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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Mixa, Már Wolfgang (2016-06)
    The research project focuses on investment behavior and the Icelandic economic bubble and crash, emphasizing that investment behavior has to be seen within a historical and cultural environment. As such the project is related to financial history and ...
  • Qasse, Ilham; Mishra, Shailesh; Hamdaqa, Mohammad (IEEE, 2021-06)
    Recently, Blockchain technology adoption has expanded to many application areas due to the evolution of smart contracts. However, developing smart contracts is non-trivial and challenging due to the lack of tools and expertise in this field. A promising ...
  • Iordache, Paul; Mates, Dana; Gunnarsson, Bjarni; Eggertsson, Hannes; sulem, patrick; Benonisdottir, Stefania; Csiki, Irma Eva; Rascu, Stefan; Radavoi, Daniel; Ursu, Radu; Staicu, Catalin; Calota, Violeta; Voinoiu, Angelica; Jinga, Mariana; Rosoga, Gabriel; Danau, Razvan; Sima, Sorin Cristian; Badescu, Daniel; Suciu, Nicoleta; Radoi, Viorica; Mates, Ioan Nicolae; Dobra, Mihai; Nicolae, Camelia; Kristjansdottir, Sigrun; Jónasson, Jón G.; Manolescu, Andrei; Arnadottir, Gudny; Jensson, Brynjar Örn; Jonasdottir, Aslaug; Sigurdsson, Asgeir; le Roux, Louise; Johannsdottir, Hrefna; Rafnar, Thorunn; Halldórsson, Bjarni; Jinga, Viorel; Stefansson, Kari (Wiley, 2018-10-16)
    Two familial forms of colorectal cancer (CRC), Lynch syndrome (LS) and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), are caused by rare mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2) and the genes APC and MUTYH, respectively. No information ...
  • Budde, Henning; Akko, Davin P.; Ainamani, Herbert E.; Murillo-Rodríguez, Eric; Weierstall, Roland (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-07-09)
    Background:Latest research demonstrates a significant improvement in stress-related symptoms in psychological disorders as a result of exercise training (ET). Controlled clinical trials further validate the significance of ET by demonstrating lower ...
  • Ullah, Ubaid; Mabrouk, Ismail Ben; Koziel, Slawomir; Al-Hasan, Muath (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
    In this paper, spatial and polarization diversities are simultaneously implemented in an ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna to reduce the correlation between the parallel-placed radiators. The keystone of the antenna is ...
  • Halldórsson, Magnús M.; Konrad, Christian (Elsevier BV, 2020-04)
    We give a distributed (1+eps)-approximation algorithm for the minimum vertex coloring problem on interval graphs, which runs in the LOCAL model and operates in O((1/eps) log* n) rounds. If nodes are aware of their interval representations, then the ...
  • Cheynet, Etienne; Daniotti, Nicolò; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunović; Snaebjornsson, Jonas Thor (Wiley, 2020-06)
    The paper introduces a procedure to automatically identify key vehicle characteristics from vibrations data collected on a suspension bridge. The primary goal is to apply a model of the dynamic displacement response of a long-span suspension bridge to ...
  • Þórður Víkingur Friðgeirsson (Háskólinn í Reykjavík, 2015-11-30)
    Viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar er hagnýting verkefnastjórnunar, og skyldra fagsviða, til að tryggja hagkvæmni og skilvirkni opinberra verkefna á Íslandi. Fjallað er um hvernig verkefnastjórnun og stjórnsýsla (governance) hafa þróast saman á alþjóðavettvangi ...
  • Fogarassy, Csaba; Toth, Laszlo; Czikkely, Marton; Finger, David C. (MDPI AG, 2019-12-15)
    Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process that consists of the degradation of organic polymers and biomass minerals in lignocellulose materials. At low pyrolysis temperature (300-400 degrees C), primarily carbon is produced during the reaction time. Rapid ...
  • Meirbekova, Rauan (2016-02)
    Current efficiency loss in aluminum electrolysis happens due to a variety of factors. One such factor is the presence of impurities. Concerns about impurities have been voiced since the quality of raw materials has declined and dry-scrubbers were ...
  • Þórisdóttir, Ingibjörg E.; Asgeirsdottir, Bryndis Bjork; Sigurvinsdottir, Rannveig; Allegrante, John; Sigfúsdóttir, Inga Dóra (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2017-07-27)
    BACKGROUND: Both research and popular media reports suggest that adolescent mental health has been deteriorating across societies with advanced economies. This study sought to describe the trends in self-reported symptoms of depressed mood and anxiety ...
  • Vaiman, Vlad; Mixa, Már Wolfgang (Institute of Public Administration and Politics, 2015-12-17)
    Icelandic culture has generally been considered to share many similarities to the Nordic cultures. However, the financial crisis in 2008 painted a completely different picture, with the Nordic nations faring much less worse than Iceland, which saw ...
  • Islind, Anna Sigridur; Johansson, Victoria; Vallo Hult, Helena; Alsén, Pia; Andreasson, Emma; Angenete, Eva; Gellerstedt, Martin (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-10-12)
    Purpose The number of colorectal cancer patient survivors is increasing. Information and support during and after treatment are requested by patients, but questions remain on what to provide. The aim of this study was to understand what informational ...
  • Meirbekova, Rauan; Haarberg, Geir Martin; Thonstad, Jomar; Saevarsdottir, Gudrun Arnbjorg (The Electrochemical Society, 2017)
    Many factors may contribute to loss of current efficiency (CE) in aluminum reduction and one of them is a presence of impurities. In this work, the effect of phosphorus on CE is studied in a laboratory cell at different current densities. Due to a ...
  • Cheynet, Etienne; Liu, Shengnan; Ong, Muk Chen; Bogunović Jakobsen, Jasna; Snaebjornsson, Jonas Thor; Gatin, Inno (Elsevier BV, 2020-10)
    Flow conditions in complex terrains such as fjords are highly three-dimensional and thus not properly captured by the wind flow models developed for homogenous terrains. In the present study, we explore the potential of computational fluid dynamics ...
  • García-Hermoso, Antonio; Saavedra, Jose M; Escalante, Yolanda; Domínguez, Ana (MDPI AG, 2018-01-11)
    Obese children are usually less active than their normal-weight counterparts, although the reasons for this remain unclear. The objective of the present study was to determine how a long-term program (3 years of intervention and 6 months of follow-up ...
  • Sitek, Anna; Ţolea, Mugurel; Niţă, Marian; Serra, Llorenç; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Manolescu, Andrei (Springer Nature, 2017-01-10)
    We study Coulomb interacting electrons confined in polygonal quantum rings. We focus on the interplay of localization at the polygon corners and Coulomb repulsion. Remarkably, the Coulomb repulsion allows the formation of in-gap states, i.e., ...
  • Bjarnadóttir, María Rún; Magnússon, Bjarni Már; Kristjansdottir, Hafrún; Guðmundsdóttir, Margrét Lilja (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-06-20)
    Í greininni er lagalegt umhverfi íþrótta á Íslandi kannað með hliðsjón af kynjajafnréttissjónarmiðum með hinni fræðilegu lagalegu aðferð (e. doctrinal method). Þannig eru skoðuð sjónarmið sem legið hafa til grundvallar lagasetningu um íþróttir, ...
  • Halldórsson, Magnús M.; Holzer, Stephan; Markatou, Evangelia Anna; Lynch, Nancy (Elsevier BV, 2020-04)
    We consider the Leader Election Problem in the Signal-to-Interference-plusNoise-Ratio (SINR) model where nodes can adjust their transmission power. We show that in this setting it is possible to elect a leader in two communication rounds, with high ...
  • López Flores, Nidia Guadalupe (2024-06)
    Learning is a multidimensional process that evolves and changes, influenced and affected by several elements. The sudden shift in teaching modality when the pandemic hit implied changes in social interactions, digital platforms use, and collaboration ...