This is the institutional repository for peer reviewed articles published in open access and doctoral dissertations by the Agricultural University of Iceland, the Iceland Academy of the Arts, the National and University Library of Iceland, Reykjavik University, the University of Akureyri, Bifröst University, Hólar University College and the University of Iceland. Open access to research results is in accordance with article 10 from the Act on public support for research / 2003 No 3 and is compliant with requirements from international and domestic research fund programs. The purpose of the Open Science repository is to make results of research conducted at Icelandic universities accessible to the public online without hindrance or charge. Deposits to the repository are permanent and are intended to ensure future access to all published scientific material of the Icelandic research community. By collecting this material together in one collection access is made simple and easy for anyone who wishes to study the considerable scientific work conducted in Iceland.

The repository is OpenAIRE / OpenAIREplus compliant and in accordance with requirements for publication of research results from projects supported by the European research programs FP7 and H2020.

The repository uses the open software DSpace.

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  • Guðjónsdóttir, Rannveig Ágústa (University of Iceland, School of Education, 2025-04)
    Þessi rannsókn fjallar um feður sem beitt hafa ofbeldi í nánum samböndum og breytingarferli þeirra. Ofbeldi feðra gegn maka og börnum er mikilvægt femínískt umfjöllunarefni. Þekking á og úrræði við ofbeldi feðra er lykilþáttur í að vinna að öryggi ...
  • van der Linde Mikaelsdóttir, Katrín Lísa (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2025-03)
    Icelandic manuscripts from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries show several linguistic, orthographic, and palaeographic features that are thought to be characteristic of Norwegian dialects. These features, commonly referred to as ‘Norwegianisms’, ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Aldís Erna; Þórisson, Böðvar; Gunnarsson, Tómas G. (2025-02-17)
    Capsule: Iceland hosts several internationally important populations of ground-nesting birds in open habitats, particularly waders, but monitoring shows concerning declines among populations of several of these Icelandic land birds. Aims: To estimate ...
  • Baumgartner, Chérine D.; Jourdain, Eve; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; Borgå, Katrine; Heide-Jørgensen, Mads P.; Karoliussen, Richard; Laine, Jan T.; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; Ruus, Anders; Tavares, Sara B.; Ugarte, Fernando; Samarra, Filipa I.P.; Foote, Andrew D. (2025-01-20)
    Metapopulation dynamics can be shaped by foraging ecology, and thus be sensitive to shifts in prey availability. Genotyping 204 North Atlantic killer whales at 1346 loci, we investigated whether spatio-temporal population structuring is linked to prey ...
  • Ferreira, Hugo R.S.; Alves, José A.; Jiguet, Frédéric; Duriez, Olivier; Blanchon, Thomas; Lok, Tamar; Champagnon, Jocelyn (2025-01)
    Context: Throughout their annual cycle and life stages, animals depend on a variety of habitats to meet their vital needs. However, habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are making it increasingly difficult for mobile species such as birds to ...

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