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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Erlendsdóttir, Erla (2015-01)
    En este artículo se estudia la presencia en las lenguas nórdicas – el danés, el islandés, el noruego y el sueco– de voces amerindias del Perú. Se trata de palabras de origen aimara y quechua que han penetrado en las lenguas nórdicas a través del ...
  • Svanidze, Miranda; Đurić, Ivan; Thakur, Maitri; Olafsdottir, Gudrun (Taylor & Francis, 2022-08-03)
    This study investigates price relationships along the Norwegian salmon value chains in France, the EU’s leading consumption market for salmon, and Poland, the EU’s largest “processing hub.” Using a vector error correction model framework, our results ...
  • Guðmundsson, Skúli; Hafstein, Sigurdur (Hindawi Limited, 2018)
    We study stability for dynamical systems specifed by autonomous stochastic diferential equations of the form dX(t) = f(X(t))dt + g(X(t))dW(t), with (X(t))t≥0 an Rd -valued Ito process and ˆ (W(t))t≥0 an RQ-valued Wiener process, and the functions f ...
  • Scott, Samuel; Covell, Cari; Júlíusson, Egill; Valfells, Agust; Newson, Juliet; Hrafnkelsson, Birgir; Pálsson, Halldór; Gudjónsdóttir, María (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-09-24)
    The quantitative connections between subsurface geologic structure and measured geophysical data allow 3D geologic models to be tested against measurements and geophysical anomalies to be interpreted in terms of geologic structure. Using a Bayesian ...
  • Amado, Irene; Sundborg, Bo; Thorlacius, Larus; Wintergerst, Nico (Springer Nature, 2017-02)
    Boundary correlation functions provide insight into the emergence of an effective geometry in higher spin gravity duals of O(N ) or U(N ) symmetric field theories. On a compact manifold, the singlet constraint leads to nontrivial dynamics at finite ...
  • Sigurdardottir, Heida Maria; Daníelsdóttir, Hilda Björk; Guðmundsdóttir, Margrét; Hjartarson, Kristján Helgi; Þórarinsdóttir, Elín Ástrós; Kristjansson, Arni (Springer Nature, 2017-04-04)
    Previous research shows that dyslexic readers are impaired in their recognition of faces and other complex objects, and show hypoactivation in ventral visual stream regions that support word and object recognition. Responses of these brain regions ...
  • Iordache, Paul; Mates, Dana; Gunnarsson, Bjarni; Eggertsson, Hannes; sulem, patrick; Guðmundsson, Júlíus; Benonisdottir, Stefania; Csiki, Irma Eva; Rascu, Stefan; Radavoi, Daniel; Ursu, Radu; Staicu, Catalin; Calota, Violeta; Voinoiu, Angelica; Jinga, Mariana; Rosoga, Gabriel; Danau, Razvan; Sima, Sorin Cristian; Badescu, Daniel; Suciu, Nicoleta; Radoi, Viorica; Manolescu, Andrei; Rafnar, Thorunn; Halldórsson, Bjarni; Jinga, Viorel; Stefansson, Kari (Wiley, 2017-12-20)
    To find sequence variants affecting prostate cancer (PCA) susceptibility in an unscreened Romanian population we use a genome‐wide association study (GWAS). The study population included 990 unrelated pathologically confirmed PCA cases and 1034 male ...
  • Pedersen, Ronni S.; Karemore, Gopal; Guðjónsson, Þorkell; Rask, Maj-Britt; Neumann, Beate; Hériché, Jean-Karim; Pepperkok, Rainer; Ellenberg, Jan; Gerlich, Daniel W.; Lukas, Jiri; Lukas, Claudia (Springer Nature, 2016-12-15)
    Genome integrity relies on precise coordination between DNA replication and chromosome segregation. Whereas replication stress attracted much attention, the consequences of mitotic perturbations for genome integrity are less understood. Here, we knockdown ...
  • Chakraborty, Sandeep; Ásgeirsson, Bjarni; Dutta, Mouparna; Ghosh, Anindya S.; Oda, Masataka; Rendón, Adela; Goñi, Felix; Frere, Jean-Marie; Venkatramani, Ravindra; Dandekar, Abhaya M.; Rao, Basuthkar J. (F1000Research, 2014-01-20)
    Promiscuity, the ability of an enzyme to catalyze diverse activities using the same active site, sets up the stage for the evolution of complex organisms through gene duplication and specialization. The detection of promiscuous motifs is crucial to ...
  • Robertson, Peter A.; Mill, Aileen; Novoa, Ana; Jeschke, Jonathan M.; Essl, Franz; Gallardo, Belinda; Geist, Juergen; Jarić, Ivan; Lambin, Xavier; Musseau, Camille; Pergl, Jan; Pyšek, Petr; Rabitsch, Wolfgang; von Schmalensee, Menja; Shirley, Mark; Strayer, David L.; Stefánsson, Róbert A.; Smith, Kevin; Booy, Olaf (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-06-30)
    Managing the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) is a great societal challenge. A wide variety of terms have been used to describe the management of invasive alien species and the sequence in which they might be applied. This variety and lack of ...
  • Torsteinsdóttir, Sigurbjörg; Scheidegger, Stephan; Baselgia, Silvia; Jónsdóttir, Sigríður; Svansson, Vilhjálmur; Björnsdóttir, Sigríður; Marti, Eliane (Springer Nature, 2018-11-03)
    Background: Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated dermatitis caused by bites of Culicoides spp., which occurs frequently in horses imported from Iceland to continental Europe. IBH does not occur in Iceland because Culicoides species ...
  • Kokorsch, Matthias; Benediktsson, Karl (Springer Nature, 2018-04)
    Icelandic fish stocks underwent privatisation in 1990, when existing fishing quotas were made fully transferable. The country’s system of individual transferable quotas has since been held up as a paragon of virtue for sustainable fisheries. This might ...
  • Mikropoulos, Christos; Selkirk, Christina G Hutten; Saya, Sibel; Bancroft, Elizabeth; Vertosick, Emily; Dadaev, Tokhir; Brendler, Charles; Page, Elizabeth; Dias, Alexander; Evans, D Gareth; Rothwell, Jeanette; Maehle, Lovise; Axcrona, Karol; Richardson, Kate; Eccles, Diana; Jensen, Thomas; Osther, Palle J; van Asperen, Christi J; Vasen, Hans; Kiemeney, Lambertus A; Ringelberg, Janneke; Cybulski, Cezary; Wokolorczyk, Dominika; Hart, Rachel; Glover, Wayne; Lam, Jimmy; Taylor, Louise; Salinas, Monica; Feliubadaló, Lidia; Oldenburg, Rogier; Cremers, Ruben; Verhaegh, Gerald; van Zelst-Stams, Wendy A; Oosterwijk, Jan C; Cook, Jackie; Rosario, Derek J; Buys, Saundra S; Conner, Tom; Domchek, Susan; Powers, Jacquelyn; Ausems, Margreet GEM; Teixeira, Manuel R; Maia, Sofia; Izatt, Louise; Schmutzler, Rita; Rhiem, Kerstin; Foulkes, William D; Boshari, Talia; Davidson, Rosemarie; Ruijs, Marielle; Helderman-van den Enden, Apollonia TJM; Andrews, Lesley; Walker, Lisa; Snape, Katie; Henderson, Alex; Jobson, Irene; Lindeman, Geoffrey J; Liljegren, Annelie; Harris, Marion; Adank, Muriel A; Kirk, Judy; Taylor, Amy; Susman, Rachel; Chen-Shtoyerman, Rakefet; Pachter, Nicholas; Spigelman, Allan; Side, Lucy; Zgajnar, Janez; Mora, Josefina; Brewer, Carole; Gadea, Neus; Brady, Angela F; Gallagher, David; van Os, Theo; Donaldson, Alan; Stefansdottir, Vigdis; Barwell, Julian; James, Paul A; Murphy, Declan; Friedman, Eitan; Nicolai, Nicola; Greenhalgh, Lynn; Obeid, Elias; Murthy, Vedang; Copakova, Lucia; McGrath, John; Teo, Soo-Hwang; Strom, Sara; Kast, Karin; Leongamornlert, Daniel A; Chamberlain, Anthony; Pope, Jenny; Newlin, Anna C; Aaronson, Neil; Ardern-Jones, Audrey; Bangma, Chris; Castro, Elena; Dearnaley, David; Eyfjörð, Jórunn Erla; Falconer, Alison; Foster, Christopher S; Gronberg, Henrik; Hamdy, Freddie C; Johannsson, Oskar; Khoo, Vincent; Lubinski, Jan; Grindedal, Eli Marie; McKinley, Joanne; Shackleton, Kylie; Mitra, Anita V; Moynihan, Clare; Rennert, Gad; Suri, Mohnish; Tricker, Karen; Moss, Sue; Kote-Jarai, Zsofia; Vickers, Andrew; Lilja, Hans; Helfand, Brian T; Eeles, Rosalind A (Springer Nature, 2018-01)
    Background: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and PSA-velocity (PSAV) have been used to identify men at risk of prostate cancer (PrCa). The IMPACT study is evaluating PSA screening in men with a known genetic predisposition to PrCa due to BRCA1/2 ...
  • Gardarsdottir, Ragna B; Andradóttir, Hrund; Thorsteinsson, Throstur (MDPI AG, 2020-07-21)
    Many environmental problems stem from unsustainable human consumption. Accordingly, many studies have focused on the barriers to pro-environmental behavior. The inability or unwillingness to act is partially related to personal values as well as the ...
  • Ómarsson, Benedikt; Bjornsson, Ragnar; Ingólfsson, Oddur (American Chemical Society (ACS), 2017-07-21)
    Here we present a combined experimental and theoretical study on the fragmentation of o- and p-tetrafluorohydroquinone upon low energy electron attachment. Despite an identical ring-skeleton and identical functional groups in these constitutional ...
  • Thuault, Sylvie; Mamelonet, Claire; Salameh, Joëlle; Ostacolo, Kevin; Chanez, Brice; Salaün, Danièle; Baudelet, Emilie; Audebert, Stéphane; Camoin, Luc; Badache, Ali (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-04-22)
    Metastatic progression is the leading cause of mortality in breast cancer. Invasive tumor cells develop invadopodia to travel through basement membranes and the interstitial matrix. Substantial efforts have been made to characterize invadopodia molecular ...
  • Bjornsdottir, Gyda; Ívarsdóttir, Erna V.; Bjarnadóttir, Kristbjörg; Benonisdottir, Stefania; Gylfadottir, Sandra Sif; Arnadottir, Gudny; Benediktsson, Rafn; Halldorsson, Gisli; Helgadottir, Anna; Jónasdóttir, Aðalbjörg; Jónasdóttir, Áslaug; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Kristinsdóttir, Anna Margrét; Magnússon, Ólafur T.; Másson, Gísli; Melsted, Páll; Rafnar, Thorunn; Sigurðsson, Ásgeir; Sigurdsson, Gunnar; Skúladóttir, Ástrós; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Styrkarsdottir, Unnur; Thorgeirsson, Gudmundur; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Vikingsson, Arnor; Gudbjartsson, Daniel; Holm, Hilma; Stefansson, Hreinn; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Norðdahl, Guðmundur L.; sulem, patrick; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir; Stefansson, Kari (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-04-16)
    Nerve conduction (NC) studies generate measures of peripheral nerve function that can reveal underlying pathology due to axonal loss, demyelination or both. We perform a genome-wide association study of sural NC amplitude and velocity in 7045 Icelanders ...
  • Shen, Qing; Jöud, Anna; Schelin, Maria E. C.; Sjölander, Arvid; Cao, Yang; Sparén, Pär; Fall, Katja; Czene, Kamila; Valdimarsdottir, Unnur; Fang, Fang (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-12-10)
    Background: An increasing number of women are evaluated for potential breast cancer and may experience mental distress during evaluation. We aim to assess the risks of psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular diseases during the diagnostic workup of ...
  • Gísladóttir, Berglind; Gronfeldt, Bjarki; Kristjansson, Alfgeir; Sigfúsdóttir, Inga Dóra (Springer Nature, 2017-10-14)
    The literature on sexual minority adolescents and young adults has highlighted a poor mental status among those groups compared to their heterosexual peers. Sexual minorities are also more likely to experience stress factors such as bullying and physical ...
  • Óskarsdóttir, Stefanía (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-05-30)
    This paper compares the number of corporatist public committees, appointed by central government, in Iceland and Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden). Its main aim is to shed light on where Iceland stands compared to these countries in term of corporatist ...