Doktorsritgerðir- HÍ: Recent submissions

  • Malinauskaite, Laura (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-06)
    The thesis examines the dynamics of Arctic social-ecological systems (SES) that enable human wellbeing benefits through whale ecosystem services (ES). It does so through a review of relevant literature, construction of conceptual models, two primary ...
  • Saviolidis, Nína María (University of Iceland, School of Social Science, Faculty of Business Administration, 2021-06)
    The necessity of a sustainability transition i.e. large scale transformation to solve grand societal challenges at all levels is not debated. How to go about achieving these necessary transitions is the question. The role and contribution of economic ...
  • Eskafi, Majid (University of Iceland, 2021-06-30)
    Ports have always been evolving to satisfy the new or changing demands of stakeholders. In this unstable world, ports as dynamic systems are developed under a high degree of uncertainty. Furthermore, black-swan events, for instance, the financial crisis ...
  • Andrea, Proto (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021)
    The aim of this work is to explore the role of electronegativity and the electron power absorption mechanism in electronegative capacitively coupled oxygen and chlorine discharges. The fundamental mechanisms underlying the electron heating and the ...
  • Patlolla, Venu Gopal Reddy (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021-06)
    The oral mucosa is a convenient location where drug delivery systems could be employed to treat both local conditions as well as systemic delivery. It offers 4-4000 times more permeability relative to skin which makes it an ideal platform for delivering ...
  • Kirchhoff, Björn (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-05-28)
    The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is of central importance in the development of more efficient and durable fuel cells and computer simulations can be used to help explain and predict properties of ORR catalysts. In this thesis, various simulation methods ...
  • Sandberg, Ole (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2021-05-23)
    Claims about human nature are unavoidable in political theory. A theory about which social arrangements are best for human beings must make some claims about the nature of the human beings - how they behave, what they desire, etc. These anthropological ...
  • Steinþórsdóttir, Guðrún (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Íslensku- og menningardeild, 2020-01-24)
    Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um valdar skáldsögur Vigdísar Grímsdóttur í því skyni að varpa nýju ljósi á einkenni þeirra og viðtökur. Eftirtaldar sögur eru til umfjöllunar: Stúlkan í skóginum (1992), Þögnin (2000), trílógían Þrenningin (Frá ljósi til ...
  • Rajagopal, Aruna (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-05)
    In this thesis, we explore the role of symmetries in hydrodynamics by studying certain properties of relativistic and non-relativistic fluids. In the first part of the thesis, we examine the theory of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (Maxwell ...
  • Monger, Lindsey Jean (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-05)
    Notkun verndarhópa á virka hópa aminosýra í litlum peptíðum gefur tækifæri til að breyta girðieiginleikum viðkomandi peptíðs við málmjónir. Alkýlun á karboxýlhóp C-enda peptíðsins beinir girðingu málmjónarinnar í fjórgirta κ4[NH2,N,N,=O] komplexa. Með ...
  • Jónsdóttir, Guðbjörg (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2021-05-21)
    Inngangur: Með tilkomu áhrifaríkari lyfja í meðhöndlun sjúklinga með mergæxli síðastliðna áratugi hefur lifun þeirra stóraukist. Þessi aukna lifun hefur leitt til aukinnar áherslu rannsakennda á langtíma afleiðingum í formi þróun annarra krabbameina. ...
  • Löve, Arndís Sue Ching (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2021-06-04)
    Mælingar á fíkniefnum og lyfseðilsskyldum lyfjum í frárennslisvatni hafa undanfarin ár verið notaðar til þess að meta notkun efnanna. Aðferðafræðin byggir á þeirri kenningu að hægt sé að líta á frárennslisvatn sem samansafn þvagsýna frá heilu samfélagi. ...
  • Lummer, Felix (University of Iceland, Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloritics, 2021-02)
    While the post-millennial research of Old Norse literature saw an increased interest in the study of translated riddarasǫgur, the scholarly focus in these studies rests, for the main part, on the effects of translation, the role and representation of ...
  • Vondenhoff, Chloé (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2021-03)
    This dissertation presents the results of a cross-cultural study of emotive representation in several European versions of one Arthurian story, that of the Knight with the Lion. It offers an intertextual comparison of the (re)drawing of emotionality ...
  • Oostdijk, Maartje (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2021-04-29)
    The management of marine resources pose a difficult commons problem as monitoring behavior is difficult and benefit flows from the resources are uncertain. Implementing individual transferable quota (ITQ) is a management regime in which quasi-property ...
  • Knútsdóttir, Vera (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2021)
    The thesis examines what I term spectral memories in Icelandic culture and focuses on the interplay between memory, identity and the haunted imagination in contemporary literary texts and visual works of art. I employ the term “spectral” to define ...
  • Safarianbana, Sahar (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021-05)
    Several waste incinerators in Iceland were closed down in 2011/2012 due to environmental problems and health concerns. To date no cost effective and environmentally acceptable replacement has been found for disposing of the waste that was combusted at ...
  • Ivanov, Aleksei (2021-04-09)
    Direct optimization methods for the calculation of ground and excited electronic states are presented for both total density and orbital-density-dependent functionals. The methods have been developed for various types of basis sets including localized ...
  • Jóhannesson, Sigurður (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021-03)
    The call for a sustainable development of human societies is becoming ever louder. The term sustainability has as a result become thoroughly incorporated into everyday speech, not least among politicians. For the term to hold any meaning some quantitative ...
  • Marteinsdóttir, María (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2021-04)
    Application of external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) to localized cancer has long been regarded as a standard treatment option with its purpose being to deliver a ho- mogeneous high-dose distribution within the tumor volume while protecting organs at ...