Opin vísindi: Síðast bætt við

  • Malmgren, Linnea; Öberg, Carl; den Bakker, Emil; Leion, Felicia; Siódmiak, Joanna; Åkesson, Anna; Lindström, Veronica; Herou, Erik; Dardashti, Alain; Xhakollari, Liana; Grubb, Gabriel; Strevens, Helena; Abrahamson, Magnus; Helmersson-Karlqvist, Johanna; Magnusson, Martin; Björk, Jonas; Nyman, Ulf; Ärnlöv, Johan; Ridefelt, Peter; Åkerfeldt, Torbjörn; Hansson, Magnus; Sjöström, Anna; Mårtensson, Johan; Itoh, Yoshihisa; Grubb, David; Tenstad, Olav; Hansson, Lars-Olov; Ólafsson, Ísleifur; Campos, Araceli Jarquin; Risch, Martin; Risch, Lorenz; Larsson, Anders; Nordin, Gunnar; Pottel, Hans; Christensson, Anders; Bjursten, Henrik; Bökenkamp, Arend; Grubb, Anders (2023-03)
    Estimation of kidney function is often part of daily clinical practice, mostly done by using the endogenous glomerular filtration rate (GFR)-markers creatinine or cystatin C. A recommendation to use both markers in parallel in 2010 has resulted in new ...
  • Kristinsson, Sigurður (2022-12)
    Samkvæmt nýlegri greiningu á opinberum stefnuskjölum um háskóla á Íslandi eru hugmyndir um lýðræðislegt hlutverk þeirra óljósar og ómótaðar auk þess að falla í skuggann af þrástefinu um gæði og samkeppnishæfni. Þetta er sérstakt áhyggjuefni í ljósi ...
  • Frímannsson, Guðmundur Heiðar; Olafsdottir, Anna; Geirsdóttir, Guðrún; Kristinsson, Sigurður; Bjarnadóttir, Valgerður S (2022)
    Akademískt frelsi er órjúfanlegur þáttur háskólastarfs. Í greininni er rakið inntak og mikilvægi akademísks frelsis og sagt frá niðurstöðum rannsókna á skilningi íslenskra háskólakennara á því og ógnum þess. Tilgreindir eru tveir inntaksþættir, (a) ...
  • Sigurðardóttir, Sigrún; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður (2021-02-14)
    This paper uses the method of theory synthesis, primarily from our own previous studies and psychoneuroimmunology research, with the aim of exploring and better understanding the consequences of sexual violence for women and their search for inner ...
  • Gunnarsdóttir, Bryndís; Bateman, Amanda (Equinox Publishing, 2022-10-05)
    Two-year old children often express their understanding and intentions through embodied interactions as they co-produce social relationships. This article presents findings from an ethnomethodological study using conversation analysis to explore ...
  • Egilsson, Björn Rúnar (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2022-10)
    The transition to primary school has been identified as a critical event in the lives of children that can have long term implications for their learning and development. The transition to primary school is also widely regarded as an emotional period ...
  • Svanbjörnsdóttir, Birna María B.; Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Margrét; Þorsteinsson, Trausti; Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína; Elídóttir, Jórunn (2021-01-07)
    Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvernig skólaþjónusta sveitarfélaga stæði að því að tryggja kennurum og skólastjórnendum stuðning til starfsþróunar og að efla skóla sem faglegar stofnanir, sem þeim ber samkvæmt lögum. Rafræn spurningakönnun var ...
  • Darzi, Atefe; Bessason, Bjarni; Halldórsson, Benedikt; Moosapoor, Mojtaba (Conspress, 2022-09-04)
    Iceland is the most seismically active region in northern Europe and damaging earthquakes repeatedly occur in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), a relatively densely populated region accommodating all critical infrastructures and lifelines. The ...
  • Moosapoor, Mojtaba; Darzi, Atefe; Bessason, Bjarni; Rupakhety, Rajesh; Erlingsson, Sigurdur (Conspress, 2022-09-04)
    An Mw6.30 earthquake occurred in south Iceland in May 2008. The epicentre and fault rupture occurred close to small villages and farms, affecting over 5000 residential buildings. Despite significant damage, no residential buildings collapsed. It is ...
  • Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína; Aradóttir, Lilja Rós (2021-07-02)
    Frá síðustu aldamótum hefur íslenskt samfélag tekið hröðum breytingum og hefur hlutfall íbúa sem teljast innflytjendur aukist úr 2,6% árið 2000 í 15% árið 2020 (Hagstofa Íslands, e.d.). Markmið rannsóknarinnar sem hér er greint frá var að öðlast skilning ...
  • Collins, Pamela Y.; Delgado, Roberto A.; Apok, Charlene; Baez, Laura; Bjerregaard, Peter; Chatwood, Susan; Chipp, Cody; Crawford, Allison; Crosby, Alex; Dillard, Denise; Driscoll, David; Ericksen, Heidi; Hicks, Jack; Larsen, Christina V.L.; McKeon, Richard; Partapuoli, Per Jonas; Phillips, Anthony; Pringle, Beverly; Rasmus, Stacy; Sigurðardóttir, Sigrún; Silviken, Anne; Stoor, Jon Petter; Sumarokov, Yury; Wexler, Lisa (2019-02)
    The Arctic Council, a collaborative forum among governments and Arctic communities, has highlighted the problem of suicide and potential solutions. The mental health initiative during the United States chairmanship, Reducing the Incidence of Suicide ...
  • Kristjánsdóttir, Harpa Lind; Sigurðardóttir, Sigrún; Pálsdóttir, Anna María (2020-12-01)
    This study aimed to investigate if proposed restorative attributes according to attention restoration theory and supportive environment theory could be experienced and identified in Icelandic landscape and contribute to a restorative experience in ...
  • Gunnþórsdóttir, Hermína; Sigþórsson, Rúnar; Elídóttir, Jórunn; Svanbjörnsdóttir, Birna María B.; Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Margrét (2022-12-05)
    Í þessari grein er sjónum beint að þeim þætti í skólaþjónustu sveitarfélaga sem skilgreindur er í reglugerð um þjónustuna (nr. 444/2019) sem stuðningur við nemendur í leik- og grunnskólum og foreldra þeirra. Leitast er við að svara því hvað einkenni ...
  • Baldursdóttir, Anna Heiða (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2022-12-20)
    Viðfangsefni doktorsritgerðarinnar er að draga fram heimildasöfn (e. archives) og greina þá efnismenningu (e. material culture) sem þau búa yfir, eða með öðrum orðum að kanna samband manna og hluta. Rannsóknaraðferðin krefst þess að víða sé leitað fanga ...
  • Halldorsson, Benedikt; Kowsari, Milad; Bayat, Farnaz; Abril, Claudia; Bessason, Bjarni; Snæbjörnsson, Jónas Þór (Conspress, 2022-08-04)
    The earthquake hazard in Iceland is highest in its two transform zones, the South Iceland Seismic Zone in the South and the Tjörnes Fracture Zone in the North and the reliable probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) is the prerequisite for the ...
  • Li, Siqi (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 2022-12)
    Post-eruptive deformation following volcanic eruptions may originate from continued magma movements, or reflect delayed and continued Earth adjustment due to co-eruptive events, often referred to as viscoelastic relaxation. Post-eruptive deformation ...
  • Tverijonaitė, Edita (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2022-12-19)
    With increasing renewable energy infrastructure (REI) developments and growing nature-based tourism (NBT), their encounters are becoming more likely. To facilitate sustainable development of both, it is important to gain more knowledge on the ...
  • Magnússon, Magnús Karl (2022)
  • Meer, Elana; Thrastardottir, Telma; Wang, Xingmei; Dubreuil, Maureen; Chen, Yong; Gelfand, Joel M.; Love, Thorvardur J.; Ogdie, Alexis (2022-01-01)
    Objective. To compare potential risk factors for the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis (PsA), psoriasis (PsO), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods. Four parallel case-control studies were conducted within The Health ...
  • Kenny, Colin; Dilshat, Ramile; Seberg, Hannah E.; Van Otterloo, Eric; Bonde, Gregory; Helverson, Annika; Franke, Christopher M.; Steingrímsson, Eiríkur; Cornell, Robert A. (2022-05-17)
    In developing melanocytes and in melanoma cells, multiple paralogs of the Activating-enhancer-binding Protein 2 family of transcription factors (TFAP2) contribute to expression of genes encoding pigmentation regulators, but their interaction with ...