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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Migration"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Migration"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur (Wiley, 2014-04-27)
    Prior research has demonstrated that migration intentions are a moderate to strong predictor of individual-level migration across a wide range of countries, but their value for predicting community-level population change remains unclear. Analyses ...
  • Jonsson, Stefan Hrafn (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2017)
    Í þessari grein er fjallað um lýðfræði sem undirgrein félagsfræðinnar í alþjóðlegu vísindastarfi. Fjallað er um helstu svið innan lýðfræðinnar, breytingar á mannfjölda á Íslandi síðustu áratugi og rannsóknir sem íslenskir fræðimenn hafa gert til aukins ...
  • Loftsdóttir, Kristín; Eyþórsdóttir, Eyrún; Willson, Margaret (2021-03)
    In this article, we focus on whiteness as an historically shifting phenomenon by analysing Brazilian recent emphasis on Icelandic ancestry, demonstrating the intersection of whiteness, class and ethnicity. A small group of Icelanders were among the ...
  • Senner, Nathan R.; Verhoeven, Mo A.; Abad-Gómez, José M.; Alves, Jose; Hooijmeijer, Jos Corstiaan Elbert Wouter; Howison, Ruth A.; Kentie, Rosemarie; Loonstra, A. H.Jelle; Masero, Jose A.; Rocha, Afonso D.; Stager, Maria; Piersma, Theunis (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-04-09)
    Few studies have been able to directly measure the seasonal survival rates of migratory species or determine how variable the timing of migration is within individuals and across populations over multiple years. As such, it remains unclear how likely ...
  • Hoffmann, Lara Wilhelmine; Holm, Anna Elisabeth (2022)
    This article explores migrants’ language learning experiences in two small language communities in the West Nordic Region. We provide a comparative perspective based on an online survey and ethnographic interviews conducted in Iceland and qualitative ...
  • Carneiro, Camilo; Gunnarsson, Tomas Gretar; Alves, Jose (Frontiers Media SA, 2020-06-04)
    For many migratory species, migration can represent a significant part of the annual cycle and the strategies used to move between the breeding and non-breeding areas vary considerably. Weather conditions are important during migration, particularly ...
  • Minelgaite, Inga; Christiansen, Thora; Kristjánsdóttir, Erla S. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019-06-01)
    Economic changes and a booming tourism industry in Iceland have triggered a rise in temporary workforce, where employees are brought to Iceland from Eastern Europe and other less economically developed countries. Major societal and economic shifts are ...
  • Reneerkens, Jeroen; Versluijs, Tom S. L.; Piersma, Theunis; Alves, Jose; Boorman, Mark; Corse, Colin; Gilg, Olivier; Hallgrimsson, Gunnar Thor; Lang, Johannes; Loos, Bob; Ntiamoa‐Baidu, Yaa; Nuoh, Alfred A.; Potts, Peter M.; Horn, Job; Lok, Tamar (Wiley, 2019-10-04)
    Evolutionary theories of seasonal migration generally assume that the costs of longer migrations are balanced by benefits at the non-breeding destinations. We tested, and rejected, the null hypothesis of equal survival and timing of spring migration ...
  • Gill, Jennifer A.; Alves, Jose; Gunnarsson, Tomas Gretar (The Royal Society, 2019-07-29)
    Many migratory systems are changing rapidly in space and time, and these changes present challenges for conservation. Changes in local abundance and site occupancy across species' ranges have raised concerns over the efficacy of the existing protected ...
  • Viegas, Ivan; Araújo, Pedro M.; Rocha, Afonso D.; Villegas, Auxiliadora; Jones, John G.; Ramos, Jaime A.; Masero, José A.; Alves, Jose (The Company of Biologists, 2017-01-12)
    The migrant black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa) traditionally used natural wetlands in the Iberian Peninsula to prepare for migratory flights by feeding mainly in estuaries. In recent decades, this species has become increasingly dependent on rice ...
  • Seyfrit, Carole L.; Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Ólafsson, Kjartan (Informa UK Limited, 2010-11-02)
    Rural communities in Iceland have been profoundly affected by natural resource management policies. As part of a regional development strategy, a large aluminum smelter and 650-megawatt hydroelectric plant were built in the sparsely populated Eastfjords ...
  • Loftsdóttir, Kristín; Skaptadóttir, Unnur Dís; Hafsteinsson, Sigurjón Baldur (Háskólaútgáfan, 2020-12-18)
    Iceland has increasingly been tangled in a dense network of various mobilities, leading to the growing transnational character of Icelandic society. This means that Iceland is involved in and affected by different forms of exchange and flows of ideas, ...
  • Jóhannesdóttir, Gréta Bergrún (University of Akureyri, 2024-06)
    This PhD thesis focuses on young women in small rural communities in Iceland and different social factors that influence their residence and residential satisfaction in these locations. Special emphasis is placed on the social control of gossip and the ...
  • Karlsson, Vífill (2013-08-05)
    Ýmsir hafa haft áhyggjur af stöðugum straumi fólks frá landsbyggð til höfuðborgar. Ýmislegt hefur verið gert á vegum opinberra aðila til að draga úr straumnum, en með litlum árangri. Vísbendingar eru um að búferlaflutningar hafi breyst á Vesturlandi, ...
  • LeBlanc, Nathalie M.; Stewart, Donald T.; Pálsson, Snæbjörn; Elderkin, Mark F.; Mittelhauser, Glen; Mockford, Stephen; Paquet, Julie; Robertson, Gregory J.; Summers, Ron W.; Tudor, Lindsay; Mallory, Mark L. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017-03-31)
    The Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) is a medium-sized shorebird that breeds in the Arctic and winters along northern Atlantic coastlines. Migration routes and affiliations between breeding grounds and wintering grounds are incompletely understood. ...
  • Barillé, Stéphanie (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics, 2024-04)
    Migration is an increasingly visible phenomenon and many households across the world rely on the mobility of its family members for subsistence or economic gain. While migrant families are subjected to complex changes and periods of separation, the ...
  • Avdi, Evrynomi; Meckl, Markus; Hoffmann, Lara; Baruchello, Giorgio; Gornik, Barbara; Chranta, Kyriaki M.; Del Gobbo, Giovanna; De Maria, Francesco; GALEOTTI, GLENDA; Esposito, Gilda; Paolinelli, Luísa; Amari, Monica; BRUNO, GIOVANNI CARLO; Jalušič, Vlasta; Bajt, Veronika; Lebowitz, Rachel (University of Akureyri, 2020)
  • Magnúsdóttir, Edda (Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, University of Iceland, 2017-05-19)
    The cyclically-repeated song of the male humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is an important social display on their breeding grounds, functioning in male-male interactions and/or as a reproductive display to attract females. The songs are gradually ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Elsevier BV, 2017-08)
    Low levels of education have serious social, economic and cultural ramifications in rural areas. In many countries, regional universities have explicitly been built to educate the local population, create professional jobs and stimulate innovation. ...
  • Morrison, Catriona; Alves, Jose; Gunnarsson, Tomas Gretar; Þórisson, Böðvar; Gill, Jennifer A. (Wiley, 2019-07-19)
    In migratory birds, early arrival on breeding sites is typically associated with greater breeding success, but the mechanisms driving these benefits are rarely known. One mechanism through which greater breeding success among early arrivers can potentially ...