Title: | Drug retention, inactive disease and response rates in 1860 patients with axial spondyloarthritis initiating secukinumab treatment: routine care data from 13 registries in the EuroSpA collaboration |
Author: |
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Date: | 2020-09-01 |
Language: | English |
Scope: | e001280 |
University/Institute: | Háskóli Íslands University of Iceland |
School: | Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ) School of Health Sciences (UI) |
Department: | Læknadeild (HÍ) Faculty of Medicine (UI) |
Series: | RMD Open;6(3) |
ISSN: | 2056-5933 |
DOI: | 10.1136/rmdopen-2020-001280 |
Subject: | DMARDs; Outcomes research; Spondyloarthritis; Lyfjagjöf; Iktsýki |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2400 |
Citation:Michelsen, B., Lindström, U., Codreanu, C., Ciurea, A., Zavada, J., Loft, A.G., Pombo-Suarez, M., Onen, F., Kvien, T.K., Rotar, Z., Santos, M.J., Iannone, F., Hokkanen, A.-M., Gudbjornsson, B., Askling, J., Ionescu, R., Nissen, M.J., Pavelka, K., Sanchez-Piedra, C., Akar, S., Sexton, J., Tomsic, M., Santos, H., Sebastiani, M., Österlund, J., Geirsson, A.J., Macfarlane, G., Van Der Horst-Bruinsma, I., Georgiadis, S., Brahe, C.H., Ørnbjerg, L.M., Hetland, M.L., Østergaard, M., 2020. Drug retention, inactive disease and response rates in 1860 patients with axial spondyloarthritis initiating secukinumab treatment: routine care data from 13 registries in the EuroSpA collaboration. RMD Open. doi:10.1136/rmdopen-2020-001280
Abstract:OBJECTIVES: To explore 6-month and 12-month secukinumab effectiveness in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) overall, as well as across (1) number of previous biologic/targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (b/tsDMARDs), (2) time since diagnosis and (3) different European registries. METHODS: Real-life data from 13 European registries participating in the European Spondyloarthritis Research Collaboration Network were pooled. Kaplan-Meier with log-rank test, Cox regression, χ² and logistic regression analyses were performed to assess 6-month and 12-month secukinumab retention, inactive disease/low-disease-activity states (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) <2/<4, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) <1.3/<2.1) and response rates (BASDAI50, Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society (ASAS) 20/40, ASDAS clinically important improvement (ASDAS-CII) and ASDAS major improvement (ASDAS-MI)). RESULTS: We included 1860 patients initiating secukinumab as part of routine care. Overall 6-month/12-month secukinumab retention rates were 82%/72%, with significant (p<0.001) differences between the registries (6-month: 70-93%, 12-month: 53-86%) and across number of previous b/tsDMARDs (b/tsDMARD-naïve: 90%/73%, 1 prior b/tsDMARD: 83%/73%, ≥2 prior b/tsDMARDs: 78%/66%). Overall 6-month/12-month BASDAI<4 were observed in 51%/51%, ASDAS<1.3 in 9%/11%, BASDAI50 in 53%/47%, ASAS40 in 28%/22%, ASDAS-CII in 49%/46% and ASDAS-MI in 25%/26% of the patients. All rates differed significantly across number of previous b/tsDMARDs, were numerically higher for b/tsDMARD-naïve patients and varied significantly across registries. Overall, time since diagnosis was not associated with secukinumab effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of 1860 patients from 13 European countries, we present the first comprehensive real-life data on effectiveness of secukinumab in patients with axSpA. Overall, secukinumab retention rates after 6 and 12 months of treatment were high. Secukinumab effectiveness was consistently better for bionaïve patients, independent of time since diagnosis and differed across the European countries.
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