Opin vísindi: Síðast bætt við

  • Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís; Karlsdóttir, Fjóla Björk (2021-12-20)
    Mikilvægt er að starfsfólki líði vel á vinnustaðnum enda verja flestir stórum hluta ævinnar þar. Vellíðan á vinnustað hefur áhrif bæði á lífsgæði starfsfólks sem og verðmætasköpun fyrirtækja og þjónustugæði stofnanna. Það eru ýmsir þættir í vinnuumhverfinu ...
  • Einarsdóttir, Emilía Jarþrúður; Eðvarðsson, Ingi Rúnar; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður (2012)
    Tilgangur greinarinnar er tvíþættur: Í fyrsta lagi að greina áhrif niðurskurðar í kjölfar efnahagshrunsins á helstu starfshvata hjúkrunarfræðinga í heilsugæslu og í öðru lagi að greina áhrif niðurskurðarins á þekkingarmiðlun innan sama hóps. ...
  • Gustafsdottir, Sonja S.; Fenger, Kristjana; Halldorsdottir, Sigridur; Bjarnason, Thoroddur (2017-08-01)
    Iceland is sparsely populated but social justice and equity has been emphasised within healthcare. The aim of the study is to examine healthcare services in Fjallabyggð, in rural northern Iceland, from users’ perspective and evaluate social justice, ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, Guðrún Dóra (2021)
  • Sigurdsson, Emil L. (2021)
  • Gunnarsson, Bjarni Kristinn; Hansdóttir, Ingunn; Björnsdóttir, Erla; Birgisdóttir, Erla Björg; Árnadóttir, Anna Þóra; Magnússon, Björn (2016-02-03)
    Inngangur: Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta skammtíma- og langtímaárangur fjögurra vikna þverfaglegrar hópmeðferðar vegna offitu með eftirfylgd ásamt því að bera saman árangur þeirra sem fóru í hjáveituað- gerð og hinna sem ekki fóru í slíka aðgerð. ...
  • Magnússon, Kristófer A.; Gunnarsson, Bjarni; Sigurðsson, Gísli H.; Mogensen, Brynjólfur; Ólafsson, Yngvi; Kárason, Sigurbergu; Sigurðsson, Gísli H (2016-03-02)
    Inngangur: Mjaðmarbrot eru algeng meðal aldraðra, oft með alvarlegum afleiðingum og hárri dánartíðni. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna meðferð og afdrif sjúklinga sem hlutu mjaðmarbrot og voru meðhöndlaðir á Landspítala. Efniviður og aðferðir: ...
  • Waling, Maria; Ólafsdóttir, Anna Sigríður; Lagstrom, Hanna; Wergedahl, Hege; Jonsson, Bert; Olsson, Cecilia; Fossgard, Eldbjørg; Holthe, Asle; Talvia, Sanna; Gunnarsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Hörnell, Agneta (2016-08-10)
    Background: School meals, if both nutritious and attractive, provide a unique opportunity to improve health equality and public health. Objective: To describe the study rationale, data collection, and background of participants in the study 'Prospects ...
  • Almeida-Brasil, Celline C; Hanly, John G; Urowitz, Murray; Clarke, Ann Elaine; Ruiz-Irastorza, Guillermo; Gordon, Caroline; Ramsey-Goldman, Rosalind; Petri, Michelle; Ginzler, Ellen M; Wallace, Daniel J; Bae, Sang-Cheol; Romero-Diaz, Juanita; Dooley, Mary Anne; Peschken, Christine; Isenberg, David; Rahman, Anisur; Manzi, Susan; Jacobsen, Søren; Sam Lim, Sung; Van vollenhoven, Ronald F.; Nived, Ola; Jönsen, Andreas; Kamen, Diane L; Aranow, Cynthia; Sánchez-Guerrero, Jorge; Gladman, Dafna D.; Fortin, Paul R; Alarcon, Graciela S.; Merrill, Joan T; Kalunian, Kenneth; Ramos-Casals, Manuel; Steinsson, Kristján; Zoma, A A; Askanase, Anca D; Khamashta, Munther; Bruce, Ian N.; Inanc, Murat; Lukusa, Luck; Bernatsky, Sasha (2022-11-01)
    Objective To evaluate hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)-related retinal toxicity in the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) inception cohort. Methods Data were collected at annual study visits between 1999 and 2019. We followed patients ...
  • DBDS Genetic Consortium (2022-07-20)
    Detailed knowledge of how diversity in the sequence of the human genome affects phenotypic diversity depends on a comprehensive and reliable characterization of both sequences and phenotypic variation. Over the past decade, insights into this relationship ...
  • Nguyen, Han Van (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022-12-08)
    Optical remote sensing (RS) uses optical sensors to create images of the Earth's surface. Those imaging sensors are mounted on spaceborne or airborne vehicles and capture visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared radiation reflected from the Earth's ...
  • Sigfúsdóttir, Ólöf Gerður (University of Iceland, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics, 2022-10-14)
    Unlike collecting, preserving, educating and displaying, research is rarely thought of as a core activity in museums. However, it is one of the formal requirements museums must fulfil according to international standards. It is also the most ambiguous ...
  • Yucheng, Jia (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2022-12-05)
    Literary translation means not only transition from a source text to a target text, but also reconstruction of contexts in the target text as much close as to those with the source text. Although the accepted view that there is no absolute in literary ...
  • Dürig, Tobias; Guðmundsson, Magnús T.; Ágústsdóttir, Thorbjörg; Högnadóttir, Thórdís; Schmidt, Louise (Springer, 2022-02-28)
    Real-time monitoring of volcanic ash plumes with the aim to estimate the mass eruption rate is crucial for predicting atmospheric ash concentration. Mass eruption rates are usually assessed by 0D and 1D plume models, which are fast and require only a ...
  • Hochfeld, Isabell; Hort, Matthias; Schwalbe, Ellen; Dürig, Tobias (Springer, 2022-07-08)
    Analyzing video data from an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) of two short-lived dome building events at Anak Krakatau volcano (Indonesia), we determine vertical and horizontal movements of the dome surface prior to explosions, as well as initial eruption ...
  • Ng, R.; Björnsson, Hans Tómas; Fahrner, Jill A.; Harris, Jacqueline R. (2023-02)
    BACKGROUND: Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome (WSS) is a rare genetic disorder caused by heterozygous variants in KMT2A. To date, the cognitive profile associated with WSS remains largely unknown, although emergent case series implicate increased risk of ...
  • Wang, Juan; Janson, Christer; Malinovschi, Andrei; Holm, Mathias; Franklin, Karl A.; Modig, Lars; Johannessen, Ane; Schlünssen, Vivi; Gíslason, Þórarinn; Jogi, Nils Oskar; Norbäck, Dan (2022-12-01)
    We studied home environment exposures in relation to asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis among offspring of participants (parents) in the Respiratory Health in Northern Europe (RHINE) study (age ≤ 30 y). Totally 17,881 offspring from Iceland, ...
  • Oudin Åström, Daniel; Bjursten, Henrik; Oudin, Anna; Nozohoor, Shahab; Ahmad, Khalil; Tang, Mariann; Bjurbom, Markus; Hansson, Emma C.; Jeppsson, Anders; Holdflod Møller, Christian Joost; Jormalainen, Miko; Juvonen, Tatu; Mennander, Ari; Olsen, Peter S.; Olsson, Christian; Ahlsson, Anders; Pan, Emily; Raivio, Peter; Wickbom, Anders; Sjögren, Johan; Geirsson, Arnar; Guðbjartsson, Tómas; Zindovic, Igor (2022-11-08)
    We aimed to investigate a hypothesised association between daily mean temperature and the risk of surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). For the period of 1 January 2005 until 31 December 2019, we collected daily data on mean temperatures ...
  • Matthíasdóttir, Anna Mjöll; Guðnason, Þórólfur; Halldórsson, Matthías; Haraldsson, Ásgeir; Kristinsson, Karl Gústaf (2016-01-04)
    Tilgangur: Sýklalyfjanotkun er ein helsta orsök sýklalyfjaónæmis hjá bakteríum og er mikilvægt að draga úr ónauðsynlegri notkun eins og hægt er. Sýklalyfjanotkun, og þá sérstaklega notkun breiðvirkra sýklalyfja, er mikil hér á landi. Markmið rannsóknarinnar ...
  • Bryngeirsdottir, Hulda S.; Halldorsdottir, Sigridur (2021-10-28)
    Background: Many people experience psychological trauma during their lifetime, often negatively affecting their mental and physical health. Post-traumatic growth is a positive psychological change that may occur in an individual after having processed ...