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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Diversity"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Diversity"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Brynjarsdóttir, Eyja (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018-04-20)
    This paper argues that philosophical practice in the Western world, in particular analytic philosophy, suffers from problems that contribute to its lack of diversity in two senses: the exclusion of women and minorities, and a narrow choice of subjects ...
  • Gunnarsson, Gunnar J.; Finnbogason, Gunnar E.; Ragnarsdottir, Hanna; Jónsdóttir, Halla (Karlstad University, 2015)
    Abstract: This article introduces initial findings from a study on young people‘s (18 years and older) life views and life values in Iceland. The research project is located within a broad theoretical framework and uses interdisciplinary approaches ...
  • Einarsdóttir, Þorgerður J.; Heijstra, Thamar Melanie; Rafnsdóttir, Gudbjörg LINDA (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-05-30)
    The ethnic diversity of modern states raises the question of where successful countries are in terms of immigrant inclusion. The number of immigrants in Iceland has increased significantly since 2004, and by the end of 2016, immigrants made up around ...
  • Egilsdottir, Hronn; McGinty, Niall; Guðmundsson, Guðmundur (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-03-22)
    The need to understand species distribution- and biodiversity patterns in high-latitude marine regions is immediate as these marine environments are undergoing rapid environmental changes, including ocean warming and ocean acidification. By the year ...