Háskólinn á Akureyri: Síðast bætt við

  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur (Elsevier BV, 2014-12)
    Work travel is an important alternative to out-migration in rural areas characterized by a limited range of jobs. The size of local labour markets is determined in part by geography and tradition, but advances in transportation have the potential to ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Elsevier BV, 2017-08)
    Low levels of education have serious social, economic and cultural ramifications in rural areas. In many countries, regional universities have explicitly been built to educate the local population, create professional jobs and stimulate innovation. ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur (SAGE Publications, 2009-05-20)
    Preferred emigration destinations among adolescents reflect images and stereotypes of other countries that continuously emerge in a multitude of local and global discourses and from concrete experiences with other countries. The affinities of Icelandic ...
  • Torsheim, Torbjørn; Eriksson, Lilly; Schnohr, Christina W; Hansen, Fredrik; Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Välimaa, Raili (Springer Nature, 2010-06-09)
    Background. A positive association between time spent on sedentary screen-based activities and physical complaints has been reported, but the cumulative association between different types of screen-based activities and physical complaints has not been ...
  • Arnarsson, Arsaell; Bjarnason, Thoroddur (MDPI AG, 2018-07-20)
    This paper tests the hypothesis of whether being bullied in an environment where bullying is infrequent decreases adolescents’ life satisfaction. Analyses were based on the international standard questionnaire from the 2005/2006 Health Behaviour in ...
  • Olza Fernandez, Ibone; Leahy-Warren, Patricia; Benyamini, Yael; Kazmierczak, Maria; Karlsdottir, Dr. Sigfridur Inga; Spyridou, Andria; Crespo Mirasol, Esther; Takács, Lea; Hall, Priscilla J; Murphy, Margaret; Jonsdottir, Sigridur Sia; Downe, Soo; Nieuwenhuijze, Marianne (BMJ Publiching Group, 2018-10-01)
    Objective To synthesise qualitative studies on women's psychological experiences of physiological childbirth. Design Meta-synthesis. Methods Studies exploring women's psychological experiences of physiological birth using qualitative methods were ...
  • Sigurdardottir, Sigrun; Halldorsdottir, Sigridur (MDPI AG, 2018-01-08)
    Stressful early life experiences cause immune dysregulation across the lifespan. Despite the fact that studies have identified childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivors as a particularly vulnerable group, only a few attempts have been made to study their ...
  • Gustafsdottir, Sonja Stelly; Fenger, Kristjana; Halldorsdottir, Sigridur; Bjarnason, Thoroddur (Taylor & Francis Open, 2017-01-01)
    Iceland is sparsely populated but social justice and equity has been emphasised within healthcare. The aim of the study is to examine healthcare services in Fjallabyggð, in rural northern Iceland, from users’ perspective and evaluate social justice, ...
  • Chades, Theo; Scully, Sean; Ingvadóttir, Eva María; Orlygsson, Johann (Frontiers Media SA, 2018-08-20)
    Mannitol-containing macro algae biomass, such as Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminaria digitata, are a potential feedstock for the production of biofuels such as bioethanol. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ability of thermophilic anaerobes ...
  • Sveinbjornsdottir, Sigrun; Thorsteinsson, Einar; Lingam, Govinda Ishwar (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2017)
    A two-dimensional theory of adolescent coping with cross-cultural and cross-Human Development Index Categories (HDI) application was tested: the Measure of Adolescent Coping Strategies (MACS). The MACS was answered by 809 adolescents of diverse origins ...
  • Survonen, Anne; Salanterä, Sanna; Näntö-Salonen, Kirsti; Sigurdardottir, Arun K.; Suhonen, Riitta (Wiley, 2019-01-17)
    Aim: To analyse psychosocial self‐efficacy in adolescents with type 1 diabetes, evalu‐ ate associations between self‐efficacy and metabolic control and background varia‐ bles and determine psychometric properties of the Finnish Diabetes Empowerment Scale ...
  • Ingvadóttir, Eva María; Scully, Sean; Orlygsson, Johann (Elsevier, 2018-08-30)
    The dataset details the fermentation of D-glucose, L-rhamnose, and L-fucose and their end-product formation by the moderate thermo-phile Clostridiumstrain AK1 (DSM 18778) as related to the work described in “Propanediol from L-rhamnose using the ...
  • Hauksdóttir, Hildur; Steingrímsdóttir, María; Svanbjörnsdóttir, Birna María (The Educational Research Institute, 2018-12-21)
    Fyrstu tvö árin í starfi hafa mikilvæg áhrif á fagmennsku kennara. Í greininni er sjónum beint að mótun starfskenningar nýrra framhaldsskólakennara til að skilja betur hvaða þættir ráða þar för. Rannsóknin er byggð á eigindlegum gögnum.1 Í ársbyrjun ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2018-11-02)
    Flest byggðarlög á Íslandi einkennast af miklum hreyfanleika og háu hlutfalli aðfluttra íbúa. Innan við helmingur fullorðinna íbúa Akureyrar, Dalvíkur og Húsavíkur eru innfædd og aðeins um 14% íbúanna hafa aldrei búið annars staðar. Um helmingur þeirra ...
  • Karlsson, Vífill (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2018-11-01)
    Fækkun bænda og veiking sveitarsamfélaga hefur verið áhyggjuefni meðal þeirra sem vilja halda landinu öllu í byggð. Í greininni er nýliðun í nautgripaog sauðfjárrækt á Íslandi í brennidepli. Skoðað var hvaða áhrif fjarlægð frá Reykjavík, aldur ...
  • Eyþórsson, Grétar Þór; Önnudóttir, Eva (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2017)
    In the Icelandic local government election in 2014 turnout was lower than ever before, and four years earlier it had already decreased considerably. In this article, the authors examine abstainers’ personal reasoning for not casting a vote. Using survey ...
  • Bergsteinsson, Jason Már; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar; Óskarsson, Guðmundur Kristján (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2017)
    Markmið greinarinnar er að kanna umfang og eðli ofmenntunar á íslenskum vinnumarkaði. Úrtak rannsóknarinnar byggðist á tilviljunarúrtaki úr þjóðská sem Þjóðmálakönnun Félagsvísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands framkvæmdi 9. mars til 9. apríl 2016. Könnunin ...
  • Hanson, Charles; Arnarsson, Arsaell; Harðarson, Þórir; Lindgård, Ann; Daneshvarnaeini, Mandana; Ellerström, Catarina; Bruun, Anita; Stenevi, Ulf (Baishideng Publishing Group Inc., 2017)
    AIM To investigate whether human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) could be made to attach, grow and differentiate on a human Descemet’s membrane (DM). METHODS Spontaneously differentiated hESCs were transferred onto a human corneal button with the ...
  • Gestsdottir, Sunna; Svansdottir, Erla; Sigurðsson, Héðinn; Arnarsson, Arsaell; Ommundsen, Yngvar; Arngrímsson, Sigurbjörn Árni; Sveinsson, Thorarinn; Jóhannsson, Erlingur (Termedia Sp. z.o.o., 2018)
    background Body image dissatisfaction has been linked with a range of adverse psychosocial outcomes in both genders and has become an important public health issue. Across all ages, women have reported being more dissatisfied with their bodies ...
  • Arnarsson, Arsaell; Kristofersson, Gisli; Bjarnason, Thoroddur (Wiley, 2017-07-28)
    Introduction. Over the past two decades, alcohol consumption of Icelandic adolescents has decreased dramatically. The aim of this study was to quantify the extent of this reduction and compare it with the trend in cannabis use over a 20 year period and ...