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Macromolecular characterization of the lichen Peltigera membranacea using nucleic acid sequencing & Identification of a new lichen species Peltigera islandica

Macromolecular characterization of the lichen Peltigera membranacea using nucleic acid sequencing & Identification of a new lichen species Peltigera islandica

Title: Macromolecular characterization of the lichen Peltigera membranacea using nucleic acid sequencing & Identification of a new lichen species Peltigera islandica
Alternative Title: Sameindagreining á himnuskóf (Peltigera membranacea) með kjarnsýruraðgreiningu og lýsing á nýrri fléttutegund, foldarskóf (Peltigera islandica)
Author: Basil, Sheeba Santhini
Advisor: Ólafur S. Andrésson
Date: 2018
Language: English
University/Institute: Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
School: Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)
Department: Líf- og umhverfisvísindadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences (UI)
ISBN: 978-9935-9383-8-1
Subject: Peltigera membranacea; Peltigera islandica; Symbiosis; Lectins; Omics; NGS; Transcriptomics; Methylomics; Fléttur (plöntur); Samlífi; Gerlar; Sveppir; Sameindalíffræði; Doktorsritgerðir
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/931

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Sheeba Santhini Basil, 2018. Macromolecular characterization of the lichen Peltigera membranacea using nucleic acid sequencing & identification of a new lichen species Peltigera islandica, Ph. D. dissertation, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland.


Lichens are a classic example of mutualism, where both partners benefit from each other. The mycobiont serves the photobiont by providing shelter, nutrients, and moisture from the environment and receives carbohydrates and sometimes fixed nitrogen from the photosynthetically active photobiont. Molecular analyses can provide insights into the mechanisms of mutual symbiosis in the cyanolichen Peltigera membranacea, but since the lichen is recalcitrant to culture, the global macromolecular components such as DNA, RNA, and proteins must be isolated from field samples. An annotated draft genome of the P. membranacea mycobiont is presented, accompanied by the analysis of tissue-specific transcriptomes and methylomes. The assembly consists of 3,033 scaffolds with a total genome size of ~43 Mbp, N50 of 34.52 kbp, and a G+C content of 44.4%. Transcriptomes were generated from about 43 million Illumina sequence reads obtained from three lichen tissues, apothecia, rhizines, and thallus, collected at three-time points. Using the Trinity assembler, initial de novo transcriptomes with a total of 110,092 transcript sequences were obtained with lengths ranging from 200 bases to 18,258 bases. Transcriptome data was incorporated into the AUGUSTUS software pipeline and was used to generate a draft annotation (P.mem v1.1) with 16,400 protein-coding models with gene descriptions, gene ontology terms, InterPro identifiers and EC (enzyme code) numbers. About 2,505 proteins were assigned to 112 KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathways. Eukaryotic core proteins were identified using BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs), showing that the P. membranacea genome assembly (P.mem v1.1) represents 96.9% of the BUSCO genes. Furthermore, targeted protein-based searches identified key genes involved in symbiosis, DNA methylation, RNA–mediated silencing, the glyoxylate cycle, melanin pathways, sexual reproduction and nutrient assimilation, leading to a model for the flow of basic nutrients (carbon and nitrogen). The targeted protein searches establish that a homothallic (selfing) sexual cycle can occur in P. membranacea, but also shows evidence of a parasexual cycle. Two galectin-like genes, lec–1 and lec–2 were characterized and found to be differentially expressed. Lec–1 expression is enhanced by the presence of photobionts whereas lec–2 is highly polymorphic, suggesting strong positive selection, but apparently not driven by variation in photobiont partners. A high level of cytosine methylation (~13.4%,) was found in the genome with an average 2.7% and 8.2% present in exons and introns, respectively. Although all basic genes related to genome defense in ascomycetes were present, a key gene needed for repeat induced point mutation, rid, was absent. As the first comprehensive tissue-specific transcriptome and methylome analysis of a cyanolichen, this study lays a foundation for future functional genomics research on these widespread symbiotic organisms. Additionally, a lichen collected during field sampling was characterized as a new cyanolichen species and named as Peltigera islandica.
Fléttur eru vel þekkt dæmi um samlífi sem báðir aðilar hafa gagn af. Blábakteríur eða grænþörungar sjá um ljóstillífun en sveppurinn er af oftast af fylkingu asksveppa. Sveppirnir veita blábakteríunum skjól, næringu og raka, en fá á móti nýtanlegt kolvetni og nitur. Sameindagreining getur veitt innsýn í eðli samlífis hjá fléttum svo sem himnuskóf (Peltigera membranacea), en þar sem ekki er gerlegt að rækta fléttuna þarf að einangra stórsameindir svo sem kjarnsýrur og prótein úr sýnum fengnum beint úr náttúrunni. Hér er gerð grein fyrir erfðamengi svepphluta himnuskófar, ásamt greiningu á umritamengjum og DNA metýleringu. Erfðamengjabútarnir 3.033 eru samtals um 43 miljónir basapara með 44,4% G+C hlutfall. Sett voru saman umritasöfn úr alls 43 miljónum raða úr Illumina raðgreiningum. Söfnin voru fengin ur þrenns konar vefjum; þali, rætlingum og askhirslum, og frá þremur tímaskeiðum. Trinity samröðunarforritið gaf samtals 110.092 umrit með lengdir frá 200 til 18.258 basa. Upplýsingar um umrit voru síðan nýtt í forritinu AUGUSTUS til að útbúa glósað erfðamengi (Pmem v1.1) með 16.400 próteintáknandi genum ásamt upplýsingum um varðveitt amínósýrustef og líklega ensímvirkni (EC númer). Alls 2.505 afleidd prótein voru flokkuð á 112 efnaskiptaferla (KEGG – Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes). Lykilprótein heilkjörnunga voru greind með BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs). Erfðamengi himnuskófar (Pmem v1.1) inniheldur 96,9% af BUSCO genunum. Þá leiddi leit með próteinum úr skyldum lífverum í ljós lykilgen í næringarnámi, samlífi, DNA metýleringu, RNA miðlaðri þöggun, glyoxalat ferlinu, melanín myndun og í ferlum kynæxlunar. Út frá þessu var lagt fram líkan fyrir flæði næringarefna (kolefni og nitur) í himnuskóf. Einnig benda fengnar upplýsingar til þess að himnuskóf sé einsleit (homothallic) og geti einnig fjölgað sér með hliðæxlun (parasexual). Tvö gen, lec-1 og lec-2, sem tákna prótein sem líkjast galektínum voru skoðuð og sýnt að þau hafa breytilega tjáningu. Blábakteríur í þali virðast hafa áhrif á tjáningu lec-1, en afurðir lec-2 hafa mjög breytilega amínósýruröð, sem bendir til sterkra valkrafta, sem samsvara þó ekki mismunandi gerð blábaktería í sambýlinu. Mikil cýtósín metýlering (~13.4%) er í erfðamenginu, en metýlering í útröðum og innröðum gena er um 2,7% og 8,2%. Í erfðamengið vantar genið rid, sem er lykilgen fyrir varnir gegn stökklum og endurteknum röðum, og engin merki fundust um basabreytingar af þess völdum. Þetta er fyrsta víðtæka rannsóknin á stórsameindum í fléttum með blábakteríum (cyanolichen) og leggur grunn að frekari sameindarannsóknum á þessu sviði. Í viðbót við ofangreindar rannsóknir fannst flétta sem við nánari skoðun reyndist vera ný tegund og var hún nefnd foldarskóf (Peltigera islandica).

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