Title: | Temporal and intra-thallus variation in arsenic species in the brown macroalga Laminaria digitata |
Author: |
Date: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Scope: | 55-65 |
University/Institute: | Háskóli Íslands University of Iceland |
School: | Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI) |
Department: | Raunvísindadeild (HÍ) Faculty of Physical Sciences (UI) |
Series: | Environmental Chemistry;20(2) |
ISSN: | 1448-2517 |
DOI: | 10.1071/EN22123 |
Subject: | Geochemistry and Petrology; Environmental Chemistry; Chemistry (miscellaneous); Lífefnafræði; Efnafræði; Bergfræði |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/4769 |
Citation:Sim Rebecca, Feldmann Joerg, Stengel Dagmar B., Pétursdóttir Ásta H. (2023) Temporal and intra-thallus variation in arsenic species in the brown macroalga Laminaria digitata. Environmental Chemistry 20, 55-65. https://doi.org/10.1071/EN22123
Abstract:Environmental context. Arsenic contamination has a disproportionate effect on marine ecosystems. Organisms such as some marine macroalgae, which accumulate potentially toxic elements from the surrounding environment, have developed an internal conversion process that is not yet fully understood. Are arsenic-containing sugars a product of detoxification, or simply the result of phospholipid degradation?
Rationale. Arsenosugars (AsSugar) account for the majority of total arsenic in common seaweed species, yet it is unclear whether these are formed through some detoxification pathway for inorganic arsenic or are precursors/degradation products of arsenic-containing phospholipids in the cell wall.
Methodology. Temporal and intra-thallus variations in water-soluble arsenic were measured by HPLC-ICP-MS, as well as total non-polar and polar arsenic-containing lipids by ICP-MS in Laminaria digitata to offer potential insight into the origins of arsenosugars. Water-soluble speciation with and without freeze-drying were also compared to determine whether freeze-drying changes the water-soluble As speciation.
Results. In general, lower levels of total As were detected in the samples collected in May (39.2–74.5 mg kg−1) compared to those collected in February (72.6–151 mg kg−1). The concentration of arsenate was found to consistently increase along the thallus from the holdfast/stipe (0.78–1.82 mg kg−1) to the decaying fronds (44.4–61.0 mg kg−1) in both months, and AsSug-SO3 was the dominant AsSugar in the majority of samples. The extraction efficiency was lower in fresh samples (64–77%) than in freeze-dried (95–116%) from the same month. Water-soluble, polar AsLipids, and residual As concentrations, were generally highest in February, and the non-polar AsLipids accounted for <0.42% of totAs in all samples.
Discussion. Our results suggest that the arsenosugars are not a product of arsenic detoxification, but a by-product of normal biological activity. It is probable that the arsenosugars are bound to the cell membrane within the Laminaria digitata cells, and lyophilisation is required to release them quantitatively. Future research should focus on speciation of polar lipid-soluble As extracted from fresh samples to determine if the lower extraction efficiency observed in this study is due to the As being in an unextractable form, i.e. lipids, and thus is not removed from cells during water-based extractions.
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