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Respiratory symptoms are more common among short sleepers independent of obesity

Respiratory symptoms are more common among short sleepers independent of obesity

Title: Respiratory symptoms are more common among short sleepers independent of obesity
Author: Björnsdóttir, Erla   orcid.org/0000-0002-6585-5777
Janson, Christer
Lindberg, Eva
Arnardottir, Erna Sif   orcid.org/0000-0003-0877-3529
Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís
Garcia-Aymerich, Judith
Carsin, Anne Elie
Real, Francisco Gómez
Torén, Kjell
Heinrich, Joachim
... 9 more authors Show all authors
Date: 2017-08
Language: English
Scope: e000206
University/Institute: Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
School: Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Health Sciences (UI)
Department: Læknadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Medicine (UI)
Series: BMJ Open Respiratory Research;4(1)
ISSN: 2052-4439
DOI: 10.1136/bmjresp-2017-000206
Subject: Svefn; Svefntruflanir; Öndunarfærasjúkdómar
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/428

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Björnsdóttir, E., Janson, C., Lindberg, E., Arnardottir, E. S., Benediktsdóttir, B., Garcia-Aymerich, J., . . . Gislason, T. (2017). Respiratory symptoms are more common among short sleepers independent of obesity. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 4(1). doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2017-000206


Introduction Sleep length has been associated with obesity and various adverse health outcomes. The possible association of sleep length and respiratory symptoms has not been previously described. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between sleep length and respiratory symptoms and whether such an association existed independent of obesity. Methods This is a multicentre, cross-sectional, population-based study performed in 23 centres in 10 different countries. Participants (n=5079, 52.3% males) were adults in the third follow-up of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey III. The mean±SD age was 54.2±7.1 (age range 39–67 years). Information was collected on general and respiratory health and sleep characteristics. Results The mean reported nighttime sleep duration was 6.9±1.0 hours. Short sleepers (<6 hours per night) were n=387 (7.6%) and long sleepers (≥9 hours per night) were n=271 (4.3%). Short sleepers were significantly more likely to report all respiratory symptoms (wheezing, waking up with chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, phlegm and bronchitis) except asthma after adjusting for age, gender, body mass index (BMI), centre, marital status, exercise and smoking. Excluding BMI from the model covariates did not affect the results. Short sleep was related to 11 out of 16 respiratory and nasal symptoms among subjects with BMI ≥30 and 9 out of 16 symptoms among subjects with BMI <30. Much fewer symptoms were related to long sleep, both for subjects with BMI <30 and ≥30. Conclusions Our results show that short sleep duration is associated with many common respiratory symptoms, and this relationship is independent of obesity.


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