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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Umhverfisfræði"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Umhverfisfræði"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Saviolidis, Nína María (University of Iceland, School of Social Science, Faculty of Business Administration, 2021-06)
    The necessity of a sustainability transition i.e. large scale transformation to solve grand societal challenges at all levels is not debated. How to go about achieving these necessary transitions is the question. The role and contribution of economic ...
  • Barry, Tom (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-01-28)
    The geo-political importance of the Arctic is growing while at the same time the onset of climate change has resulted in increasing environmental and social pressures both on Arctic states and the governance architecture through which Arctic issues ...
  • Gísladóttir, Jóhanna; Sigurgeirsdóttir, Sigurbjörg; Ragnarsdóttir, Kristín Vala; Stjernquist, Ingrid (2021-06-30)
    The aim of this paper is to enhance understanding of factors that undermine sustainable management of renewable resources by identifying and analyzing the main drivers and dynamics involved, with a focus on the role of corruption perceptions and its ...
  • Malinauskaite, Laura (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-06)
    The thesis examines the dynamics of Arctic social-ecological systems (SES) that enable human wellbeing benefits through whale ecosystem services (ES). It does so through a review of relevant literature, construction of conceptual models, two primary ...
  • Dillman, Kevin (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021-08)
    Globally, electric vehicles (EVs) are being touted by countries and international organizations as a key transition technology to decarbonize the road transport sector. Yet, other researchers have suggested that EVs may not be a silver bullet solution, ...
  • Danielsen, Rannvá (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration, 2020-10)
    Flestir fiskistofnar heims eru nýttir að fullu eða ofveiddir. Ofnýting hefur í för með sér slæmar vistfræðilegar, hagrænar og félagslegar afleiðingar. Minna er hægt að veiða úr ofveiddum stofnum og hætta getur verið á hruni þeirra. Og af því að þeir ...
  • Nedelciu, Claudiu (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 2021-02)
    Phosphorus is an essential yet irreplaceable macronutrient for agriculture and thus plays a key role in global food security. Most of the phosphate fertilizers are produced from phosphate rock, a finite mineral resource that is mined and processed at ...
  • Byrne, Conor (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, 2021-11)
    The Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) approach to fisheries management has been promoted as a way to improve efficiency by reducing biological and economic overfishing. However, ITQ´s have also been challenged from environmental and social perspectives ...
  • Campana, Steven (1984)
    Daily growth increments were formed upon hatch unless a diel photoperiod was absent, but under constant light, an endogenous circadian rhythm became evident after 2-3wk acclimation, resulting in daily increment production. With increasing age, the ...
  • Priet-Mahéo, Morgane (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2019-09)
    As the Arctic Circle opens up due to the effects of global warming, the surrounding regions, and in particular the subarctic zone, experience both climatic and societal changes, which makes it imperative to understand the existing ecosystems. Lake ...
  • Unger, Elizabeth (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2018-06-11)
    The Lisbon Treaty grants permission to each European Union Member to determine which energy sources shall be used to supply its electricity. While EU members may act independently in this regard, since 1996 when Directive 96/92/EC went into effect, ...
  • Jónsson, Jón Örvar G. (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2019-09)
    Soils are an important natural capital that provides multiple services to humans including provisioning food, feed and fibre, water filtration and stabilizing climate. Soil security and soil sustainability are the basis for obtaining many of the UN ...
  • Spittler, Nathalie (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2019-12)
    A holistic understanding of the underlying dynamics of sustainable energy system development and its effects on socio-economic and environmental aspects, in different national contexts, is necessary for improved decision making with regards to sustainable ...
  • Gunnarsdóttir, Ingunn (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2020-12)
    Sustainable energy development is a cross-cutting policy objective with the ultimate aim of a sustainable energy future. However, what that future involves and how it can be reached is unclear. The aim of this PhD thesis is to address the question ...
  • Jóhannesson, Sigurður (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021-03)
    The call for a sustainable development of human societies is becoming ever louder. The term sustainability has as a result become thoroughly incorporated into everyday speech, not least among politicians. For the term to hold any meaning some quantitative ...
  • Dellinger, Marion; Dellinger, Marion; Steele, Sarah Elizabeth; Steele, Sarah; Sprockel, Evert; Sprockel, Evert; Philip, Joris; Joris, Philip; Pálsson, Arnar; Pálsson, Arnar; Benhaïm, David; Benhaïm, David (The Royal Society, 2023-12-13)
    Animal personality has been shown to be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and shaped by natural selection. Currently, little is known about mechanisms influencing the development of personality traits. This study examines the extent ...