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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Grabenhenrich, Linus; Trendelenburg, Valérie; Bellach, Johanna; Yürek, Songül; Reich, Andreas; Fiandor, Ana; Rivero, Daniela; Sigurðardóttir, Sigurveig; Clausen, Michael; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G.; Xepapadaki, Paraskevi; Sprikkelman, Aline B.; Dontje, Bianca; Roberts, Graham; Grimshaw, Kate; Kowalski, Marek L.; Kurowski, Marcin; Dubakiene, Ruta; Rudzeviciene, Odilija; Fernández‐Rivas, Montserrat; Couch, Philip; Versteeg, Serge A.; Ree, Ronald; Mills, Clare; Keil, Thomas; Beyer, Kirsten (Wiley, 2020-05-19)
    Background: The prevalence of food allergy (FA) among European school children is poorly defined. Estimates have commonly been based on parent-reported symptoms. We aimed to estimate the frequency of FA and sensitization against food allergens in primary ...
  • Benetti, Marion; Reverdin, Gilles; Holliday, Penny; Olafsdottir, Solveig; Lherminier, Pascale; Sarthou, Geraldine; De Steu, Laura; Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Árný; Valdes, Sinhue Torres; Tynan, Eithne; Yashayaev, Igor; Olafsson, Jon (European Geosciences Union, 2017)
    We investigate whether one can detect changes in the freshwater contributions to the North Atlantic subpolar gyre(SPG), in light of the observed recent decrease of salinity in the region. We focus on two important conduits offreshwater from the ...
  • Gunnarsson, Gunnar J.; Finnbogason, Gunnar E.; Ragnarsdottir, Hanna; Jónsdóttir, Halla (Karlstad University, 2015)
    Abstract: This article introduces initial findings from a study on young people‘s (18 years and older) life views and life values in Iceland. The research project is located within a broad theoretical framework and uses interdisciplinary approaches ...
  • Möller, Kristín Þóra; Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2017-11-29)
    Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvernig frímínútum er háttað í tveimur grunnskólum, hversu mikilvæg agastefna skólanna virðist vera fyrir starfsfólk skólanna í daglegum störfum og að rýna í samspil frímínútna og skólabrags skólanna. Rannsóknin ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, Colin Michael; Wendt, Margrét (MDPI AG, 2020-08-03)
    Overtourism has emerged as a common concept to describe the perceived negative impacts that large numbers of tourists can have on destinations. Iceland is one of the destinations which has been most associated with the concept of overtourism. Tourism ...
  • Guðmundsdóttir, Gréta Björk (University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 2010)
  • Hálfdánarson, Guðmundur (Plus-Pisa University Press, 2006)
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Guðrún Helga Diop (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics, 2022-05)
    This doctoral research aims to examine and explain the emerging post-2015 development agenda focusing on the national consultations in Senegal. UN launched and guided the post-2015 development agenda to identify new global policy replacing the Millennium ...
  • Nikkola, Paavo (Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki; Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, 2020-03-20)
    This thesis provides insights into the petrogenesis of Iceland basalts via three subprojects. The first uses olivine macrocrysts as a proxy for mantle melting conditions below Iceland, the second utilizes petrological thermobarometry to resolve the ...
  • Holmarsdottir, Halla (Universitetet i Oslo, Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet, Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt, 2005)
  • Gunnarsson, Gunnar J. (Karlstads Universitet, 2017-03-07)
    In the article three Icelandic research projects are examined, two doctoral theses and one master’s thesis, with a view to mapping the knowledge that those projects have created while also considering what knowledge is lacking in the field of research ...
  • Schledorn, Jeremias (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2024)
    Political polarization is often explained by emotions. Not only are emotions widely exploited as a political strategy, e.g., by populist parties, but furthermore, points of view are often discredited as based on mere emotion as opposed to so-called ...
  • Nedelciu, Claudiu; Ragnarsdottir, Kristin Vala; Stjernquist, Ingrid (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-09-14)
    Recycling Phosphorus (P) from urban wastewater can secure part of domestic agricultural P supply and contribute to a circular P supply chain. In this paper, we use literature review, stakeholder interviews and analysis, and systems dynamics for the ...
  • Óskarsdóttir, Gerður G. (Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018-12-31)
    Frumkvæði og sköpun nemenda eru áhersluþættir í íslenskum lögum og námskrá fyrir framhaldsskóla. Sömu áherslur má sjá í fjölþjóðlegri stefnumörkun í menntamálum. Gera má ráð fyrir að þær byggist á umfjöllun fræðimanna í nánast heila öld um mikilvægi ...
  • Sigurgeirsdottir, Jonina; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður; Arnardottir, Ragnheidur Harpa; Gudmundsson, Gunnar; Bjornsson, Eythor Hreinn (2020-11)
    Aim: The aim of this phenomenological study was to explore principal family members’ experience of motivating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) towards self-management. Methods: Interviews were conducted with 10 family members ...
  • Rúdólfsdóttir, Annadís; Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta (SAGE Publications, 2018-02)
    This article contributes to recent research on young women’s emerging feminist movements or feminist counter-publics (see Salter, 2013) in the digital age. The focus is on the #freethenipple protests in Iceland in 2015 organised by young women and the ...
  • Magnússon, Finnur (University of Vienna, 2012)
    The thesis covers one of the investment standards of international investment law, namely the full protection and security standard. In Part I, the study is introduced in terms of structure and substance. Chapter 1 provides a description of the scope ...
  • Jónasson, Jón Gunnlaugur; Guðnason, Hafsteinn Ó.; Kristinsson, Jón Örvar; Bergmann, Óttar Már; Ólafsson , S.; Björnsson, Einar Stefán (2019-09)
    INNGANGUR Frumkomin trefjunargallgangabólga er langvinnur bólgusjúkdómur í gallvegum innan og/eða utan lifrar sem getur valdið skorpulifur, lokastigs lifrarbilun og leitt til lifrarígræðslu. Bólgusjúkdómar í meltingarvegi, fyrst og fremst sáraristilbólga, ...
  • Ajore, Ram; Niroula, Abhishek; Pertesi, Maroulio; Cafaro, Caterina; Thodberg, Malte; Went, Molly; Bao, Erik L.; Duran-Lozano, Laura; Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, Aitzkoa; Olafsdottir, Thorunn; Ugidos-Damboriena, Nerea; Magnusson, Olafur; Samur, Mehmet; Lareau, Caleb A.; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Gunnarsdottir, Kristbjorg; Försti, Asta; Goldschmidt, Hartmut; Hemminki, Kari; van Rhee, Frits; Kimber, Scott; Sperling, Adam S.; Kaiser, Martin; Anderson, Kenneth; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Munshi, Nikhil; Rafnar, Thorunn; Waage, Anders; Weinhold, Niels; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Sankaran, Vijay G.; Stefansson, Kari; Houlston, Richard; Nilsson, Björn (2022-01-10)
    Thousands of non-coding variants have been associated with increased risk of human diseases, yet the causal variants and their mechanisms-of-action remain obscure. In an integrative study combining massively parallel reporter assays (MPRA), expression ...
  • Brown, Lee E.; Khamis, Kieran; Wilkes, Martin; Blaen, Phillip; Brittain, John E.; Carrivick, Jonathan L.; Fell, Sarah; Friberg, Nikolai; Füreder, Leopold; Gislason, Gisli Mar; Hainie, Sarah; Hannah, David M.; James, William H. M.; Lencioni, Valeria; Olafsson, Jon S.; Robinson, Christopher T.; Saltveit, Svein J.; Thompson, Craig; Milner, Alexander M. (Springer Nature, 2017-12-18)
    Global change threatens invertebrate biodiversity and its central role in numerous ecosystem functions and services. Functional trait analyses have been advocated to uncover global mechanisms behind biodiversity responses to environmental change, but ...