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Kulnun kennara og starfsaðstæður: Þróun og samanburður við aðra opinbera sérfræðinga

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Einarsdóttir, Sif
dc.contributor.author Erlingsdóttir, Regína Bergdís
dc.contributor.author Björnsdóttir, Amalía
dc.contributor.author Snorradóttir, Ásta
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-31T14:39:54Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-31T14:39:54Z
dc.date.issued 2019-11-13
dc.identifier.citation Sif Einarsdóttir, Regína Bergdís Erlingsdóttir, Amalía Björnsdóttir og Ásta Snorradóttir (2019). Kulnun kennara og starfsaðstæður: Þróun og samanburður við aðra opinbera sérfræðinga Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2019.12
dc.identifier.issn 1670-0244
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2604
dc.description.abstract Frá efnahagshruninu 2008 hefur niðurskurður fjármagns leitt til þess meðal annars að minna svigrúm hefur gefist til að takast á við brýn úrlausnarefni í skólastarfi. Vísbendingar eru um að líðan kennara hafi versnað frá árinu 2008 og því er mikilvægt að kanna hvort breytingar hafi orðið á einkennum kulnunar frá fyrri rannsóknum meðal grunnskólakennara á árunum 1999 og 2005. Sami spurningalisti og notaður var í fyrri rannsóknum, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-ES) var lagður fyrir 515 grunnskólakennara í Reykjavík. Konur voru 85%, karlar 15% og svarhlutfallið var 38%. Einnig voru lagðir fyrir listar sem meta annars vegar örmögnunarröskun (The Karolinska Emotional Exhaustion Scale – KEDS) og hins vegar starfsaðstæður (Job Demands-Resource Scale – JDRS). Í ljós kom að einkenni kulnunar meðal grunnskólakennara hafa aukist frá því fyrir hrun, einkum tilfinningaþrot, en grunnskólakennarar meta starfsárangur enn nokkuð mikinn og finna varla til hlutgervingar gagnvart nemendum. Um 42% grunnskólakennara mæta greiningarviðmiðum fyrir örmögnunarröskun samanborið við 31–38% félagsmanna BHM. Hvað starfsaðstæður varðar meta grunnskólakennarar álag mikið en telja sig hafa tækifæri til að vaxa í starfi og fá stuðning frá stofnun, t.d. stjórnendum. Grunnskólakennarar finna til starfsöryggis en þeir hafa ekki mikla möguleika á framgangi í starfi. Álag reyndist hafa sterkust tengsl við kjarnaeinkenni kulnunar, tilfinningaþrot, í líkani Maslach og einnig örmögnunarröskun. Möguleikar til vaxtar í starfi og stuðningur stofnunar virðast hafa verndandi áhrif. Niðurstöður sýna að kulnun hefur aukist og mikilvægt er að huga að starfsaðstæðum grunnskólakennara, sérstaklega of miklu álagi. Ástæður þessa mikla álags geta verið margvíslegar en hugsanlega má rekja þær til hegðunarvanda í nemendahópi, skorts á viðeigandi úrræðum í málefnum nemenda sem veita þarf sérstakan stuðning, aukins foreldrasamstarfs og almenns virðingarleysis gagnvart kennarastarfinu í samfélaginu.
dc.description.abstract Teachers are among professionals exposed to burnout because of stressful working conditions. Previous results on burnout among compulsory school teachers in Iceland have shown that between the years 1999 and 2005 symptoms captured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-ES) did not change extensively. Research indicates that the health and well-being of Icelandic compulsory teachers has deteriorated since the financial crisis in 2008. Financial cutbacks have resulted in lack of resources to tackle urgent challenges in schools such as meeting the needs of diverse student background, including behavioural and educational problems and multicultural issues. A shortage of compulsory–school teachers is a problem in Iceland and the number of teachers without certification working in compulsory schools is increasing. It is important in the light of the economic crisis and changes that have taken place in the school system and the foreseen shortage of compulsory teachers to evaluate burnout again as was the aim of this study. In addition, teachers’ work environment has yet to be evaluated using known models for comparison to other professions. In this study, burnout is captured using the MBI-ES as was done in previous studies in Iceland (Anna Þóra Baldursdóttir & Valgerður Magnúsdóttir, 2007). Furthermore, the Karolinska Exhaustion Disorder Scale (KEDS) and JDRS (Job DemandsResources Scale) measuring work environment factors were used. Participants were 515 and the response rate was 38%. Of participants 85% were female. Symptoms of emotional exhaustion on the MBE-ES scale had increased since before the economic crisis (from 1.5 to 2.4 on the original 6-point scale) while depersonalization and personal accomplishment had not. The teachers’ averages on emotional exhaustion (M = 2.4) and personal accomplishment (M = 4.6) were high but low for depersonalization (M = 0.7), indicating that symptoms of burnout are mainly related to emotional exhaustion. On the KEDS scale, 42% of the participants met the criteria for exhaustion disorder which is higher than among members of the Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates where 38% of those working as teachers in secondary schools, universities or in caregiving met the criteria, compared to 31% among those in other professions (e.g., architects, librarians, lawyers). Participants scored highest on job overload (M = 2.94) on the JDRS but also on the resources where they indicate they have good opportunities for growth (M = 2.92) and receive organizational support (2.95). Job insecurity (M = 1.52) is almost non-existent among compulsory school teachers and they also score low on advancement (M = 1.65). Results of the Pearson correlation indicated a strong positive association between Maslach’s emotional exhaustion scale and exhaustion disorder (KEDS) (r (515) = .72, p < 0.001). A regression analysis with the factors from the JDRS as predictors for emotional exhaustion and exhaustion disorder respectively showed that work overload predicts higher scores, while opportunities for growth and organizational support predict lower scores. Together, the five factors from JDRS explain 39% of the variance in emotional exhaustion and 29% of the variance in exhaustion disorder. The study shows that symptoms of emotional exhaustion have increased among compulsory school teachers from previous studies while depersonalization and personal accomplishment stay at a similar level. While this is not a clear sign of occupational burnout according to the Maslach definition, the high scores of emotional exhaustion should not be overlooked as a high proportion of compulsory school teachers also meet the criteria for exhaustion disorder as defined by KEDS. To improve the wellbeing of compulsory school teachers and to prevent further development of burnout or exhaustion, job overload is a factor that needs to be considered. According to a recent study among compulsory teachers it is revealed that dealing with students’ behavioral problems and their multicultural background as well as parental communication is causing strain. It is urgent to take action to increase resources for compulsory school teachers to tackle these challenges in order to lower their job overload. This needs to be dealt with at a high level so that proper resources, both financial and material can be added within the school system. If action is not taken, this can result in a worsening state of the teachers’ health and well-being and even result in long term sickness absence or drop out from the profession.
dc.format.extent 1-18
dc.language.iso is
dc.publisher Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Kulnun í starfi
dc.subject Grunnskólakennarar
dc.subject Starfsaðstæður
dc.subject Heilsufar
dc.subject Vellíðan
dc.subject Örmögnunarröskun
dc.subject Opinberir sérfræðingar
dc.title Kulnun kennara og starfsaðstæður: Þróun og samanburður við aðra opinbera sérfræðinga
dc.title.alternative Teachers’ burnout and work demands: Comparison over time and to other public professionals.
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dcterms.license CC BY 4.0
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Netla
dc.identifier.doi 10.24270/netla.2019.12
dc.contributor.school School of education (UI)
dc.contributor.school Menntavísindasvið (HÍ)

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