Háskólinn í Reykjavík

Reykjavík University

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Employees of Reykjavik University should submit, (or grant RU authority to submit), scholarly articles, that they write in the name of the University, in open access in the repository Opin vísindi free of charge.

Doctoral students should submit, (or grant RU authority to submit), their PhD thesis in open access in the repository Opin vísindi free of charge.

Further information:
Reykjavik University’s Policy on Open Access
Instructions for employees submitting scholarly articles to Opin vísindi
Instructions for PhD students submitting their thesis in Opin vísindi

Undirflokkar í þessum flokki

Síðast bætt við

  • Soud, Majd (2024-10-03)
    Context: Smart contracts are computer programs deployed on the blockchain with significant value of cryptocurrency. They automate transactions and asset transfers, eliminating the need for intermediaries. These contracts serve as the foundation of ...
  • Sheikhlar, Arash (2024-10)
    For any agent to effectively learn how to achieve its goals via interaction with environments, it must have causal reasoning capabilities. Causal reasoning enables an agent to predict actions’ consequences and hypothesize the necessary conditions ...
  • Schmitz, Lisa (2024)
    By providing equitable care, digital health platforms can lessen the pressure on global healthcare systems. Digital platforms are pieces of software that connect users, data, services, and systems. In industry, the use of digital platforms has brought ...
  • Reynouard, Raphaël (2024-11-14)
    The field of model checking offers numerous tools for analysing stochastic models. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the behaviours exhibited by the system represented in the model. Consequently, such analyses are of paramount ...
  • Björnsdóttir, Svana Helen (Háskólinn í Reykjavík, 2024-05)
    The overall aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to contribute to the further development of the research area of risk analysis and risk management. It aims to bridge the gap between scientific research in this area and its practical application in industry and ...
  • López Flores, Nidia Guadalupe (2024-06)
    Learning is a multidimensional process that evolves and changes, influenced and affected by several elements. The sudden shift in teaching modality when the pandemic hit implied changes in social interactions, digital platforms use, and collaboration ...
  • Jacob, Deborah (2024-06)
    Current diagnosis and longitudinal evaluation of many neurological disorders rely on subjective, questionnaire-based approaches rather than measured biomarkers of the disease. Deficits of postural control are frequently seen in such diseases and ...
  • Attard, Duncan Paul (2024-02-10)
    Modern software is built on reactive principles, where systems are responsive, resilient, elastic, and message-driven. Despite the benefits they engender, these aspects make the correctness of reactive systems in terms of their expected behaviour hard ...
  • Espírito Santo, José; Pinto, Luís; Uustalu, Tarmo (Elsevier BV, 2022-06)
    In the authors' previous analysis of the calling paradigms call-by-name and call-by-value through Girard's and Gödel's embeddings into the S4 modal logic, an asymmetry remains: the two paradigms are unified by the call-by-box paradigm of the modal ...
  • Capobianco, Silvio; Uustalu, Tarmo (ACM, 2023-10-22)
    Cellular automata are an archetypical comonadic notion of computation in that computation happens in the coKleisli category of a comonad. In this paper, we show that they can also be viewed as graded comonadic—a perspective that turns out to be both ...
  • Árnason, Hákon Örn; Torfason, Kristinn; Manolescu, Andrei; Valfells, Ágúst (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
    Molecular dynamics simulations, with full Coulomb interaction, are used to model short-pulse photoemission from a finite area in a microdiode. We demonstrate three emission regimes, source-limited emission, space-charge-limited emission for short pulses, ...
  • Eiriksdottir, Valgerdur Kristin (2023-09)
    Prostate cancer (PC) is the second most common cancer among men globally and the most common cancer among Icelandic men. Early detection of PC is possible with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Before making a decision about PSA testing and before ...
  • Aghabalaei Fakhri, Elham; Sultan, Muhammad Taha; Manolescu, Andrei; Ingvarsson, Snorri; Svavarsson, Halldor (IEEE, 2022-10-12)
    We report on germanium coated silicon nanowires structures synthesized with metal assisted chemical etching and qualify their functionality as human respiratory sensor. The sensors were made from p-type single-crystalline (100) silicon wafers using a ...
  • Unnsteinsdóttir Kristensen, Ingunn (2022-12)
    Concussion symptoms are complex. They are non-specific to a concussion, and there is no gold standard for diagnosis and evaluation. For most, symptoms will resolve in days or weeks following a concussion. However, symptoms can become more serious, ...
  • Segal, Maxime (2024-02)
    Contingent Convertible (CoCo) bonds represent a novel category of debt financial instruments, recently introduced into the financial landscape. Their primary role is to bolster financial stability by maintaining healthy capital levels for the issuing ...
  • Claessen, Arni (2023-01)
    The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate decision usefulness of financial accounting information and compliance with financial accounting standards. This thesis builds on three complementary studies, which explore the decision usefulness of ...
  • Mori, Giulio (2023-10)
    Experience Management employs Artificial Intelligence technologies to enhance people's interactive application experiences by dynamically modifying the environment during the experience. In game-related research, there is a prevailing trend where each ...
  • Rezaie Heris, Hadi (2023-04-17)
    In this dissertation, we calculate the electronic charge and heat transport generated by a temperature gradient and a chemical potential bias in tubular semiconductor nanowires, in the presence of a magnetic field. We use the Landauer-Büttiker approach ...
  • Diamanti, Michelangelo (2023-06)
    Crowd simulation focuses on modeling the movements and behaviors of large groups of people. This area of study has become increasingly important because of its several applications in various fields such as urban planning, safety, and entertainment. ...
  • Gramizadeh, Hamed (2023-04-28)
    Magnetoresistance oscillations, also known as Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscil- lations, is a well-known phenomena that results from the quantization of electron orbits in the presence of a magnetic field. These oscillations have been extensively studied ...
