This is the institutional repository for peer reviewed articles published in open access and doctoral dissertations by the Agricultural University of Iceland, the Iceland Academy of the Arts, the National and University Library of Iceland, Reykjavik University, the University of Akureyri, Bifröst University, Hólar University College and the University of Iceland. Open access to research results is in accordance with article 10 from the Act on public support for research / 2003 No 3 and is compliant with requirements from international and domestic research fund programs. The purpose of the Open Science repository is to make results of research conducted at Icelandic universities accessible to the public online without hindrance or charge. Deposits to the repository are permanent and are intended to ensure future access to all published scientific material of the Icelandic research community. By collecting this material together in one collection access is made simple and easy for anyone who wishes to study the considerable scientific work conducted in Iceland.

The repository is OpenAIRE / OpenAIREplus compliant and in accordance with requirements for publication of research results from projects supported by the European research programs FP7 and H2020.

The repository uses the open software DSpace.

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Recently Added

  • Baz-Lomba, Jose Antonio; van Nuijs, Alexander L.N.; Lenart-Boroń, Anna; Péterfi, Anna; de l'Eprevier, Anne; Löve, Arndís Sue Ching; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara; Ort, Christoph; Simeoni, Elisabetta; Heath, Ester; Pridotkiene, Evelina; Lai, Foon Yin; Béen, Frederic; Oberacher, Herbert; Bodík, Igor; Valenčić, Iva; Slobodnik, Jaroslav; Strandberg, Joakim; Sheeran, Kevin; Smit-Rigter, Laura Alexandra; Barron, Leon P.; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Psichoudaki, Magda; Savvidou, Maria; Edland-Gryt, Marit; Busch, Martin; Jandl, Mateja; Bertram, Michael G.; de Alda, Miren López; Berndt, Nadine; Daglioglu, Nebile; Thomaidis, Nikolaos; Fabien, Loïc; Chomynova, Pavla; Oertel, Reinhard; Castiglioni, Sara; Mercan, Selda; Akgür, Serap Annette; Schneider, Serge; Gunnar, Teemu; ter Laak, Thomas L.; Thiebault, Thomas; Matias, João Pedro (2025-04)
    Objectives: Illicit drug use presents a significant challenge to global health and public safety, requiring innovative and effective monitoring strategies. This study aimed to evaluate the current landscape of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) for ...
  • the Co-OPT Collaboration (2025)
    Objective: To examine the associations of antenatal corticosteroid (ACS) exposure with neurodevelopment in early childhood, and how these vary with gestational age at birth. Design: Population-based cohort study. Setting: Scotland, UK. Population: 285 ...
  • Hlynsdóttir, Eva Marín; Ómarsdóttir, Silja Bára (2025-03-03)
    Leiðbeining lokaverkefna er veigamikill hluti af kennslu háskólakennara, hvort heldur sem eru verkefni á grunnstigi eða framhaldsstigi. Innan félagsvísinda þá eru meistararitgerðir oft mjög viðamiklar og byggja jafnvel á sjálfstæðum rannsóknum nemenda. ...
  • Palsson, Gunnar; Hardarson, Marteinn T.; Jonsson, Hakon; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Stefansson, Olafur A.; Eggertsson, Hannes P.; Gudjonsson, Sigurjon A.; Olason, Pall I.; Gylfason, Arnaldur; Masson, Gisli; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Sulem, Patrick; Helgason, Agnar; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Halldorsson, Bjarni V.; Stefansson, Kari (2025-01-22)
    Human recombination maps are a valuable resource for association and linkage studies and crucial for many inferences of population history and natural selection. Existing maps1, 2, 3, 4–5 are based solely on cross-over (CO) recombination, omitting ...
  • van der Reijd, Denise J.; Soykan, Ezgi A.; Heeres, Birthe C.; Lambregts, Doenja M.J.; Vollebergh, Marieke A.; Kuhlmann, Koert F.D.; Kok, Niels F.M.; Snaebjornsson, Petur; Beets-Tan, Regina G.H.; Maas, Monique; Klompenhouwer, Elisabeth G. (2025-03)
    Purpose: To determine to what extent colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) display typical imaging characteristics on gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and what changes after chemotherapy. Methods: We retrospectively identified 258 ...

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