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Samvirkni og samvinna í þróunar- og umbótastarfi

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Þórsdóttir, Helga Sigríður
dc.contributor.author Sigurðardóttir, Anna Kristín
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-05T11:36:46Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-05T11:36:46Z
dc.date.issued 2020-04-16
dc.identifier.citation Helga Sigríður Þórsdóttir og Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir. (2020). Samvirkni og samvinna í þróunar- og umbótastarfi Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands. Sótt af http://netla.hi.is/greinar/2020/ryn/02 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2020.2
dc.identifier.issn 1670-0244
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/2164
dc.description.abstract Samvirkni er af mörgum talin vera grundvöllur farsæls umbótastarfs sem leiðir til aukins árangurs í námi nemenda. Markmið rannsóknarinnar sem hér er til umfjöllunar er að öðlast skilning og þekkingu á því hvernig samvirkni í stefnumótun í skólamálum birtist í þremur sveitarfélögum á Íslandi, með því að varpa ljósi á samskiptaform og vinnubrögð sem gætu stuðlað að eflingu og varanleika umbótastarfs. Kastljósinu var beint að áhrifum stefnumótunar sveitarfélaga á umbótastarf í skólum og hvernig vinnubrögð við stefnumótun og innleiðingu gæti mögulega ýtt undir eða hindrað varanlegar umbætur í skólastarfi að mati fræðslustjóra, skólastjórnenda og kennara. Byggt er á kenningum um menntastjórnun sem hvetja til heiltækrar nálgunar til umbóta og eflingar forystu kennara svo drifkraftur þeirra og þekking nýtist í skólaþróun. Heiltæk nálgun tekur til flestra sviða skólastarfs og stuðlar að samvirkni (e. coherence) einstaka áhrifaþátta, t.d. námskrár og kennsluhátta. Raunveruleg völd sveitarfélaga felast í samspili við stjórnendur og kennara skólanna. Gagna var aflað með viðtölum við fræðslustjóra sveitarfélaganna, skólastjóra og meðlimi þróunarteyma þriggja skóla sömu sveitarfélaga. Einnig var rýnt í skólastefnur sveitarfélaganna og skólanna og ýmsar skýrslur um skólastarfið. Gögnin voru skoðuð með tilliti til þriggja þátta: (1) hvernig skólastefnan verður til, (2) hvaða aðferðir eru notaðar við innleiðingu hennar og (3) hvernig stefnan birtist í viðhorfum kennara og í skólastarfinu. Niðurstöður benda til að meiri líkur séu á samvirkni í þróunar- og umbótastarfi þar sem unnið er eftir hugmyndafræði um faglegt lærdómssamfélag, stjórnendur veita faglega forystu, kennarar eru hafðir með í ráðum og samskipti skóla við skólaskrifstofu og fræðslustjóra byggja á trausti og fagmennsku. Þar sem miðstýring er meiri spyrna kennarar frekar við fótum og upplifa skólastefnu sem kröfur um breytingar sem jafnvel samræmist ekki hugmyndum þeirra um fagmennsku.
dc.description.abstract Policy planning in education is an important and complicated undertaking that demands systematic work and extensive co-operation between actors to ensure successful implementation. In this matter, many consider coherence and collaboration to be the basis for successful educational development efforts that lead to increased achievement in student learning (Hopkins, Stringfield, Harris, Stoll, &Mackay, 2014; Robinson, 2018). The aim of the research discussed in this paper is to gain understanding and knowledge of how this coherence appears in policy work in three municipalities in Iceland and in one school in each of the municipalities. The focus is on how local government policy and methods of implementation might support or hinder sustainable school improvements and how they might appear in school practices on a daily basis. The discussion is based on educational leadership theories that encourage a systemic approach to reform, encompassing all levels of the system and different areas, such as curriculum, teaching methods, leadership, and families. This systematic approach is meant to support the coherence of all entities that influence teaching and learning (Fullan & Quinn, 2016) and enhance teacher leadership and the professional skills of those working towards the same purposes. Coherence is achieved through collaboration and communication between actors at different levels rather than through checklists or strict surveillance (Robinson et al., 2017). Data was collected by interviewing school district leaders in the three municipalities, one school principal from each municipality, and one development team from each school in the respective municipalities. The developmental teams consisted of four to six teachers, leaders, and department heads in the school. Other data included the documents addressing the policies of districts and schools. The data was analysed by seeking information on the following themes: (1) the making of the policies; e.g., where did it originate from and who participated; (2) the methods by which the policies were implemented in schools; and (3) how the policies actually influenced classroom practices. The results revealed that coherence in policy and school development was more apparent in one of the municipalities than in the other two. There, an approach emphasizing a professional learning community was used to decide on policy issues and methods of implementation. This approach was openly discussed by interviewed participants. The principal practised instructional leadership, teachers were included in decision making, and communication between schools and school district leaders was based on professional discussion and mutual trust to a greater extent than in the other two municipalities. There, policy decisions were most often taken by politicians or at the central school office and presented and discussed with teachers and leaders in the schools. The teachers felt overwhelmed by requirements for implementing many different projects and complained about lack of preparation and support. As such, the Robinson, Bendikson, Mcnaughton, Wilson, & Zhu (2017) findings about the importance of communication in order to enhance coherence were supported. It should be noted that the findings only apply to the three municipalities and schools at the time when data was collected and therefore cannot be generalized to other municipalities nor to the relevant municipalities where circumstances may have changed. The municipalities differ in size, position, political focus, and history; therefore, they should not be compared. The intention was to learn about how the process of implementation from policy making to day-to-day schoolwork is achieved as well as whether and how a municipality’s policy is reflected in the work and attitudes of teachers. The results should be beneficial for school authorities, school districts, and schools and further encourage a collaborative approach in educational development.
dc.language.iso is
dc.publisher Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Skólaþróun
dc.subject Samvirkni
dc.subject Heiltæk nálgun til umbóta
dc.subject Dreifð forysta
dc.subject Faglegt lærdómssamfélag
dc.subject School development
dc.subject Coherence
dc.subject Systemic improvement
dc.subject Distributed leadership
dc.subject Professional learning community
dc.title Samvirkni og samvinna í þróunar- og umbótastarfi
dc.title.alternative Coherence and Collaboration in School development and System Improvement
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dcterms.license CC by 4.0
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Netla
dc.identifier.doi 10.24270/netla.2020.2
dc.contributor.school Menntavísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of education (UI)

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