IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • Patlolla, V. G.R.; Holbrook, W. P.; Gizurarson, S.; Kristmundsdottir, P. (2020-01)
    Delivery of active ingredients to the oral mucosa from topically applied formulations reduces side effects from systemic administration and enhances the treatment efficiency. The challenge however, is to maintain the formulation at the administration ...
  • Peng, Kuan Po; Chen, Shih Pin; Gudmundsson, Larus S. (2020)
  • Nilsson, H.; Stranne, J.; Hugosson, J.; Wessman, C.; Steineck, G.; Bjartell, A.; Carlsson, S.; Thorsteinsdottir, T.; Tyritzis, S. I.; Lantz, A.; Wiklund, P.; Haglind, E. (2022-02)
    Purpose: In addition to incisional hernia, inguinal hernia is a recognized complication to radical retropubic prostatectomy. To compare the risk of developing inguinal and incisional hernias after open radical prostatectomy compared to robot-assisted ...
  • Thorudottir, Sandra; Sigurdardottir, Heida M.; Rice, Grace E.; Kerry, Sheila J.; Robotham, Ro J.; Leff, Alex P.; Starrfelt, Randi (2020-02)
    While the loss of mental imagery following brain lesions was first described more than a century ago, the key cerebral areas involved remain elusive. Here we report neuropsychological data from an architect (PL518) who lost his ability for visual imagery ...
  • Tanrikulu, Ömer Daglar; Chetverikov, Andrey; Kristjánsson, Árni (2020)
    Observers can learn complex statistical properties of visual ensembles, such as their probability distributions. Even though ensemble encoding is considered critical for peripheral vision, whether observers learn such distributions in the periphery has ...
  • Ísberg, Ólöf Gerður; Giunchiglia, Valentina; McKenzie, James S.; Takats, Zoltan; Jónasson, Jón Gunnlaugur; Bodvarsdottir, Sigridur Klara; Þorsteinsdóttir, Margrét; Xiang, Yuchen (2022-05-18)
    Optical microscopy has long been the gold standard to analyse tissue samples for the diagnostics of various diseases, such as cancer. The current diagnostic workflow is time-consuming and labour-intensive, and manual annotation by a qualified pathologist ...
  • Eiriksdottir, Valgerdur Kristin; Baldursdottir, Birna; Fridriksson, Jon Orn; Valdimarsdottir, Heiddis B. (2022-05-25)
    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing for asymptomatic men is neither encouraged nor discouraged in most countries; however, shared decision-making is emphasized prior to PSA testing. The objective of this study was to examine to what extent Icelandic ...
  • Agustsson, Arnar S.; Birgisson, Helgi; Agnarsson, Bjarni A.; Jonsson, Thorvaldur; Stefansdottir, Hrefna; Wärnberg, Fredrik; Lambe, Mats; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Sverrisdottir, Asgerdur (2020-12-01)
    The purpose was to review the incidence of in situ carcinoma in Iceland after initiating population-based mammography screening in 1987 and to compare management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) between Iceland and the Uppsala–Örebro region (UÖR) in ...
  • Ármannsdóttir, Anna L.; Beckerle, Philipp; Moreno, Juan C.; van Asseldonk, Edwin H.F.; Manrique-Sancho, Maria Teresa; del-Ama, Antonio J.; Veneman, Jan F.; Briem, Kristín (2020-05-01)
    Objective: To explore user-centered design methods currently implemented during development of lower limb wearable robots and how they are utilized during different stages of product development. Background: Currently, there appears to be a lack of ...
  • Bertrand, Juliette U.; Steingrimsson, Eirikur; Jouenne, Fanélie; Bressac-De Paillerets, Brigitte; Larue, Lionel (2020)
    Cutaneous melanoma arises from melanocytes following genetic, epigenetic and allogenetic (i.e. other than epi/genetic) modifications. An estimated 10% of cutaneous melanoma cases are due to inherited variants or de novo mutations in approximately 20 ...
  • Aubonnet, Romain; Banea, Ovidiu C.; Sirica, Roberta; Wassermann, Eric M.; Yassine, Sahar; Jacob, Deborah; Magnúsdóttir, Brynja Björk; Haraldsson, Magnús; Stefansson, Sigurjon B.; Jónasson, Viktor D.; Ívarsson, Eysteinn; Jónasson, Aron D.; Hassan, Mahmoud; Gargiulo, Paolo (2020-11-20)
    Schizophrenia is a complex disorder about which much is still unknown. Potential treatments, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), have not been exploited, in part because of the variability in behavioral response. This can be overcome with ...
  • Brouwer, Niels J.; Marinkovic, Marina; Bleeker, Jaco C.; El Filali, Mariam; Stefansson, Einar; Luyten, Gregorius P.M.; Jager, Martine J. (2020-11-01)
    PURPOSE: To compare retinal vessel oxygenation in eyes with an untreated choroidal nevus or choroidal melanoma. METHODS: The affected and fellow eye of patients with an untreated choroidal nevus (n = 42) or choroidal melanoma (n = 45) were investigated ...
  • Arnadottir, Solveig A.; Bruce, Julie; Lall, Ranjit; Withers, Emma J.; Underwood, Martin; Shaw, Fiona; Sheridan, Ray; Hossain, Anower; Lamb, Sarah E.; Martin, Finbarr; Yardley, Lucy; Skelton, Dawn; Willett, Keith; Eldridge, Sandra; Slowther, Anne Marie; Duggan, Sarah; Bruce, Julie; Hennings, Susie; Withers, Emma; Mant, Rhys; Rai, Rishpal; Turner, Craig; Andrews, Agata; Fearn, Rachael; Finnegan, Susanne; Walker, Nicola; Potter, Rachel; Lall, Ranjit; Hulme, Claire; Bojke, Chris; Longo, Roberta; Finnegan, Susanne; Westacott, Katherine; Ralhan, Shvaita; Sheridan, Ray; Treml, Jonathan; Sheridan, Ray; Riglin, Jackie; Gordjin, Harm; Dutta, Ruma; Burns, Jo; Treml, Jonathan; Shaw, Fiona; Davison, John; Willis, Ade; Muthiah, Chocks; Adjei, Henry (2020-01-15)
    Background: The aim was to estimate the prevalence of frailty and relative contribution of physical/balance, nutritive, cognitive and sensory frailty to important adverse health states (falls, physical activity levels, outdoor mobility, problems in ...
  • Aradottir Pind, Audur Anna; Molina Estupiñan, Jenny Lorena; Magnusdottir, Gudbjorg Julia; Del Giudice, Giuseppe; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Bjarnarson, Stefania P. (2020-10-23)
    Adjuvants enhance magnitude and duration of immune responses induced by vaccines. In this study we assessed in neonatal mice if and how the adjuvant LT-K63 given with a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Pnc1-TT, could affect the expression of tumor ...
  • FINNPEC Consortium; GOPEC Consortium; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur (2020-12)
    Preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy, affecting both maternal and fetal health. In genome-wide association meta-analysis of European and Central Asian mothers, we identify sequence variants that associate with preeclampsia in the maternal ...
  • Sigurdsson, Emil Larus; Blondal, Anna Bryndis; Jonsson, Jon Steinar; Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia; Hrafnkelsson, Hannes; Linnet, Kristjan; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust (2020-12-07)
    Objective To describe how the primary healthcare (PHC) in Iceland changed its strategy to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Design Descriptive observational study. Setting Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. Population The Reykjavik area has a total of 233 ...
  • Oskarsson, Gudjon R.; Oddsson, Asmundur; Magnusson, Magnus K.; Kristjansson, Ragnar P.; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Ferkingstad, Egil; Zink, Florian; Helgadottir, Anna; Ivarsdottir, Erna V.; Arnadottir, Gudny A.; Jensson, Brynjar O.; Katrinardottir, Hildigunnur; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Kristinsdottir, Anna M.; Lee, Amy L.; Saemundsdottir, Jona; Stefansdottir, Lilja; Sigurdsson, Jon K.; Davidsson, Olafur B.; Benonisdottir, Stefania; Jonasdottir, Aslaug; Jonasdottir, Adalbjorg; Jonsson, Stefan; Gudmundsson, Reynir L.; Asselbergs, Folkert W.; Tragante, Vinicius; Gunnarsson, Bjarni; Masson, Gisli; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Rafnar, Thorunn; Holm, Hilma; Olafsson, Isleifur; Onundarson, Pall T.; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Sulem, Patrick; Stefansson, Kari (2020-04-23)
    Hemoglobin is the essential oxygen-carrying molecule in humans and is regulated by cellular iron and oxygen sensing mechanisms. To search for novel variants associated with hemoglobin concentration, we performed genome-wide association studies of ...
  • Asbjornsdottir, Birna; Snorradottir, Heiddis; Andresdottir, Edda; Fasano, Alessio; Lauth, Bertrand; Gudmundsson, Larus S.; Gottfredsson, Magnus; Halldorsson, Thorhallur Ingi; Birgisdottir, Bryndis Eva (2020-07-03)
    Worldwide, up to 20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders, which are the leading cause of disability in young people. Research shows that serum zonulin levels are associated with increased intestinal permeability (IP), affecting ...
  • Crowe, Kathryn; McLeod, Sharynne (2020-11)
    Purpose: Speech-language pathologists’ clinical decision making and consideration of eligibility for services rely on quality evidence, including information about consonant acquisition (developmental norms). The purpose of this review article is to ...
  • Daniels, Benjamin; Pearson, Sallie Anne; Buckley, Nicholas A.; Bruno, Claudia; Zoega, Helga (2020)
    Background: Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most prescribed medicines worldwide and concern about their long-term use is growing. We used dispensing claims for every person in Australia dispensed publicly subsidized PPIs between 2013 and ...