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Developing a Contemporary Approach to Philosophy as a Way of Life

Developing a Contemporary Approach to Philosophy as a Way of Life

Title: Developing a Contemporary Approach to Philosophy as a Way of Life
Author: Konchak, William
Advisor: Björn Þorsteinsson
Date: 2018-11
Language: English
University/Institute: Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
School: Hugvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Humanities (UI)
Department: Sagnfræði- og heimspekideild (HÍ)
Faculty of History and Philosophy (UI)
ISSN: 978-9935-9385-6-5
Subject: Philosophy; Gadamer; Emerson; Philosophy as a way of life; Hadot; Heimspeki; Doktorsritgerðir
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1912

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This dissertation draws upon philosopher Pierre Hadot’s conception of philosophy as a way of life, which views philosophy as a process of self-transformation through engaging in practices (which Hadot characterizes as spiritual exercises) alongside theory, enabling the philosopher to move from the all too common state of discord and worry towards greater peace and wisdom. This research focuses on how this approach may be applied in a contemporary context, drawing on the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and the philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson. It explores a variety of conceptions from these thinkers which may be seen as transformative practices, such as Gadamer’s approach to conversation and interpretation, Emerson’s profound approaches towards nature, self-realization and spiritual development and the aesthetics of both thinkers. Ancient philosophical viewpoints and practices are considered in relation to Gadamer’s and Emerson’s thought and linguistic and metaphysical viewpoints are presented as providing alternative discourses supporting practices in a present-day context.
Í þessari rannsókn er gengið út frá hugmynd Pierre Hadot um heimspeki sem lífsmáta, þ.e. sjálfsþroskaferli sem á sér stað með iðkun þess sem Hadot kallar andlegar æfingar, ásamt kenningasmíð, og gerir heimspekingnum kleift að hverfa frá innra ójafnvægi og áhyggjum yfir í visku og frið. Rannsóknin beinir sjónum að því hvernig beita megi þessu grundvallarviðhorfi í samtímasamhengi og gerir í því skyni túlkunarfræði Hans-Georgs Gadamer og heimspeki Ralphs Waldo Emerson að viðfangsefni sínu. Skoðað er hvernig hugmyndir þessara hugsuða geta leitt til iðkana sem fela í sér djúpa umbreytingu, s.s. viðhorf Gadamers til samræðu og túlkunar, djúptæk sýn Emersons á náttúru, sjálfið og andlegan þroska, og fagurfræði hugsuðanna beggja. Einnig er athugað hvernig iðkanir og viðhorf úr heimspeki til forna má taka upp og þróa í tengslum við hugsun Gadamers og Emersons og fella þær inn í heimspeki sem lífsmáta í samtímanum.

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