Large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies five loci for lean body mass
Titill: |
Large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies five loci for lean body mass |
Höfundur: |
Zillikens, M. Carola
Demissie, Serkalem
Hsu, Yi-Hsiang
Yerges-Armstrong, Laura M.
Chou, Wen-Chi
Stolk, Lisette
Livshits, Gregory
Broer, Linda
Johnson, Toby
Koller, Daniel L.
183 fleiri höfundar Sýna alla höfunda
Kutalik, Zoltán
Luan, Jian’an
Malkin, Ida
Ried, Janina S.
Smith, Albert Vernon
Þorleifsson, Guðmar
Vandenput, Liesbeth
Hua Zhao, Jing
Zhang, Weihua
Aghdassi, Ali
Åkesson, Kristina
Amin, Najaf
Baier, Leslie J.
Barroso, Inês
Bennett, David A.
Bertram, Lars
Biffar, Reiner
Bochud, Murielle
Boehnke, Michael
Borecki, Ingrid
Buchman, Aron S.
Byberg, Liisa
Campbell, Harry
Campos Obanda, Natalia
Cauley, Jane A.
Cawthon, Peggy M.
Cederberg, Henna
Chen, Zhao
Cho, Nam H.
Jin Choi, Hyung
Claussnitzer, Melina
Collins, Francis
Cummings, Steven R.
De Jager, Philip L.
Demuth, Ilja
Dhonukshe-Rutten, Rosalie A. M.
Diatchenko, Luda
Eiríksdóttir, Guðný
Enneman, Anke W.
Erdos, Mike
Eriksson, Johan G.
Eriksson, Joel
Estrada, Karol
Evans, Daniel S.
Feitosa, Mary F.
Fu, Mao
Garcia, Melissa
Gieger, Christian
Girke, Thomas
Glazer, Nicole L.
Grallert, Harald
Grewal, Jagvir
Han, Bok-Ghee
Hanson, Robert L.
Hayward, Caroline
Hofman, Albert
Hoffman, Eric P.
Homuth, Georg
Hsueh, Wen-Chi
Hubal, Monica J.
Hubbard, Alan
Huffman, Kim M.
Husted, Lise B.
Illig, Thomas
Ingelsson, Erik
Ittermann, Till
Jansson, John-Olov
Jordan, Joanne M.
Jula, Antti
Karlsson, Magnus
Khaw, Kay-Tee
Kilpeläinen, Tuomas O.
Klopp, Norman
Kloth, Jacqueline S. L.
Koistinen, Heikki A.
Kraus, William E.
Kritchevsky, Stephen
Kuulasmaa, Teemu
Kuusisto, Johanna
Laakso, Markku
Lahti, Jari
Lang, Thomas
Langdahl, Bente L.
Launer, Lenore J.
Lee, Jong-Young
Lerch, Markus M.
Lewis, Joshua R.
Lind, Lars
Lindgren, Cecilia
Liu, Yongmei
Liu, Tian
Liu, Youfang
Ljunggren, Östen
Lorentzon, Mattias
Luben, Robert
Maixner, William
McGuigan, Fiona E.
Medina-Gomez, Carolina
Meitinger, Thomas
Melhus, Håkan
Mellström, Dan
Melov, Simon
Michaëlsson, Karl
Mitchell, Braxton D.
Morris, Andrew P.
Mosekilde, Leif
Newman, Anne
Nielson, Carrie M.
O’Connell, Jeffrey R.
Oostra, Ben A.
Orwoll, Eric S.
Palotie, Aarno
Parker, Stephan
Peacock, Munro
Perola, Markus
Peters, Annette
Polasek, Ozren
Prince, Richard L.
Räikkönen, Katri
Ralston, Stuart H.
Ripatti, Samuli
Robbins, John A.
Rotter, Jerome I.
Rudan, Igor
Salomaa, Veikko
Satterfield, Suzanne
Schadt, Eric E.
Schipf, Sabine
Scott, Laura
Sehmi, Joban
Shen, Jian
Soo Shin, Chan
Sigurdsson, Gunnar
Smith, Shad
Soranzo, Nicole
Stančáková, Alena
Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth
Streeten, Elizabeth A.
Styrkarsdottir, Unnur
Swart, Karin M. A.
Tan, Sian-Tsung
Tarnopolsky, Mark A.
Thompson, Patricia
Thomson, Cynthia A.
Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur
Tikkanen, Emmi
Tranah, Gregory J.
Tuomilehto, Jaakko
van Schoor, Natasja M.
Verma, Arjun
Vollenweider, Peter
Völzke, Henry
Wactawski-Wende, Jean
Walker, Mark
Weedon, Michael N.
Welch, Ryan
Wichmann, H.-Erich
Widen, Elisabeth
Williams, Frances M. K.
Wilson, James F.
Wright, Nicole C.
Xie, Weijia
Yu, Lei
Zhou, Yanhua
Chambers, John C.
Döring, Angela
van Duijn, Cornelia M.
Econs, Michael J.
Gudnason, Vilmundur
Kooner, Jaspal S.
Psaty, Bruce M.
Spector, Timothy D.
Stefansson, Kari
Rivadeneira, Fernando
Uitterlinden, André G.
Wareham, Nicholas J.
Ossowski, Vicky
Waterworth, Dawn
Loos, Ruth J. F.
Karasik, David
Harris, Tamara B.
Ohlsson, Claes
Kiel, Douglas P.
193 höfundar Sýna færri höfunda
Útgáfa: |
2017-07-19 |
Tungumál: |
Enska |
Umfang: |
80 |
Háskóli/Stofnun: |
Háskóli Íslands University of Iceland |
Svið: |
Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ) School of Health Sciences (UI) |
Deild: |
Læknadeild (HÍ) Faculty of Medicine (UI) |
Birtist í: |
Nature Communications;8(1) |
2041-1723 |
DOI: |
Efnisorð: |
Gene expression; Genome-wide association studies; Predictive markers; Líkamsvöxtur; Arfgengi; Erfðafræði; Rannsóknir
URI: |
Skoða fulla færslu
Zillikens, M. C., Demissie, S., Hsu, Y.-H., Yerges-Armstrong, L. M., Chou, W.-C., Stolk, L., . . . Kiel, D. P. (2017). Large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies five loci for lean body mass. Nature Communications, 8(1), 80. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00031-7
Lean body mass, consisting mostly of skeletal muscle, is important for healthy aging. We performed a genome-wide association study for whole body (20 cohorts of European ancestry with n = 38,292) and appendicular (arms and legs) lean body mass (n = 28,330) measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry or bioelectrical impedance analysis, adjusted for sex, age, height, and fat mass. Twenty-one single-nucleotide polymorphisms were significantly associated with lean body mass either genome wide (p < 5 × 10−8) or suggestively genome wide (p < 2.3 × 10−6). Replication in 63,475 (47,227 of European ancestry) individuals from 33 cohorts for whole body lean body mass and in 45,090 (42,360 of European ancestry) subjects from 25 cohorts for appendicular lean body mass was successful for five single-nucleotide polymorphisms in/near HSD17B11, VCAN, ADAMTSL3, IRS1, and FTO for total lean body mass and for three single-nucleotide polymorphisms in/near VCAN, ADAMTSL3, and IRS1 for appendicular lean body mass. Our findings provide new insight into the genetics of lean body mass.
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