Opin vísindi: Síðast bætt við

  • Guðmundsson, Birgir; Hjálmarsdóttir, Hafdís Björg; Kristjánsdóttir, Vera K Vestmann (2019-12-17)
    The importance of marketing techniques in political campaigning has increased as communicating politics has become more complex in a highly fragmented media environment. With different media logics interacting in a hybrid media system, political marketing ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2021-03-01)
    My main objective in this article is to examine the importance of political parallelism in Iceland through establishing the extent to which political parallelism is perceived to char-acterise political communication in Iceland by politicians and voters. ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2010)
    Hefðbundnir fjölmiðlar voru ekki í aðalhlutverki við kynningu og umfjöllun um einstaka frambjóðendur í kosningunum til stjórnlagaþings í nóvember 2010. Persónukjör með landið sem eitt kjördæmi þar sem yfir 500 frambjóðendur voru í kjöri er fyrirkomulag ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir; Eyþórsson, Grétar Þór (2013)
    Í greininni er leitast við að skýra hugtakið pólitískt jafnrétti og tengsl þess við lýðræðislegt stjórnarfar. Höfundar tengja þá umræðu við endurskoðun íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar. Leitað er svara við þeirri spurningu hvort tölulega jafnt vægi atkvæða ...
  • Árnadóttir, Ragna Sif; Björnsson, Hjalti Már (2021-11)
    INTRODUCTION: In Iceland, wilderness search and rescue services are provided by volunteer members of the Icelandic association for search and rescue (ICE-SAR). The rescue teams respond to about 1200 calls every year, with a significant proportion of ...
  • Adlard, Bryan; Lemire, Mélanie; Bonefeld-Jørgensen, Eva C.; Long, Manhai; Ólafsdóttir, Kristín; Odland, Jon O.; Rautio, Arja; Myllynen, Päivi; Sandanger, Torkjel M.; Dudarev, Alexey A.; Bergdahl, Ingvar A.; Wennberg, Maria; Berner, James; Ayotte, Pierre (2021)
    Exposure to mercury (Hg) is a global concern, particularly among Arctic populations that rely on the consumption of marine mammals and fish which are the main route of Hg exposure for Arctic populations.The MercuNorth project was created to establish ...
  • Bengtsson, Boel; Lindén, Christina; Heijl, Anders; Andersson-Geimer, Sabina; Aspberg, Johan; Jóhannesson, Gauti (2021-07-29)
    Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the perimetric rate of glaucoma progression in the ongoing Glaucoma Intensive Treatment Study (GITS) after 3 years of follow-up. Design: This is a randomized, two-centre, prospective open-labelled treatment ...
  • Axelsson, Gísli Þór; Guðmundsson, Gunnar (2021)
    Efforts to grasp the significance of radiologic changes similar to interstitial lung disease (ILD) in undiagnosed individuals have intensified in the recent decade. The term interstitial lung abnormalities (ILA) is an emerging definition of such changes, ...
  • Ajjampur, Sitara S.R.; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Halliday, Katherine E.; Palanisamy, Gokila; Farzana, Jasmine; Manuel, Malathi; Abraham, Dilip; Laxmanan, Selvi; Aruldas, Kumudha; Rose, Anuradha; Kennedy, David S.; Oswald, William E.; Pullan, Rachel L.; Galagan, Sean R.; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Anderson, Roy M.; Muliyil, Jayaprakash; Sarkar, Rajiv; Kang, Gagandeep; Walson, Judd L. (2021-04-30)
    Since 2015, India has coordinated the largest school-based deworming program globally, targeting soil-transmitted helminths (STH) in ~250 million children aged 1 to 19 years twice yearly. Despite substantial progress in reduction of morbidity associated ...
  • Avokpaho, Euripide F.G.A.; Houngbégnon, Parfait; Accrombessi, Manfred; Atindégla, Eloïc; Yard, Elodie; Means, Arianna Rubin; Kennedy, David S.; Littlewood, D. Timothy J.; Garcia, André; Massougbodji, Achille; Galagan, Sean R.; Walson, Judd L.; Cottrell, Gilles; Ibikounlé, Moudachirou; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Luty, Adrian J.F. (2021-08-17)
    Background Despite several years of school-based MDA implementation, STH infections remain an important public health problem in Benin, with a country-wide prevalence of 20% in 2015. The DeWorm3 study is designed to assess the feasibility of using ...
  • Meckl, Markus Hermann; Guðmundsson, Birgir; Ólafs, Helga; Proppé, Hulda (Háskóli Íslands, 2010)
    The freedom of the press is a necessity to ensure public debate, a debate which secures the emergence of truth for the better good of all. The importance attributed to this argument is reflected in European constitutions. Since the French Revolution ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2015-06-15)
    Umræða um sjálfsritskoðun fjölmiðla hefur tekið kipp hér á landi eftir árásir á ritstjórnarskrifstofur Charie Hebdo í París í janúar 2015 og sviptingar í yfirstjórn og eigendahópi íslenskra fjölmiðla. En hver er sú reynsla sem blaðamenn lýsa sem ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2020-12-16)
    Covid 19 has had enormous impact on media firms all over the world, adding further economic pressures to a sector already suffering problems. Two different trends come together in the present situation, a challenge to the economic model of traditional ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2014)
    Political communication in Iceland and in the Nordic Countries has undergone dramatic changes in the last decades. The political process has had to adjust to a new media landscape and to novel media technology at the same time as the media themselves ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2013-12-15)
    Flokksfjölmiðlun þreifst hér á landi fram undir síðustu aldamót og sú umbreyting sem Blumler & Kavanagh (1999) kölluðu „Þriðja skeið pólitískrar boðmiðlunar“ og felst m.a. í aukinni sérfræðiþekkingu í boðmiðlun innan stjórnmálaflokka og mikilli fagvæðingu ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir; Meckl, Markus Hermann; Ólafs, Helga; Heijstra, Thamar M. (Háskóli Íslands, 2014)
  • EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF) (2021-11-01)
    The present opinion deals with the re-evaluation of thaumatin (E 957) when used as a food additive. Thaumatin is a natural plant protein, consisting of thaumatin I and thaumatin II proteins together with minor amounts of plant constituents, obtained ...
  • EFSA Scientific Committee (2021-03)
    This Statement presents a proposal for harmonising the establishment of Health-Based Guidance Values (HBGVs) for regulated products that are also nutrients. This is a recurrent issue for food additives and pesticides, and may occasionally occur for ...
  • EFSA Scientific Committee (2021-08)
    Following a mandate from the European Commission, EFSA has developed a Guidance on Technical Requirements (Guidance on Particle-TR), defining the criteria for assessing the presence of a fraction of small particles, and setting out information requirements ...
  • EFSA Scientific Committee (SC) (2021-08-01)
    The EFSA Scientific Committee was asked to provide guidance on the most appropriate in vivo tests to follow up on positive in vitro results for aneugenicity, and on the approach to risk assessment for substances that are aneugenic but not clastogenic ...