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Smábörnin með snjalltækin: aðgangur barnanna og viðhorf foreldra

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Olafsdottir, Steingerdur
dc.date.accessioned 2018-03-02T10:43:39Z
dc.date.available 2018-03-02T10:43:39Z
dc.date.issued 2017-12-31
dc.identifier.citation Steingerður Ólafsdóttir. (2017). Smábörnin með snjalltækin. Aðgangur barnanna og viðhorf foreldra. Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun: Sérrit 2017 – Menntavika 2017. Sótt af http://netla.hi.is/serrit/2017/menntavika_2017/001.pdf
dc.identifier.issn 1670-0244
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/588
dc.description.abstract Miðlanotkun spannar sjónvarpsáhorf, tölvuleiki, netnotkun og snjalltækjanotkun. Í ljósi tækniþróunar er mikilvægt að rannsaka miðlanotkun barna allt niður í nokkurra mánaða aldur en það hefur ekki verið gert á Íslandi hingað til. Markmið rannsóknarinnar sem hér er lýst var að gefa yfirlit yfir miðlanotkun barna á Íslandi á aldrinum 0–8 ára og viðhorf foreldra til notkunarinnar. Hér er um fyrsta yfirlit að ræða. Tekið var lagskipt, handahófskennt úrtak 2000 barna á þessum aldri af öllu landinu úr Þjóðskrá, netföng fundust hjá foreldrum 1448 barna (72,4%) og óskað var eftir að þeir svöruðu rafrænum spurningalista að fyrirmynd Sænsku fjölmiðlanefndarinnar. Gild svör bárust frá foreldrum 860 barna sem er 59,4% þátttökuhlutfall en vegna affalla í upphafi er ekki hægt að líta svo á að niðurstöður hafi alhæfingargildi. Niðurstöðurnar gefa þó nokkurt yfirlit, en þær benda til þess að þegar fimm ára aldri hefur verið náð aukist líkur á að börnin eigi sín eigin tæki til miðlanotkunar, sérstaklega spjaldtölvur. Hins vegar deila börn oft snjalltækjum með öðrum í fjölskyldunni, t.a.m. er því svo farið með 62% barna í aldurshópnum 2–4 ára en í þessum aldurshópi notar 71% spjaldtölvu einhvern tíma. Allra yngstu börnin (0–1 árs) nota netið að nokkru marki (4% daglega) en um 80% þess aldurshóps nota netið aldrei. Foreldrar eru oft með börnunum við miðlanotkun en samveran minnkar með hækkandi aldri barnanna. Sjónvarpsáhorf er algeng miðlanotkun meðal 5–8 ára og reglur foreldra eru rýmri um hana en aðra notkun. Sumir foreldrar hafa engar reglur um miðlanotkun en mikill meirihluti þeirra telur að foreldrar beri mesta ábyrgð þegar kemur að því að vernda börn við miðlanotkun. Niðurstöður eru nokkuð í samræmi við niðurstöður úr rannsóknum Sænsku fjölmiðlanefndarinnar. Taka má undir niðurstöður fyrri rannsókna um að samvera foreldra og barna við miðlanotkun sé mikilvæg og draga má þá ályktun að foreldrar viðurkenni mikilvægt hlutverk sitt þegar kemur að miðlanotkun barna.
dc.description.abstract The need has grown for research on the media use of the youngest children with the ever increasing role of internet connected devices in the daily lives of people during the last years. Smartphones and tablets have become common and the tablets are preferred by little fingers. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the media use of 0-to-8-year-olds in Iceland and their parents’ attitudes towards the use and various aspects of it. A stratified, random sample of 2000 children in this age span from the whole country was the basis for the study. E-mail addresses were found for parents of 1448 children and they were contacted with an introductory letter and a request to fill in a webquestionnaire based on the Swedish Media Council’s questionnaire used since 2010 (Statistics Sweden, 2015). The response rate of those who received the questionnaire was 59.4%, with 860 valid responses. The results suggest that the likelihood of ownership of different devices for media use is higher from the age of 5. This is evident in the case of smartphones and tablets, as a quarter of 5-8y have their own smartphone and/or a tablet. In the age group 2-4y, 10% have their own tablet but 62% share such a device with others in the family, and 56% of 0-1y share a tablet with others in their family. The tablet is most often used for listening to music and watching videos and films. In the age group 0-1y, one third uses the tablet at some point. In the age group 2-4y, this percentage is 71%, and 92% in the age group 5-8y. The most popular activity is watching a movie or a TV show, as over 90% of 2-8y do that at some point, and 62% of 0-1y. Three quarters of the youngest children (0-1y) never use the internet but 4% in this age group use it daily. A small percentage of the children are heavy users according to the definition of the Swedish Media Council of using a medium for three hours or more daily. Two percent of 5-8y play computer games for three or more hours daily and 2% of 2-4y use the internet for three or more hours daily. The children’s parents quite often stay with the children when they use different media. The parents’ presence seems to decrease with age as parents of 60% of the children in the youngest age group (0-1y) are present when their children watch TV shows or films, while the corresponding percentage for 2-4y is 48% and for 5-8y 28%. Watching TV/films is a popular media use for children 5-8y and parents’ rules on this are not as strict as for other media use. Some parents have no rules on media use but a large majority believes that parents are responsible for protecting children regarding media use. The results of this study are quite similar to those from Sweden (Swedish Media Council). The conclusion strengthens results from previous studies on the importance of parents and children being together using media and that parents seem to accept their important role regarding their children’s media use.
dc.format.extent 1-21
dc.language.iso is
dc.publisher Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands
dc.relation.ispartofseries Netla sérrit 2017;(Menntakvika 2017)
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Ungbörn
dc.subject Snjallsímar
dc.subject Börn
dc.subject Snjalltæki
dc.subject Spjaldtölvur
dc.subject Fjölmiðlun
dc.subject Netið
dc.subject Foreldrar
dc.title Smábörnin með snjalltækin: aðgangur barnanna og viðhorf foreldra
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dcterms.license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Netla
dc.relation.url http://netla.hi.is/serrit/2017/menntavika_2017/001.pdf
dc.contributor.school Menntavísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of education (UI)

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