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Browsing Greinar- HÍ by Department "Social Science Research Institute (UI)"

Browsing Greinar- HÍ by Department "Social Science Research Institute (UI)"

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  • Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís; Rafnsdóttir, Gudbjörg LINDA; Jonsdottir, Gudbjorg (MDPI AG, 2020-09-30)
    Research shows that bullying is a significant workplace issue. A previous study showed increased sickness-related absences among municipality employees during the Icelandic economic crisis in 2008. This led to the following research questions: has ...
  • Rúdólfsdóttir, Annadís; Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta (SAGE Publications, 2018-02)
    This article contributes to recent research on young women’s emerging feminist movements or feminist counter-publics (see Salter, 2013) in the digital age. The focus is on the #freethenipple protests in Iceland in 2015 organised by young women and the ...
  • Stark, Tobias H.; Silber, Henning; Krosnick, Jon A.; Blom, Annelies G.; Aoyagi, Midori; Belchior, Ana; Bosnjak, Michael; Clement, Sanne Lund; John, Melvin; Jonsdottir, Gudbjorg Andrea; Lawson, Karen; Lynn, Peter; Martinsson, Johan; Shamshiri-Petersen, Ditte; Tvinnereim, Endre; Yu, Ruoh-rong (SAGE Publications, 2018-02-27)
    Questionnaire design is routinely guided by classic experiments on question form, wording, and context conducted decades ago. This article explores whether two question order effects (one due to the norm of evenhandedness and the other due to subtraction ...
  • Valdimarsdóttir, Margrét (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-06-20)
    The current research examines the cross-national relationship between income and gender inequality as well as their interconnected influences on both female and male homicide victimization. Using a sample of 127 heterogeneous countries, this research ...
  • Valdimarsdóttir, Margrét; Bernburg, Jón Gunnar (Félagsfræðingafélags Íslands, 2017)
    Í þessari grein fjöllum við um íslenskar rannsóknir á afbrotum og öðrum frávikum. Greinin byrjar á því að skoða afbrot á Íslandi í alþjóðlegum samanburði. Á heimsvísu er tíðni manndrápa einna lægst á Íslandi en minni munur er á Íslandi og öðrum löndum ...
  • Einarsdóttir, Þorgerður J.; Rafnsdóttir, Gudbjörg LINDA; Valdimarsdóttir, Margrét (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019-04-01)
    High levels of women in politics and paid work, together with the availability of paid parental leave and public child care, make the gender imbalance in business leadership in Iceland all the more confounding. This study analyzes business leaders’ ...