Opin vísindi: Recent submissions

  • Linde, Louise; Ørnbjerg, Lykke M; Georgiadis, Stylianos; Rasmussen, Simon H; Lindström, Ulf; Askling, Johan; Michelsen, Brigitte; Di Giuseppe, Daniela; Wallman, Johan K; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Löve, Þorvarður Jón; Nordström, Dan C; Yli-Kerttula, Timo; Nekvindová, Lucie; Vencovský, Jiří; Iannone, Florenzo; Cauli, Alberto; Loft, Anne Gitte; Glintborg, Bente; Laas, Karin; Rotar, Ziga; Tomšič, Matija; Macfarlane, Gary J; Möller, Burkhard; van de Sande, Marleen; Codreanu, Catalin; Nissen, Michael J; Birlik, Merih; Erten, Sukran; Santos, Maria J; Vieira-Sousa, Elsa; Hetland, Merete L; Østergaard, Mikkel (2023-06-14)
    OBJECTIVES: In bio-naïve patients with Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) initiating a Tumour Necrosis Factor inhibitor (TNFi), we aimed to identify baseline predictors of Disease Activity index for PsA in 28 joints (DAPSA28) remission (primary objective) and ...
  • Kallen, E J J; Revers, A; Fernández-Rivas, M; Asero, R; Ballmer-Weber, B; Barreales, L; Belohlavkova, S; de Blay, F; Clausen, Michael Valur; Dubakiene, R; Ebisawa, M; Fernández-Perez, C; Fritsche, P; Fukutomi, Y; Gislason, David; Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K; Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz, M; Knulst, A C; Kowalski, M L; Kralimarkova, T; Lidholm, J; Metzler, C; Mills, E N C; Papadopoulos, N G; Popov, T A; Purohit, A; Reig, I; Seneviratne, S L; Sinaniotis, A; Takei, M; Versteeg, S A; Vassilopoulou, A E; Vieths, S; Welsing, P M J; Zwinderman, A H; Le, T M; Van Ree, R (2023-09)
    BACKGROUND: Pru p 3 and Pru p 7 have been implicated as risk factors for severe peach allergy. This study aimed to establish sensitization patterns to five peach components across Europe and in Japan, to explore their relation to pollen and foods and ...
  • Malmros, Karina; Lindholm, Andreas; Vidarsdottir, Halla; Jirström, Karin; Nodin, Björn; Botling, Johan; Mattsson, Johanna S M; Micke, Patrick; Planck, Maria; Jönsson, Mats; Staaf, Johan; Brunnström, Hans (2023-06-22)
    Histopathological diagnosis of pulmonary tumors is essential for treatment decisions. The distinction between primary lung adenocarcinoma and pulmonary metastasis from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract may be difficult. Therefore, we compared the diagnostic ...
  • Nordic EM Study Group (2023-06-23)
    BACKGROUND: Emergency Medicine (EM) is an independent specialty in all five Nordic countries. This study aims to evaluate the structure of post-graduate EM training in the area. METHODS: A leading hospital or hospitals in EM training in each country ...
  • Kamali, Ali (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2023-06-29)
    The focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID) process, a 3D nanofabrication technique, involves the utilization of a concentrated electron beam of high energy to dissociate precursor molecules that are adsorbed on a substrate, resulting in the ...
  • Jensen, Kirstine Nolling (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2023-07)
    Acute inflammation can progress into chronic inflammation when its resolution is impaired. Chronic inflammation is estimated to contribute to up to half of all disease-associated deaths worldwide. Resolution of inflammation is a tightly regulated process ...
  • Haraldsdóttir, Álfheiður (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, 2020-02)
    Background and aims : Previous studies have provided evidence for the importance of early life environment on breast cancer development. The aim of this study was to advance knowledge on the association of growth rate in early life and lifelong ...
  • Karlsdóttir, Kristín; Gunnarsdóttir, Anna Ingibjörg; Gröndal, Gerður María; Löve, Þorvarður Jón; Stefánsdóttir, Elínborg; Davíðsdóttir, Lóa Guðrún; Thorleifsdottir, Ragna H.; Guðbjörnsson, Björn (2022-01-27)
    Objective: Due to a tender process in Iceland, all patients on Humira® were switched nationwide to its biosimilar Imraldi® in March 2019. The study aimed to explore the patient's perspective of the Humira® and Imraldi® injection devices. Methods: A ...
  • Karlsdottir, Verena; Torfason, Magnus Þór; Eðvarðsson, Ingi Runar; Heijstra, Thamar Melanie (2022-12-29)
    In recent years, the coming of the entrepreneurial university has brought about a third role in academia, which involves greater visible exchange of academics with society and industry. In this paper, the authors investigate to what extent individual ...
  • Hassanian, Reza; Riedel, Morris (MDPI AG, 2023-05-19)
    Since the stagnation point is subject to straining motion, this 3D experiment is an effort to simulate the stagnation plane, which applies to studying the particle erosion in rotary machine blades, such as wind turbines, gas turbines, and compressors. ...
  • Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Margrét (2011-12-31)
    Þessi grein er byggð á niðurstöðum úr M.Ed.-rannsókn höfundar þar sem rannsakað var þróunarstarf í grunnskóla á tíu ára tímbili í sögu hans og hver þáttur skólastjórans var í ferlinu. Stuðst er við hugtakaramma Sergiovanni (2009) sem greiningarlíkan ...
  • Björnsdóttir, Eygló; Steingrímsdóttir, María; Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Margrét (2013-12-17)
    Byrjendalæsi er samvirk aðferð sem miðar að læsiskennslu og þróuð var í Miðstöð skólaþróunar við Háskólann á Akureyri (MSHA). Aðferðin hefur á undanförnum árum verið innleidd í tæplega helmingi grunnskóla á Íslandi. Samhliða þróun á þessari aðferð var ...
  • Cheynet, E.; Jakobsen, J.B.; Snæbjörnsson, J.; Mann, J.; Courtney, M.; Lea, G.; Svardal, B. (2017-09-21)
    Three synchronized pulsed Doppler wind lidars were deployed from May 2016 to June 2016 on the shores of a wide Norwegian fjord called Bjornafjord to study the wind characteristics at the proposed location of a planned bridge. The purpose was to investigate ...
  • Karlsdóttir, Verena; Karlsdóttir, Verena; Torfason, Magnús Þ.; Heijstra, Thamar M.; Eðvarðsson, Ingi Rúnar (2022-06-28)
    Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að greina umfang verkefna sem tengjast þriðja hlutverki háskóla á Íslandi, sem og samstarfsaðila háskólafólks í slíkum verkefnum og hindranir í samstarfi. Við smíðum kvarða um verkefni háskólafólks tengd þriðja hlutverkinu ...
  • Sheahan, William; Anderson, Roy; Aruldas, Kumudha; Avokpaho, Euripide; Galagan, Sean; Goodman, Jeanne; Houngbegnon, Parfait; Israel, Gideon John; Janagaraj, Venkateshprabhu; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Means, Arianna Rubin; Morozoff, Chloe; Pearman, Emily; Ramesh, Rohan Michael; Roll, Amy; Schaefer, Alexandra; Simwanza, James; Witek-Mcmanus, Stefan; Ajjampur, Sitara S.R.; Bailey, Robin; Ibikounlé, Moudachirou; Kalua, Khumbo; Luty, Adrian J.F.; Pullan, Rachel; Walson, Judd L.; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn (2023-04-10)
    BACKGROUND: Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) infect over 1.5 billion people globally and are associated with anemia and stunting, resulting in an annual toll of 1.9 million Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). School-based deworming (SBD), via mass ...
  • Gimbel, S; Ásbjörnsdóttir, K; Banek, K; Borges, M; Crocker, J; Coutinho, J; Cumbe, V; Dinis, A; Eastment, M; Gaitho, D; Lambdin, BH; Pope, S; Uetela, O; Hazim, C; Sherr, K (2023-02-14)
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare systems in low-resource settings need simple, low-cost interventions to improve services and address gaps in care. Though routine data provide opportunities to guide these efforts, frontline providers are rarely engaged in analyzing ...
  • Holgersdóttir, Hildur; Hálfdánsdóttir, Berglind; Swift, Emma Marie (2022)
    Bakgrunnur Heilsa móður og barns eftir fæðingu er gjarnan metin með ákveðnum út komubreytum sem hafa skammtíma eða lang tíma áhrif á konu eða barn svo sem keisara skurði, blæðingu eftir fæðingu og Apgar skori nýbura. Ekki er þó vitað hver fjöldi kvenna ...
  • Harðardóttir, Sigrún; Karlsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Stefánsson, Alex Björn (2022-12-13)
    Kennarar þurfa að hafa velferð og menntun nemenda að leiðarljósi og koma fram við þá af virðingu og fagmennsku. Því er það hverju samfélagi mikilvægt að kennurum sé gert kleift að laga kennslu að fjölbreytilegum þörfum nemenda. Í þessari grein er sagt ...