansen, Petteri; Rasmussen, Palle (Informa UK Limited, 2018-01-02)
    The Nordic countries are often perceived as a coherent group representing the Nordic model of welfare states, with a strong emphasis on the public provision of universal welfare and a strong concern with social equality. But today we see a change in ...
  • Triebner, Kai; Johannessen, Ane; Svanes, Cecilie; Leynaert, Bénédicte; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís; Demoly, Pascal; Dharmage, Shyamali C.; Franklin, Karl A.; Heinrich, Joachim; Holm, Mathias; Jarvis, Deborah; Lindberg, Eva; Rovira, Jesús Martínez Moratalla; Muniozguren Agirre, Nerea; Sánchez-Ramos, José Luis; Schlünssen, Vivi; Skulstad, Svein Magne; Hustad, Steinar; Rodriguez, Francisco J.; Gómez Real, Francisco (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2020-06-30)
    Objective: Most women live to experience menopause and will spend 4–8 years transitioning from fertile age to full menstrual stop. Biologically, reproductive ageing is a continuous process, but by convention, it is defined categorically as pre-, peri- ...
  • Türke, Andreas; Jackson, Marie D.; Bach, Wolfgang; Kahl, Wolf-Achim; Grzybowski, Brian; Marshall, Beau; Gudmundsson, Magnus Tumi; Jørgensen, Steffen Leth (Copernicus GmbH, 2019-06-12)
    Surtsey, the youngest of the islands of Vestmannaeyjar, is an oceanic volcano created by explosive basaltic eruptions during 1963-1967 off the southern coast of Iceland. The subsurface deposits of the volcano were first sampled by a cored borehole in ...
  • Ólafsson, Brynjar; Jóelsdóttir, Ásdís (NordFo, Nordic Forum for Research and Development in Educational Sloyd/Craft, 2018-02-11)
    Skolefagene Design og håndverk og Tekstil, har vært obligatoriske fag i grunnskolen på Island siden 1936. Fagene har bakgrunn i husflidstradisjoner og sløyd-ideologien som kom til Island på slutten av det 19 århundre. Nåværende læreplanen for fagene ...
  • Danner, Ragnar Ingi; Mankasingh, Utra; Anamthawat-Jónsson, Kesara; Thorarinsdottir, Ragnheidur (MDPI AG, 2019-10-13)
    Aquaponics is a sustainable method of food production, whereby aquaculture and hydroponics are combined in one circular system. A few aquaponics startup companies are emerging in Europe with a limited production area of a few hundred or a few thousand ...