Title: | The use of criteria when planing, evaluating or completing a project: The case of the ENSI Quality Criteria and the Curriculum Key in Iceland |
Author: |
Date: | 2018 |
Language: | English |
Scope: | 151-158 |
University/Institute: | University of Iceland Háskóli Íslands |
School: | Menntavísindasvið (HÍ) School of education (UI) |
ISBN: | 978-3-200-05834-7 |
Series: | ENVIRONMENT AND SCHOOL INITIATIVES Lessons from the ENSI Network – Past, Present and Future; |
Subject: | Gæðamat; Námskrárgerð; Námskrárfræði |
URI: | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1777 |
Citation:Macdonald,A.,Pálsdóttir, A, Jóhannesson, I.Á., Norðdahl, K & Bergmann, S. (2018). The use of criteria when planning, evaluating or completing a project: The case the ENSI quality criteria and the curriculum key in Iceland. In C. Affolter & A. Varga (editors), Environment and school initiatives. Lessons from the ENSI Network – Past, Present and Future (pp. 151–158). Vienna: Environment and School Initiatives & Budapest: Eszterhazy Karoly University.
This is the story about a research and development project in Iceland between
2007 and 2011 named “GETA”. In Icelandic the name means “capability” and reflects
the interest of the project in both Action Competence and Action Research. The
underlying focus of the project was to understand what types of educational
practice lead to Sustainable Development (Action ESD, 2007).
The project model involved school-university co-operation, a year of preparation for
the researchers, a year-long in-service course for teachers, assessment of ESD policy
and practice in Iceland, small group work and for some, voluntary work with schools
as GETA advisors. Three years of low-level funding were provided by Reykjavik
Energy and four preschools and four compulsory schools in different municipalities
elected to join the GETA project. About 25 teachers and most principals took part
in managing school projects of their own choice and around 12–14 researchers took
part, several going on to study further. An active web-site was maintained on all
project activities (http://skrif.hi.is/geta). The site was still accessible in March 2018.
In this paper we describe and comment on the origin and use of two rather different
tools used to strengthen ESD activities in the GETA project. One of these tools
was the set of guidelines developed and distributed by ENSI and SEED entitled
‘Quality criteria for Education for Sustainable Development’ (Breiting, Mayer, &
Mogensen, 2005). The other was the Curriculum Key developed by a sub-group of
GETA researchers in order to analyse the national curriculum in Iceland at that time
(2008). This analysis turned out to be helpful for teachers in developing their own
ESD curriculum within their schools.
Rights:© Environment and School Initiatives,
Eszterházy Károly Egyetem Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet, 2018
© Editors
© Authors