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Participatory Planning Under Scenarios of Glacier Retreat and Tourism Growth in Southeast Iceland

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dc.contributor Háskóli Íslands
dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Welling, Johannes
dc.contributor.author Olafsdottir, Rannveig
dc.contributor.author Árnason, Þorvarður
dc.contributor.author Guðmundsson, Snævarr
dc.date.accessioned 2020-04-22T15:55:15Z
dc.date.available 2020-04-22T15:55:15Z
dc.date.issued 2019-10-18
dc.identifier.citation Johannes Welling, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir, Þorvarður Árnason, and Snævarr Guðmundsson "Participatory Planning Under Scenarios of Glacier Retreat and Tourism Growth in Southeast Iceland," Mountain Research and Development 39(2), D1-D13, (18 October 2019). https://doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-18-00090.1
dc.identifier.issn 0276-4741
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1746
dc.description Publisher's version (útgefin grein)
dc.description.abstract Glacial mountain environments are changing rapidly as a result of climate change and the expansion of nature-based recreation. Anticipatory planning to adapt to such changes is a key management challenge. The aim of this study was to explore how adaptation planning for recreation sites in these areas can be supported using participatory scenario planning (PSP). For this purpose, a study area in southeast Iceland was chosen where management is likely to be heavily impacted in the near future. PSP involves local stakeholder workshops in which participants generate maps reflecting plausible glacial land cover and land use in the near future. This process takes place in stages, including the identification of potential drivers of land-use change, development of multiple land-use scenarios, and examination of the potential consequences of these scenarios and options for adapting to them. The study demonstrates that PSP can be a valuable tool to support recreational land-use planning in glacial landscapes, and to improve anticipatory adaptation to potentially undesirable future changes. PSP also has the potential to provide salient and usable knowledge for local stakeholders, stimulate stakeholders to elaborate on long-term changes and associated uncertainties through scenario construction and visualization, provide insight into the adaptive capacity of current recreational planning systems, and reframe stakeholders' guiding assumptions to encourage a more future-oriented mentality. This approach could be valuable in other glaciated mountain areas and in recreation areas where there are multiple significant future changes in landscape attributes, processes, and uses at play simultaneously.
dc.description.sponsorship This work is a part of a larger project supported by the European Union Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (Interreg-npa.eu), titled BuSK (Building shared knowledge capital to support natural resource governance in the northern periphery). It also received financial support from Kvískerjasjóður research fund. We would further like to thank all workshop participants for their enthusiastic and productive cooperation. Thanks are also to our anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions, which led to significant improvement of this paper.
dc.format.extent D1-D13
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher International Mountain Society (IMS) and United Nations University
dc.relation.ispartofseries Mountain Research and Development;39(2)
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Climate change adaptation
dc.subject Glacial land-cover mapping
dc.subject Iceland
dc.subject Land-use mapping
dc.subject Local stakeholders
dc.subject Outdoor recreation
dc.subject Participatory scenario planning
dc.subject Vatnajökull national park
dc.subject Loftslagsbreytingar
dc.subject Þjóðgarðar
dc.subject Landakort
dc.subject Landnýting
dc.title Participatory Planning Under Scenarios of Glacier Retreat and Tourism Growth in Southeast Iceland
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dcterms.license This open access article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Please credit the authors and the full source.
dc.description.version Peer Reviewed
dc.identifier.journal Mountain Research and Development
dc.identifier.doi 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-18-00090.1
dc.relation.url https://bioone.org/journals/mountain-research-and-development/volume-39/issue-2/MRD-JOURNAL-D-18-00090.1/Participatory-Planning-Under-Scenarios-of-Glacier-Retreat-and-Tourism-Growth/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-18-00090.1.full
dc.contributor.department Líf- og umhverfisvísindadeild (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences (UI)
dc.contributor.department Rannsóknasetur á Hornafirði (HÍ)
dc.contributor.department Research Centre in Hornafjörður (UI)
dc.contributor.school Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ)
dc.contributor.school School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI)

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