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  • Song, Huan; Fang, Fang; Valdimarsdottir, Unnur; Lu, Donghao; Andersson, Therese M.-L.; Hultman, Christina; Ye, Weimin; Lundell, Lars; Johansson, Jan; Nilsson, Magnus; Lindblad, Mats (Springer Nature, 2017-01-03)
    Background Except for overall survival, whether or not waiting time for treatment could influences other domains of cancer patients’ overall well-being is to a large extent unknown. Therefore, we performed this study to determine the effect of waiting ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Kristín; Krainer, Konrad; Vondrova, Nada (2016)
    In a seminar on new thinking in school mathematics, held in Royaumont, France, in 1959, one of the main speakers, Jean Dieudonné, summarized the new schoolmathematics programme he had in mind in the sentence: Down with Euclid. The purpose of the article ...
  • Safarian, Sahar; Richter, Christiaan; Unnthorsson, Runar (Scientific Research Publishing, Inc,, 2019-06-23)
    Biomass is one of the most widely available energy sources and gasification is a thermal conversion process where biomass is transformed into a fuel gas with a gasifying agent. In this paper by using ASPEN Plus, a new steady state simulation model ...
  • Vage, Kjetil; Semper, Stefanie; Valdimarsson, Héðinn; Jónsson, Steingrímur; Pickart, Robert S.; Moore, G. W. K. (2022-08)
    Dense water masses formed in the Nordic Seas flow across the Greenland–Scotland Ridge and contribute substantially to the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Originally considered an important source of dense water, the Iceland ...
  • Gunnarsdóttir, María J.; Gardarsson, Sigurdur; Figueras, Maria J.; Puigdomènech, Clàudia; Juárez, Rubén; Saucedo, Gemma; Arnedo, M. José; Santos, Ricardo; Monteiro, Silvia; Avery, Lisa; Pagaling, Eulyn; Allan, Richard; Abel, Claire; Eglitis, Janis; Hambsch, Beate; Hügler, Michael; Rajkovic, Andreja; Smigic, Nada; Udovicki, Bozidar; Albrechtsen, Hans-Jörgen; López-Avilés, Alma; Hunter, Paul (Elsevier BV, 2020-01)
    Drinking water quality has been regulated in most European countries for nearly two decades by the drinking water directive 98/83/EC. The directive is now under revision with the goal of meeting stricter demands for safe water for all citizens, as safe ...
  • Skúlason, Skúli; Parsons, Kevin J.; Svanbäck, Richard; Räsänen, Katja; Ferguson, Moira M.; Adams, Colin E.; Amundsen, Per‐Arne; Bartels, Pia; Bean, Colin W.; Boughman, Janette W.; Englund, Göran; Guðbrandsson, Jóhannes; Hooker, Oliver E.; Hudson, Alan G.; Kahilainen, Kimmo K.; Knudsen, Rune; Kristjánsson, Bjarni K.; Leblanc, Camille; Jónsson, Zophonías Oddur; Öhlund, Gunnar; Smith, Carl; Snorrason, Sigurður S. (Wiley, 2019-06-19)
    A major goal of evolutionary science is to understand how biological diversity is generated and altered. Despite considerable advances, we still have limited insight into how phenotypic variation arises and is sorted by natural selection. Here we argue ...
  • Vilhjálmsson, Þorsteinn (Háskóli Íslands, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Diversity, 2024-10-30)
    Þessi ritgerð greinir nýlega íslenska hinsegin sögu með áherslu á árin 1990–2010. Á þessu tímabili færðust íslenskir hommar og lesbíur frá því að vera utangarðs utan þjóðarímyndarinnar og tóku sér stöðu innan hennar. Löggjöf um staðfesta samvist milli ...
  • Helgason, Jón Karl; Wawn, Andrew (Hisarlik Press, 1994)
  • Bonatotzky, Theresa (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-06)
    Frequent tephra deposition and a steady influx of aeolian material of diverse origin dominate soil formation in Iceland. Little is known about the weathering behaviour, mineral formation and alteration of tephra and Icelandic soils after tephra deposition. ...
  • Connolly, John; Sebastià, Maria-Teresa; Kirwan, Laura; Finn, John Anthony; Llurba, Rosa; Suter, Matthias; Collins, Rosemary P.; Porqueddu, Claudio; Helgadóttir, Áslaug; Baadshaug, Ole H.; Bélanger, Gilles; Black, Alistair; Brophy, Caroline; Čop, Jure; Dalmannsdottir, Sigridur; Delgado, Ignacio; Elgersma, Anjo; Fothergill, Michael; Frankow-Lindberg, Bodil E.; Ghesquiere, An; Golinski, Piotr; Grieu, Philippe; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Höglind, Mats; Huguenin-Elie, Olivier; Jørgensen, Marit; Kadziuliene, Zydre; Lunnan, Tor; Nykanen-Kurki, Paivi; Ribas, Angela; Taube, Friedhelm; Thumm, Ulrich; De Vliegher, Alex; Lüscher, Andreas (Wiley, 2017-09-27)
    Grassland diversity can support sustainable intensification of grassland production through increased yields, reduced inputs and limited weed invasion. We report the effects of diversity on weed suppression from 3 years of a 31-site continental-scale ...
  • Indriðadóttir, Ingunn Hreinberg (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2023-04-05)
    Abstract The theoretical aim of this project is to get a better understanding of the so called weight effects illustrated in examples like the following (? = a questionable example, * = a bad example, ** = an even worse example; brackets enclose the ...
  • Sigurdsson, Emil L. (2021)
  • Birgisdóttir, Sigrún (IIT Bombay Publications, 2015-12)
    This paper will address issues of sustainable development within the context of Icelands´ escalating tourism, exploring how design thinking and scenario building can be used as a reflective tool to address complex problems. This will be discussed in ...
  • Zielhofer, Christoph; Köhler, Anne; Mischke, Steffen; Benkaddour, Abdelfattah; Mikdad, Abdeslam; Fletcher, William J. (Copernicus GmbH, 2019-03-20)
    Gerard C. Bond established a Holocene series of North Atlantic ice-rafted debris events based on quartz and haematite-stained grains recovered from subpolar North Atlantic marine cores. These so-called “Bond events” document nine large-scale and ...
  • Cook, David; Malinauskaite, Laura; Roman, Joe; Davidsdottir, Brynhildur; Ögmundardóttir, Helga (Elsevier BV, 2019-12)
    Goal 14, ‘Life Below Water’, of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals sets a target for nations to increase the number of marine protected areas managed using ecosystem-based management, which requires interventions focused on fish stock ...
  • Gunnarsdottir, Þóra Jenný; van der Heijden, Marianne J.E.; Busch, Martine; Falkenberg, Torkel; Hansen, Thomas; van Dijk, Monique; Lunde, Anita (2022-06-01)
    Introduction: In Europe, more and more people use complementary therapies (CT) for the management of pain, anxiety, sleep problems and discomfort. However, nursing students are generally not taught about CT. Furthermore, nurses are not taught how to ...
  • Thorkelsdóttir, Rannveig Björk (River Publishers, 2018-01)
    The aim of this chapter is to look at what aspects enable and what aspects constrain the subject of drama in Icelandic compulsory education, using the lens of practice architectures theory. The chapter is based on my PhD study entitled Understanding ...
  • Anna Sigríður Vilhelmsdóttir; Erna Kristjánsdóttir; Ingason, Helgi (Elsevier BV, 2016-07-14)
    Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. The football environment is demanding and challenging. In the last years there are more financial resources involved and social demand is increasing. Football is about creating the correct winning ...
  • Bekker, Charlotte L.; Gardarsdottir, Helga; Egberts, Antoine C. G.; Molenaar, Hendrik A.; Bouvy, Marcel L.; van den Bemt, Bart J. F.; Hövels, Anke M. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-04-24)
    Background: Redispensing unused medications that have been returned to outpatient pharmacies by patients may reduce waste and healthcare costs. However, little is known regarding the extra costs associated with this process, nor the price level of ...
  • Hasegawa, Mitsuko; Pilotte, Nils; Kikuchi, Mihoko; Means, Arianna R.; Papaiakovou, Marina; Gonzalez, Andrew M.; Maasch, Jacqueline R.M.A.; Ikuno, Hiroshi; Sunahara, Toshihiko; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana H.; Walson, Judd L.; Williams, Steven A.; Hamano, Shinjiro (2020-01-08)
    Background: Japan is one of the few countries believed to have eliminated soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). In 1949, the national prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 62.9%, which decreased to 0.6% in 1973 due to improvements in infrastructure, ...