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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Maras, Emile; Saito, Mitsuhiro; Inoue, Kazutoshi; Jónsson, Hannes; Ikuhara, Yuichi; McKenna, Keith Patrick (Elsevier BV, 2019-01-15)
    A global optimization procedure is used to predict the structure and electronic properties of the b = c[001] edge dislocation in rutile TiO2. Over 1000 different atomic configurations have been generated using both semi-empirical and density functional ...
  • August, Elias (MDPI AG, 2020-10-29)
    This paper is motivated by the notion that coupling systems allows for mitigating the failure of individual ones. We present a novel approach to determining asymptotic stability and robustness of a network consisting of coupled dynamical systems, where ...
  • Óskarsson, Jón Þórir; Rögnvaldsson, Sæmundur; Thorsteinsdottir, Sigrun; Aspelund, Thor; Gunnarsson, Steinar Bragi; Hákonardóttir, Guðlaug Katrín; Sigurðardóttir, Guðrún Ásta; Þórðardóttir, Ásdís Rósa; Gíslason, Gauti Kjartan; Ólafsson, Andri; Sigurðsson, Jón Kristinn; Eyþórsson, Elías; Jónsson, Ásbjörn; Viðarsson, Brynjar; Önundarson, Páll Torfi; Agnarsson, Bjarni A.; Pálmason, Róbert; Sigurðardóttir, Margrét; Þorsteinsdóttir, Ingunn; Ólafsson, Ísleifur; Harding, Stephen; Flores-Montero, Juan; Orfao, Alberto; Durie, Brian G.M.; Love, Thorvardur Jon; Kristinsson, Sigurdur Yngvi (2023-12-01)
    Hemodilution of bone marrow (BM) aspirates is a limitation of multiparameter flow cytometry (MFC) in plasma cell disorders. There is a need for a validated approach for assessing sample quality and the distribution of non-plasma cell BM populations by ...
  • Brynjolfsson, Siggeir F.; Sigurgrimsdottir, Hildur; Gudlaugsson, Olafur; Kristjansson, Mar; Kristinsson, Karl G.; Ludviksson, Bjorn R. (2022-08-12)
    From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has claimed over 6 million lives, and globally the pandemic rages with detrimental consequences, with the emergence of new more infectious and possibly virulent variants. A clinical obstacle in this battle ...
  • Harðarson, Jóhann Pálmar; Gamble, Beau; Þórarinsdóttir, Kristjana; Stephensen, Elín Sjöfn; Kanstrup, Marie; Guðmundsson, Þorsteinn; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Hauksdóttir, Arna; Björnsson, Andri Steinþór; Moulds, Michelle L.; Holmes, Emily A. (2024-03-28)
    Background: There is emerging evidence that a brief cognitive task intervention may reduce the frequency of intrusive memories, even long-standing memories of older trauma. However, evaluations to date have involved in-person researcher contact. We ...
  • Konchak, William (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2018-11)
    This dissertation draws upon philosopher Pierre Hadot’s conception of philosophy as a way of life, which views philosophy as a process of self-transformation through engaging in practices (which Hadot characterizes as spiritual exercises) alongside ...
  • Ingadóttir, Brynja; Laitonen, Elina; Stefansdottir, Adalheidur; Sigurðardóttir, Anna Ólafía; Brynjólfsdóttir, Berglind; Parisod, Heidi; Nyman, Johanna; Gunnarsdóttir, Karitas; Jónsdóttir, Katrín; Salanterä, Sanna; Pakarinen, Anni (2022-01-20)
    Background: Every year, millions of children undergo medical procedures that require anesthesia. Fear and anxiety are common among young children undergoing such procedures and can interfere with the child’s recovery and well-being. Relaxation, ...
  • Leinweber, Julia; Fontein-Kuipers, Yvonne; Thomson, Gill; Karlsdóttir, Sigfríður Inga; Nilsson, Christina; Ekström-Bergström, Anette; Olza, Ibone; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni; Stramrood, Claire (2022-12)
    Introduction: Many women experience giving birth as traumatic. Although women's subjective experiences of trauma are considered the most important, currently there is no clear inclusive definition of a traumatic birth to help guide practice, education, ...
  • Ólafsdóttir, Steinunn A.; Jonsdottir, Helga; Magnusson, Charlotte; Caltenco, Héctor; Kytö, Mikko; Maye, Laura; McGookin, David; Bjartmarz, Ingibjörg; Arnadottir, Solveig A; Hjaltadóttir, Ingibjörg; Hafsteinsdóttir, Þóra B. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-05-25)
    Background: Novel technical solutions are called for to promote home-based exercise among community-dwelling stroke survivors supported by their caregivers. Lack of resources and knowledge about how to accomplish it, has been demonstrated. The objective ...
  • Jonsdottir, Gudrun; Haraldsdottir, Erna; Sigurðardóttir, Valgerður Lísa; Thoroddsen, Ásta Steinunn; Vilhjálmsson, Rúnar; Tryggvadottir, Gudny Bergthora; Jónsdóttir, Helga (2023-08)
    AIM: Develop and test a data collection tool-Neurological End-Of-Life Care Assessment Tool (NEOLCAT)-for extracting data from patient health records (PHRs) on end-of-life care of neurological patients in an acute hospital ward. DESIGN: Instrument ...
  • Kristinsdóttir, Bjarnheiður; Hreinsdóttir, Freyja; Lavicza, Zsolt; Jankvist, Uffe Thomas; Elicer, Raimundo; Clark-Wilson, Alison; Weigand, Hans-Georg; Thomsen, Marianne (Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, 2022)
    Previous research indicated that silent video tasks might be useful for formative assessment practices. Thus, in a second data collection phase of a doctoral study on the development and design of silent video tasks, participants were selected to have ...
  • Safavi, Aysan (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Eng., Mechanical Eng. and Computer Science, 2023-11-20)
    Municipal solid waste incineration has been identified as a major source of dioxins in the air, leading to the closure of many European incinerators. While gasification of waste and biomass has been considered a more environmentally friendly alternative, ...
  • Cassar, Ian (2021-01)
    The ubiquitous reliance on software systems is increasing the need for ensuring their correctness. Runtime enforcement is a monitoring technique that uses moni- tors that can transform the actions of a system under scrutiny in order to alter its runtime ...
  • on behalf of the DeWorm3 Trials Team (2020-12-31)
    We developed an electronic treatment register for the DeWorm3 Project, a cluster-randomised, controlled trial in Benin, India, and Malawi testing the feasibility of interrupting transmission of soil-transmitted helminths through community-wide mass ...
  • Cavenaghi-Altemio, Ângela Dulce; Zitkoski, João Luiz; Fonseca, Gustavo Graciano (2022-08)
    The limited consumption of fish is due to a limited availability of products based on this type of meat. Therefore, innovation and development of products that meet consumers’ preferences are essential. The aim of this work was to develop and characterize ...
  • Jonsdottir, Jona Ingibjorg (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing, 2021-06)
    Markmið: Markmið doktorsrannsóknarinnar var að lýsa stöðu þekkingar á meðferðarrannsóknum eftir greiningu og meðferð krabbameins sem ætlað er að draga úr kynlífsvanda og efla nánd hjá pörum. Ennfremur var markmiðið að þróa og meta árangur nýrrar ...
  • Vilhjálmur, Ásgeirsson (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-06)
    Methods for identifying the mechanism and estimating the rate of chemical reactions are presented and evaluated for a wide range of systems, using both classical and quantum mechanical description of the atomic nuclei. In the classical case, the minimum ...
  • Kristjansson, Alfgeir; Mann, Michael J.; Sigfusson, Jon; Thorisdottir, Ingibjorg; Allegrante, John P.; Sigfúsdóttir, Inga Dóra (SAGE Publications, 2020-01)
    Adolescent substance use-the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful drugs-remains a persistent global problem and has presented ongoing challenges for public health authorities and society. In response to the high rates of adolescent substance ...
  • Schurink, Niels W.; van Kranen, Simon R.; van Griethuysen, Joost J.M.; Roberti, Sander; Snaebjornsson, Petur; Bakers, Frans C.H.; de Bie, Shira H.; Bosma, Gerlof P.T.; Cappendijk, Vincent C.; Geenen, Remy W.F.; Neijenhuis, Peter A.; Peterson, Gerald M.; Veeken, Cornelis J.; Vliegen, Roy F.A.; Peters, Femke P.; Bogveradze, Nino; el Khababi, Najim; Lahaye, Max J.; Maas, Monique; Beets, Geerard L.; Beets-Tan, Regina G.H.; Lambregts, Doenja M.J. (2023-12)
    Objectives: To develop and validate a multiparametric model to predict neoadjuvant treatment response in rectal cancer at baseline using a heterogeneous multicenter MRI dataset. Methods: Baseline staging MRIs (T2W (T2-weighted)-MRI, diffusion-weighted ...
  • Fernández-Rivas, Montserrat; Gómez García, Ismael; Gonzalo-Fernández, Alejandro; Fuentes Ferrer, Manuel; Dölle-Bierke, Sabine; Marco-Martín, Guadalupe; Ballmer-Weber, Barbara K; Asero, Riccardo; Belohlavkova, Simona; Beyer, Kirsten; de Blay, Frédéric; Clausen, Michael Valur; Datema, Mareen R; Dubakiene, Ruta; Grimshaw, Kate E C; Hoffmann-Sommergruber, Karin; Hourihane, Jonathan O'B; Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz, Monika; Knulst, André C; Kralimarkova, Tanya; Le, Thuy-My; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G; Popov, Todor A; Poulsen, Lars K; Purohit, Ashok; Seneviratne, Suranjith L; Simpson, Angela; Sinaniotis, Atanasios; Turkalji, Mirjana; Vázquez-Cortés, Sonia; Vera-Berrios, Rosialzira N; Muraro, Antonella; Worm, Margitta; Roberts, Graham; van Ree, Ronald; Fernández-Pérez, Cristina; Turner, Paul J; Mills, Elizabeth N Clare (2022-05)
    Background: The heterogeneity and lack of validation of existing severity scores for food allergic reactions limit standardization of case management and research advances. We aimed to develop and validate a severity score for food allergic reactions. ...