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Fletta eftir sviði "Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Gudmundsdottir, Ragnhildur; Kreiling, Agnes-Katharina; Kristjánsson, Bjarni Kristófer; Marteinsson, Viggó; Palsson, Snaebjorn (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2019-10-02)
    Crangonyx islandicus is a groundwater amphipod endemic to Iceland, considered to have survived the Ice Ages in subglacial refugia. Currently the species is found in spring sources in lava fields along the tectonic plate boundary of the country. The ...
  • Schmid, Magdalena Maria E; Zori, Davide; Erlendsson, Egill; Batt, Cathy; Damiata, Brian N; Byock, Jesse (SAGE Publications, 2017-06-22)
    Icelandic settlement (Landnám) period farmsteads offer opportunities to explore the nature and timing of anthropogenic activities and environmental impacts of the first Holocene farming communities. We employ Bayesian statistical modelling of archaeological, ...
  • Gopalan, Giridhar Raja; Hrafnkelsson, Birgir; Adalgeirsdottir, Gudfinna; Jarosch, Alexander H.; Pálsson, Finnur (Copernicus GmbH, 2018-07-11)
    Bayesian hierarchical modeling can assist the study of glacial dynamics and ice flow properties. This approach will allow glaciologists to make fully probabilistic predictions for the thickness of a glacier at unobserved spatiotemporal coordinates, and ...
  • Jagtap, Anil P.; Geiger, Michel-Andreas; Stöppler, Daniel; Orwick-Rydmark, Marcella; Oschkinat, Hartmut; Sigurdsson, Snorri (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2016)
    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is an efficient method to overcome the inherent low sensitivity of magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR. We report a new polarizing agent (bcTol), designed for biological applications, that yielded an enhancement ...
  • Mandal, Sucharita (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2020-12-15)
    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) has emerged as an important technique to enhance the signal intensity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy by transferring spin polarization from unpaired electrons to nuclei of interest. Persistent organic ...
  • Juliusson, Haraldur Y.; Segler, Anna-Lena J.; Sigurdsson, Snorri (Wiley, 2019-06-17)
    Oligonucleotides containing nitroxide spin labels, used in biophysical studies of nucleic acids, are frequently prepared by chemical synthesis. However, during the synthesis of spin‐labeled oligonucleotides, the nitroxides are partially reduced to the ...
  • Hasanzadeh, Kamyar; Czepkiewicz, Michał; Heinonen, Jukka; Kyttä, Marketta; Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Ottelin, Juudit (Center for Transportation Studies, 2019-02-21)
    Activity space (AS) is a measure of spatial behavior used to summarize the mobility behavior of individuals. Current studies often highlight the fact that AS is highly complex and multidimensional in character. Therefore, the need for more holistic ...
  • Holley, Guillaume; Melsted, Páll (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-09-17)
    Memory consumption of de Bruijn graphs is often prohibitive. Most de Bruijn graph-based assemblers reduce the complexity by compacting paths into single vertices, but this is challenging as it requires the uncompacted de Bruijn graph to be available ...
  • Caputo, Andrea; Zavala Franco, Jesus; Blas, Diego (Elsevier BV, 2018-03)
    As a binary pulsar moves through a wind of dark matter particles, the resulting dynamical friction modifies the binary’s orbit. We study this effect for the double disk dark matter (DDDM) scenario, where a fraction of the dark matter is dissipative ...
  • Castro Ruiz, Angel Andrés (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2023-02)
    Today, society is reliant on nonrenewable fossil fuels and petrochemical derivatives. As the global population increases, energy and materials are rapidly diminishing, and a drastic, responsive change is needed to achieve a more sustainable world. It ...
  • Marteinsdóttir, María (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-04)
    Application of external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) to localized cancer has long been regarded as a standard treatment option with its purpose being to deliver a ho- mogeneous high-dose distribution within the tumor volume while protecting organs at ...
  • Yi, Zhiqian (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2018-11-30)
    Diatoms are a major group of algae in the phytoplankton community and can be found in waters worldwide wherever sufficient nutrients and lights are present. Marine diatoms, such as Phaeodactylum tricornutum, can accumulate high levels of lipids and ...
  • Barrio, Isabel C; Bueno, C. Guillermo; Gartzia, M; Soininen, E.M.; Christie, K.S.; Speed, J.D.M.; Ravolainen, V.T.; Forbes, B.C.; Gauthier, G.; Horstkotte, T.; Hoset, K.S.; Hoye, T.T.; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala; Lévesque, E.; Mörsdorf, M.A.; Olofsson, J.; Wookey, P.A.; Hik, D.S. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016)
    Aim. Understanding the forces shaping biodiversity patterns, particularly for groups of organisms with key functional roles, will help predict ecosystem responses to environmental changes. Our aim was to evaluate the relative role of different drivers ...
  • Lowe, David A.; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Nature, 2018-01)
    Holographic theories representing black holes are expected to exhibit quantum chaos. We argue if the laws of quantum mechanics are expected to hold for observers inside such black holes, then such holographic theories must have a mean field approximation ...
  • Amado, Irene; Sundborg, Bo; Thorlacius, Larus; Wintergerst, Nico (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The emergent nature of spacetime geometry and black holes can be directly probed in simple holographic duals of higher spin gravity and tensionless string theory. To this end, we study time dependent thermal correlation functions of gauge invariant ...
  • Pálsson, Burkni (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023-09)
    The subject of this thesis is blind hyperspectral unmixing using deep learning based autoencoders. Two methods based on autoencoders are proposed and analyzed. Both methods seek to exploit the spatial correlations in the hyperspectral images to improve ...
  • Spagnol, Simone; Hoffmann, Rebekka; Herrera Martínez, Marcelo; Unnthorsson, Runar (Elsevier BV, 2018-07)
    Translating visual representations of real environments into auditory feedback is one of the key challenges in the design of an electronic travel aid for visually impaired persons. Although the solutions currently available in the literature can lead ...
  • Hasan, Shakir; Kulkarni, Nikhil Nitin; Asbjarnarson, Arni; Linhartova, Irena; Osicka, Radim; Sebo, Peter; Gudmundsson, Gudmundur H (American Society for Microbiology, 2017-12-04)
    The airway epithelium restricts the penetration of inhaled pathogens into the underlying tissue and plays a crucial role in the innate immune defense against respiratory infections. The whooping cough agent, Bordetella pertussis, adheres to ciliated ...
  • Valsson, Trausti (Háskólaútgáfan, 1999)
    Reykjavík mótaðist, líkt og íslensk menning og búseta, í nánu samspili við höfuðskepnurnar jörð, vatn, loft og eld. Fáar nútímaborgir njóta þessa nána samspils við náttúruna en það er einmitt þetta atriði sem ljær Reykjavík hve mest af fegurð sinni og ...
  • Shao, Muhan; Han, Shuo; Carass, Aaron; Li, Xiang; Blitz, Ari M.; Shin, Jaehoon; Prince, Jerry L.; Ellingsen, Lotta María (Elsevier BV, 2019)
    Numerous brain disorders are associated with ventriculomegaly, including both neuro-degenerative diseases and cerebrospinal fluid disorders. Detailed evaluation of the ventricular system is important for these conditions to help understand the pathogenesis ...