Title: | Timed written picture naming in 14 European languages |
Author: |
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Date: | 2017-05-24 |
Language: | English |
Scope: | 744-758 |
University/Institute: | Háskóli Íslands University of Iceland |
School: | Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ) School of Health Sciences (UI) |
Department: | Sálfræðideild (HÍ) Faculty of Psychology (UI) |
Series: | Behavior Research Methods;50(2) |
ISSN: | 1554-351X 1554-3528 (eISSN) |
DOI: | 10.3758/s13428-017-0902-x |
Subject: | Written production; Response time; Interkey interval; Picture naming; Word production; Language production; Sálfræðileg málvísindi; Orðmyndun; Sjónskynjun |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/916 |
Citation:Torrance, M., Nottbusch, G., Alves, R. A., Arfé, B., Chanquoy, L., Chukharev-Hudilainen, E., . . . Wengelin, Å. (2018). Timed written picture naming in 14 European languages. Behavior Research Methods, 50(2), 744-758. doi:10.3758/s13428-017-0902-x
Abstract:We describe the Multilanguage Written Picture Naming Dataset. This gives trial-level data and time and agreement norms for written naming of the 260 pictures of everyday objects that compose the colorized Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set (Rossion & Pourtois in Perception, 33, 217–236, 2004). Adult participants gave keyboarded responses in their first language under controlled experimental conditions (N = 1,274, with subsamples responding in Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish). We measured the time to initiate a response (RT) and interkeypress intervals, and calculated measures of name and spelling agreement. There was a tendency across all languages for quicker RTs to pictures with higher familiarity, image agreement, and name frequency, and with higher name agreement. Effects of spelling agreement and effects on output rates after writing onset were present in some, but not all, languages. Written naming therefore shows name retrieval effects that are similar to those found in speech, but our findings suggest the need for cross-language comparisons as we seek to understand the orthographic retrieval and/or assembly processes that are specific to written output.
Description:Publisher's version (útgefin grein)
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