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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Hugason, Hjalti (Guðfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2017)
    Nú á dögum standa yfir miklar deilur um sóknargjöld. Hið beina tilefni þeirra er að ríkis-valdið hefur í kjölfar efnahagshrunsins 2008 skert gjöldin miðað við það sem gert er ráð fyrir í gildandi lögum. Skerðingin er rökstudd með því að gjöldin séu ...
  • Arnarsson, Arsaell (Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands, 2019)
    Lök lífsskilyrði unglinga, hvort heldur sem þau felast í bágri fjárhagsstöðu heimilisins ellegar í miklum samfélagslegum ójöfnuði, eru heilsufarslegur áhættuþáttur. Í þessari rannsókn voru notuð gögn úr íslenskum hluta alþjóðlegrar rannsóknar á heilsu ...
  • Kjaer, Susanne K.; Nygård, Mari; Sundström, Karin; Dillner, Joakim; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Munk, Christian; Berger, Sophie; Enerly, Espen; Hortlund, Maria; Ágústsson, Ágúst Ingi; Bjelkenkrantz, Kaj; Fridrich, Katrin; Guðmundsdóttir, Ingibjörg; Sørbye, Sveinung Wergeland; Bautista, Oliver; Group, Thomas; Luxembourg, Alain; Marshall, J. Brooke; Radley, David; Yang, Yi Shen; Badshah, Cyrus; Saah, Alfred (Elsevier BV, 2020-06)
    Background: The quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine prevented vaccine HPV type-related infection and disease in young women in the 4-year FUTURE II efficacy study (NCT00092534). We report long-term effectiveness and immunogenicity at the ...
  • Kjær, Kasper S.; Van Driel, Tim B.; Harlang, Tobias C. B.; Kunnus, Kristjan; Biasin, Elisa; Ledbetter, Kathryn; Hartsock, Robert W.; Reinhard, Marco E.; Koroidov, Sergey; Li, Lin; Laursen, Mads G.; Hansen, Frederik B.; Vester, Peter; Christensen, Morten; Haldrup, Kristoffer; Nielsen, Martin M.; Ougaard Dohn, Asmus; Pápai, Mátyás I.; Møller, Klaus Braagaard; Chabera, Pavel; Liu, Yizhu; Tatsuno, Hideyuki; Timm, Cornelia; Jarenmark, Martin; Uhlig, Jens; Sundstöm, Villy; Wärnmark, Kenneth; Persson, Petter; Németh, Zoltán; Szemes, Dorottya Sárosiné; Bajnóczi, Éva; Vankó, György; Alonso-Mori, Roberto; Glownia, James M.; Nelson, Silke; Sikorski, Marcin; Sokaras, Dimosthenis; Canton, Sophie E.; Lemke, Henrik T.; Gaffney, Kelly J. (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2019-04-22)
    Light-driven molecular reactions are dictated by the excited state potential energy landscape, depending critically on the location of conical intersections and intersystem crossing points between potential surfaces where non-adiabatic effects govern ...
  • Basran, CJ; Bertulli, CG; Cecchetti, A; Rasmussen, Marianne; Whittaker, M; Robbins, J (Inter-Research Science Center, 2019-02-07)
    Entanglement in fishing gear is a significant anthropogenic source of large whale injury and mortality. Although entanglements have been reported in the eastern North Atlantic, their frequency has not been previously estimated. This study used systematic ...
  • Cook, Eliza; Davies, Siwan M.; Guðmundsdóttir, Esther Ruth; Abbott, Peter M.; Pearce, Nicholas J. G. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018-02)
    Contiguous sampling of ice spanning key intervals of the deglaciation from the Greenland ice cores of NGRIP, GRIP and NEEM has revealed three new silicic cryptotephra deposits that are geochemically similar to the well‐known Borrobol Tephra (BT). The ...
  • Haldar, Soumyajyoti; von Malottki, Stephan; Meyer, Sebastian; Bessarab, Pavel; Heinze, Stefan (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-08-27)
    We show that stable skyrmions with diameters of a few nanometers can emerge in atomic Pd/Fe bilayers on the Rh(111) surface. Based on density functional theory we calculate the exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction as well as the ...
  • Maslova, Ekaterina; Hansen, Susanne; Strøm, Marin; Halldorsson, Thorhallur; Grunnet, Louise; Vaag, Allan; Olsen, Sjurdur F. (MDPI AG, 2018-10-17)
    Oily fish, an important source of marine n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), has shown to reduce cardiometabolic risk in adults. Whether maternal fish intake affects offspring metabolic health is less established, especially among ...
  • Clausen, M.; Jónasson, Kristján; Keil, T.; Beyer, K.; Sigurdardottir, Sigurveig T (Wiley, 2018-01-31)
    Background Consumption of oily fish or fish oil during pregnancy, lactation and infancy has been linked to a reduction in the development of allergic diseases in childhood. Methods In an observational study, Icelandic children (n = 1304) were ...
  • Ohlsson, Tommy; Pernow, Marcus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-06-18)
    We consider numerical fits to non-supersymmetric SO(10)-based models in which neutrino mass is generated by the type-I or type-II seesaw mechanism or a combination of both. The fits are performed with a sophisticated top-down procedure, taking into ...
  • Þráinsdóttir, Anna Rut; Magnusson, Gylfi (Viðskiptafræðideild og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, viðskiptafræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík og Seðlabanki Íslands., 2016)
    Óhófleg skuldsetning getur haft alvarleg áhrif á rekstur fyrirtækja eins og berlega kom í ljós hérlendis í efnahagshruninu. Markmiðið með þessari rannsókn er að draga upp skýra mynd af fjármagnsskipan og fjárhagslegri stöðu íslenskra fyrirtækja og ...
  • Grytz, C. M.; Marko, A.; Cekan, P.; Sigurdsson, Snorri; Prisner, Thomas F. (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2016)
    The cocaine aptamer is a DNA three-way junction that binds cocaine at its helical junction. We studied the global conformation and overall flexibility of the aptamer in the absence and presence of cocaine by pulsed electron-electron double resonance ...
  • Bulla, Martin; Prüter, Hanna; Vitnerová, Hana; Tijsen, Wim; Sládeček, Martin; Alves, Jose; Gilg, Olivier; Kempenaers, Bart (Springer Nature, 2017-10-16)
    The relative investment of females and males into parental care might depend on the population’s adult sex-ratio. For example, all else being equal, males should be the more caring sex if the sex-ratio is male biased. Whether such outcomes are evolutionary ...
  • Czepkiewicz, Michał; Árnadóttir, Áróra; Heinonen, Jukka (MDPI AG, 2019-11-12)
    Transport is a key sector in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A consensus prevails on a causal relationship between distance to the city center and emissions from private transport, which has led to an emphasis on density in urban planning. ...
  • Sæþórsdóttir, Anna; Hall, C. Michael (MDPI AG, 2018-07-04)
    It is of vital importance that nature-based tourist destinations maintain their natural resources in a sustainable way. Nature and wilderness are the main attractions for tourism in Iceland. The Central Highlands are uninhabited with little visible ...
  • Kibis, O. V.; Iorsh, I. V.; Shelykh, Ivan (IOP Publishing, 2020-04-23)
    We demonstrate theoretically that the interaction of electrons in the 2D materials (gapped graphene and transition metal dichalchogenide monolayer) with a strong off-resonant electromagnetic field substantially renormalizes their band structure, including ...
  • Todorovic Markovic, Marija; Pedersen, Court; Gottfredsson, Magnus; Todorović, Mirjana; Gaini, Shahin (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-01-07)
    Background: The aim of the present study was to gain national data on the clinical and microbiological characteristics of community-acquired infections in the Faroe Islands and to compare these data with data from other geographical areas. Methods: A ...
  • Olafsdottir, Steingerdur; Berg, Christina (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2017-08-29)
    Objective: Exposure to advertisements cannot fully explain the associations between young children’s dietary intake and the time they spend in front of the television. It is therefore of importance to study television content other than advertisements ...
  • Ævarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur; Thorhallsdottir, Anna Gudrun; Sigurjónsdottir, Hrefna (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2016-06)
    The Icelandic goat is an indigenous breed, descendant of goats brought to Iceland by Nordic and Celtic settlers in the 9th century (Adalsteinsson 1981). The population is estimated to have been below 1000 individuals for centuries and critically ...
  • Pálsdóttir, Kolbrún Þ. (Háskóli Íslands, Menntavísindasvið, 2020-04-01)
    Um þessar mundir hefur fallið niður eða dregið verulega úr daglegu skólastarfi fyrir þúsundir barna, ekki bara á Íslandi heldur um heim allan. Því samfélagsmynstri sem við búum við dags daglega hefur verið kippt úr sambandi. Foreldrar fara ekki í ...