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„Þessi týpíska óörugga stelpa“: Greining á sögum ungra kvenna um holdafar og stefnumót

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Sigurðardóttir, Sólveig
dc.contributor.author Rúdólfsdóttir, Annadís Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-31T14:40:50Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-31T14:40:50Z
dc.date.issued 2019-12-06
dc.identifier.citation Sólveig Sigurðardóttir og Annadís G. Rúdólfsdóttir(2019). „Þessi týpíska óörugga stelpa“: Greining á sögum ungra kvenna um holdafar og stefnumót Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2019.13
dc.identifier.issn 1670-0244
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2609
dc.description.abstract Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að greina hugmyndir ungra kvenna (18-24 ára) um vægi holdafars í tengslum við stefnumót. Fræðilega sjónarhornið er femíniskur póststrúktúralismi en gagna var aflað með sögulokaaðferð þar sem þátttakendur fengu upphaf að sögu sem þeir voru beðnir um að ljúka. Þátttakendur fengu ýmist söguupphaf þar sem söguhetja, sem var að fara á stefnumót, hafði grennst eða fitnað. Alls voru 72 sögur þemagreindar. Í sögum þátttakenda voru póstfemíniskar hugmyndir áberandi en fjögur þemu voru greind: (1) Líkaminn má ekki valda (honum) vonbrigðum. Þar kom fram að grannir líkamar hafa meira virði en feitir á vettvangi stefnumótamenningar og að það sé á ábyrgð sögupersónunnar að tryggja að virði hans sé sem mest. (2) Sjálfstraust og líðan tengist ánægju sögupersónu með útlit sitt. Í því þema kom fram að tilhugsunin um að fitna eða vera feit fyllti sögupersónuna kvíða og óöryggi. Þegar hún grenntist einkenndust sögurnar aftur á móti af gleði og aukinni eftirvæntingu fyrir stefnumótinu. Nokkrar sögur greindu einnig frá vonleysi sögupersónunnar þegar hún áttaði sig á því að sama hversu mikið hún grenntist þá var það aldrei nóg. (3) Líkaminn og sjálfið sem verkefni. Í því þema kom fram að vinnan og eftirlitið með líkamanum er stöðugt ferli og ekki hægt að slá slöku við. (4) Andóf gegn útlitskröfum felst í að taka líkamann í sátt. Í því þema mátti greina andóf gagnvart ríkjandi útlitskröfum, sérstaklega í sögum þar sem sögupersónan hafði fitnað. Áhersla var lögð á að gefa ríkjandi hugmyndum langt nef og taka líkama sinn í sátt. Rannsóknin gefur innsýn í flókin tengsl ungra kvenna við menningarbundnar hugmyndir um líkamann og hversu mikillar vinnu við líkamann kvenleikinn krefst af þeim. Hún sýnir einnig hversu gagnleg sögulokaaðferðin er til að fá innsýn í kynjaðar menningarbundnar hugmyndir og þau tök sem þær hafa á ungum konum.
dc.description.abstract In Iceland concerns have been raised about the unrealistic body ideals young women are presented with and their impact on self-esteem and body image. Quantitative research confirms these concerns and indeed it seems that women are unhappy with their body weight throughout their life course. At the same time, research into the cultural and social discourses that underpin and shape young women’s ideas about the relation between body weight and femininity, has been scant. This article adopts a feminist poststructuralist framework to explore young women’s (18-24 years old) ideas about the importance of body weight when dating. This is based on research that used a story completion methodology to explore the sociocultural ideas participants draw on when making sense of the topic. In the research, participants were randomly presented with either of two different story stems and asked to complete the story. In the first story stem a fictional female character is on her way to a date and notices when she looks in the mirror that she has lost weight. The second story stem is identical apart from the female character noticing that she has gained weight. The participants were approached on social media where they were provided with a link that directed them to the task on SurveyMonkey. In total, 81 participants provided stories. Out of these, 73 stories could be used in this research. When participants had completed their stories they were asked two further questions about the story character and then asked to answer some demographic questions. The stories were analysed thematically. The analysis resulted in 4 themes: (1) the body should not disappoint (him), (2) looks facilitate/are an obstacle to good self-esteem, (3) the body and the self constitute tasks that must be worked on, (4) resistance to body ideals consists in accepting your body. It was interesting that most of the participants seemed to assume that the story character was heterosexual and was on her way to meet a man. In the stories collected we saw clear signs of postfeminist discourses where women are presented as the entrepreneurs of their lives, free to make choices that shape their lives. In many of the stories it was assumed that it was the young woman’s responsibility to ensure that her body was of value so that she would not disappoint possible lovers and herself. It was also clear that slim bodies were deemed to be of more value than fat bodies. What came across clearly was that it was the young woman’s responsibility to work on her body and mind-set so that she could be “the best version of herself”. In the stories where the fictional character had gained weight, we detected much body shame and even repulsion towards the fat body. The thought of gaining weight was described as filling the character with much dread and anxiety. When the character had lost weight, she was described as excited about the date but also filled with dread because she anticipated that no matter how much weight she lost it would never be enough. A common description of the story character was that she was a typical anxious and insecure girl who needed to sort herself out; that is, the causes of her problems rested in herself. In contrast, some of the stories seemed to draw on feminist discourses criticising societal pressures on young women to be slim. This resistance was particularly apparent when the character had gained weight. The stories outlined how the story character decided to ignore the slim ideal so that she could accept and love her body. The paper provides an insight into the complex relationship young women have with often hostile socio-cultural ideas about the young female body and the constant surveillance and work those ideas demand from them. We call for a greater interrogation of cultural ideals that either blame young women or their peer group for their anxious relationships to their bodies. We also conclude that the storycompletion method is useful for collecting data. Despite some of the stories seemingly being written in jest they overall presented a rich and nuanced scenario. As such they provide clear insights into the cultural and social discourses participants have access to when writing their stories.
dc.format.extent 1-17
dc.language.iso is
dc.publisher Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands
dc.relation.ispartofseries Netla;2019
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Kyngervi
dc.subject Holdafar
dc.subject Kvenleiki
dc.subject Póstfemínismi
dc.subject Sögulokaaðferð
dc.title „Þessi týpíska óörugga stelpa“: Greining á sögum ungra kvenna um holdafar og stefnumót
dc.title.alternative “This typical, insecure girl”: Young women’s stories about the importance of women’s body weight in a dating scenario
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dcterms.license CC BY 4.0
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Netla
dc.identifier.doi 10.24270/netla.2019.13
dc.contributor.school School of education (UI)
dc.contributor.school Menntavísindasvið (HÍ)

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