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Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Department "Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild (HÍ)"

Browsing Háskóli Íslands by Department "Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild (HÍ)"

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  • Schmid, Magdalena Maria E (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2018-12-12)
    This thesis aims to refine the accuracy and precision of radiocarbon (14C) datasets in order to better understand the timing of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental events relating to important issues like mobility, colonisation, human impacts and ...
  • Marchenko, Nataliya; Andreassen, Natalia; Borch, Odd Jarl; Kuznetsova, Svetlana; Ingimundarson, Valur; Jakobsen, Uffe (Faculty of Navigation, 2018)
    The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. The transport pattern has as a result partly changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may influence on the risk pattern. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice ...
  • Walser III, Joe; Kristjánsdóttir, Steinunn; Gröcke, Darren R.; Gowland, Rebecca L.; Jakob, Tina; Nowell, Geoff M.; Ottley, Chris J.; Montgomery, Janet (Wiley, 2019-12-13)
    Objectives A multi‐isotope study was conducted on individuals buried at Skriðuklaustur monastery (AD 1493–1554) to investigate their geographic origins and dietary composition. Comparative material from individuals excavated from Skeljastaðir, an ...
  • Sigurjónsdóttir, Æsa (INHA, 2019-06-30)
    L’art contemporain a joué un rôle essentiel dans la construction et la représentation des identités culturelles et de l’image nationale en Islande. S’appuyant sur un récit semi-fictionnel et généalogique de l’histoire de l’art, le rôle patriarcal de ...
  • Schmid, Magdalena Maria E; Zori, Davide; Erlendsson, Egill; Batt, Cathy; Damiata, Brian N; Byock, Jesse (SAGE Publications, 2017-06-22)
    Icelandic settlement (Landnám) period farmsteads offer opportunities to explore the nature and timing of anthropogenic activities and environmental impacts of the first Holocene farming communities. We employ Bayesian statistical modelling of archaeological, ...
  • Parigoris, Angelos (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2022)
    Archaeology has been fundamentally entangled in colonial power dynamics and nationalist schemes. This entanglement is clearly evident in Iceland, as our discipline has been, and continues to be, a vital tool in shaping and reshaping the Icelandic ...
  • Konchak, William (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2018-11)
    This dissertation draws upon philosopher Pierre Hadot’s conception of philosophy as a way of life, which views philosophy as a process of self-transformation through engaging in practices (which Hadot characterizes as spiritual exercises) alongside ...
  • Eygerðardóttir, Dalrún J. (Gatha Cognition, 2018-06-15)
    This paper examines the story of the last female drifters in Iceland from the voices of women who remembered them. It examines the advantages of the woman-on-woman oral history interview when obtaining women’s perspectives on women’s history. An ...
  • Karlsson, Gunnar (Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018)
    Í íslenskum miðaldalögum eru engin ákvæði um höfundarrétt. Höfundar nýttu sér hiklaust sögutexta annarra án leyfis, en skáld þáðu laun fyrir að yrkja lofkvæði um konunga og sagnamenn fyrir að skemmta með sögum við hirð Noregskonungs. Sagnalist varð ...
  • Stefánsdóttir, Ástríður (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2022-05-03)
    This thesis explores the meaning of medicine and considers ethical challenges that arise when medicine's limits are tested as it enters new grounds. The methodology and argumentation used in the thesis can be described as a two-step process. In the ...
  • Halldórsdóttir, Erla Dóris (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild, 2016-09)
    Þessi ritgerð er unnin út frá heimildum um tímabil sem tvær heilbrigðisstarfsstéttir á Íslandi gengu í gegnum á 120 árum, frá 1760–1880. Læknastétt var eingöngu skipuð körlum en í yfirsetukvennastétt gátu bæði lærðir sem ólærðir karlar og konur ...
  • Konchak, William (Philosophy Documentation Center, 2020)
    This paper explores the Greek conception of theoria, Gadamer’s interpretation of it, and how he applies it to his own hermeneutics. In particular, the transition that Gadamer makes from traditional metaphysical perspectives of theoria in ancient thought ...
  • Svavarsson, Svavar Hrafn (Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum, 2016)
    Kvæðaþýðingar Gríms Thomsen hafa frá fyrstu tíð þótt ágæt dæmi um staðfærslu eða aðlögun erlends skáldskapar að íslenskum hefðum og hugarfari, þar sem erlendu kvæðin séu nánast átylla rammíslensks skáldskapar Gríms. Við þetta mat er hins vegar litið ...
  • Walser III, Joe (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2021-03)
    Volcanic eruptions can cause significant human health and environmental threats both during and after their event due to the hazardous materials and gases that are actively or passively released into the surrounding environment. Historical records ...
  • Kaldakvísl Eygerðardóttir, Dalrún (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2022)
    Ráðskonur eiga sér langa sögu í íslensku samfélagi. Meginmarkmið rannsóknarinnar er að rannsaka störf og félagslega stöðu ráðskvenna sem störfuðu á einkaheimilum í sveit á Íslandi á tímabilinu 1950–2000. Í bakgrunnskafla er einnig fjallað stuttlega um ...
  • Sykes, Naomi; Beirne, Piers; Horowitz, Alexandra; Jones, Ione; Kalof, Linda; Karlsson, Elinor; King, Tammie; Litwak, Howard; McDonald, Robbie A.; Murphy, Luke John; Pemberton, Neil; Promislow, Daniel; Rowan, Andrew; Stahl, Peter W.; Tehrani, Jamshid; Tourigny, Eric; Wynne, Clive D. L.; Strauss, Eric; Larson, Greger (MDPI AG, 2020-03-17)
    No other animal has a closer mutualistic relationship with humans than the dog (Canis familiaris). Domesticated from the Eurasian grey wolf (Canis lupus), dogs have evolved alongside humans over millennia in a relationship that has transformed dogs and ...
  • Jóhannesdóttir, Guðbjörg Rannveig (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild, 2015-02)
    This thesis is a study of the aesthetics of Icelandic landscapes. The aim of the thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of landscape and the values which are derived from the aesthetic experience of Icelandic landscapes, and to think ...
  • Árnason, Vilhjálmur (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-05-30)
    Icelandic politics are analysed from the perspectives of three normative models of democracy: the liberal, republican and deliberative democratic theories. While the Icelandic constitution is rooted in classical liberal ideas, Icelandic politics can ...
  • Harðardóttir, Guðrún (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2023-08)
    The PhD thesis, Images in seals of chapters and bishops in the medieval dioceses of Norway and Iceland, is an innovative study on the imagery in the seals of chapters and bishops in the medieval dioceses of Norway and Iceland in the time frame of ca ...
  • Olafsson, Bragi (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild, 2022-02)
    Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um handritasöfnun Jóns Sigurðssonar forseta. Markmið hennar er þríþætt. Í fyrsta lagi að varpa ljósi á tilgang söfnunarinnar og þá hvata er lágu þar að baki, í öðru lagi að skoða þær deilur er spruttu í kjölfar hennar og ...