Title: | Windows of opportunities: Nordic perspectives on sexual diversity in education |
Author: |
Date: | 2017-12-12 |
Language: | English |
Scope: | 1035-1047 |
University/Institute: | University of Iceland Háskóli Íslands |
School: | School of education (UI) Menntavísindasvið (HÍ) |
Series: | International Journal of Inclusive Education;22(10) |
ISSN: | 1360-3116 1464-5173 (eISSN) |
DOI: | 10.1080/13603116.2017.1414319 |
Subject: | Sexual minority rights; Sexuality; Core curricula; Educational policy; Nordic context |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1889 |
Citation:Jón Ingvar Kjaran & Jukka Lehtonen (2018) Windows of opportunities: Nordic perspectives on sexual diversity in education, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22:10, 1035-1047, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2017.1414319
Abstract:The Nordic countries have often been depicted as progressive
societies regarding sexual diversity and gender equality. These
progressive changes in sexual minority issues, however, have not
brought about radical changes in educational policies in
addressing gender and sexual equality in schools. Both
compulsory and upper secondary education often lack coherent
protection of queer students. The same applies to specific policies
on queer issues within the education system; they are hidden in
the depths of many national curricula. In fact, a discrepancy exists
in broader social policies supporting equality based on sexual
orientation in the educational context. The main objective of this
article is to investigate this discrepancy and justify it. In doing so,
we will discuss in detail the educational policies and practices on
sexualities currently operating in the Nordic area, particularly in
Finland and Iceland. We analyse curricula documents, legislation,
research reports, and other data from our own research projects,
including ethnographic interviews, observation data, survey data,
and written material.
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