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Influence of Phosphorus on Current Efficiency in Aluminum Electrolysis at Different Current Densities

Influence of Phosphorus on Current Efficiency in Aluminum Electrolysis at Different Current Densities

Title: Influence of Phosphorus on Current Efficiency in Aluminum Electrolysis at Different Current Densities
Author: Meirbekova, Rauan
Haarberg, Geir Martin
Thonstad, Jomar
Saevarsdottir, Gudrun Arnbjorg   orcid.org/0000-0002-3884-4351
Date: 2017
Language: English
Scope: E161-E165
University/Institute: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Reykjavik University
School: Tækni- og verkfræðideild (HR)
School of Science and Engineering (RU)
Series: Journal of The Electrochemical Society;164(7)
ISSN: 0013-4651
1945-7111 (eISSN)
DOI: 10.1149/2.0941707jes
Subject: Electrochemistry; Materials Chemistry; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Surfaces, Coatings and Films; Condensed Matter Physics; Phosphorus; Aluminium electrolysis; Efnafræðileg eðlisfræði; Raffræði; Efnafræði; Efnasambönd; Ástand efnis; Þéttefnisfræði; Fosfór; Ál; Rafgreining
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1621

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Meirbekova, R., Haarberg, G. M., Thonstad, J., & Saevarsdottir, G. (2017). Influence of Phosphorus on Current Efficiency in Aluminum Electrolysis at Different Current Densities. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 164(7), E161–E165. https://doi.org/10.1149/2.0941707jes


Many factors may contribute to loss of current efficiency (CE) in aluminum reduction and one of them is a presence of impurities. In this work, the effect of phosphorus on CE is studied in a laboratory cell at different current densities. Due to a growing trend toward higher amperage in retrofitted industrial cells, a study is performed both at a representative industrial current density (0.8 A/cm(2)) and at a high current density (1.5 A/cm(2)). More resolution was obtained at phosphorus levels comparable to typical industrial concentration in aluminum reduction cell (0-220 mg/kg). It is shown that the effect of phosphorus on the CE is more significant at high current density. Trend lines for the whole concentration range btw. 0 and 630 mg/kg showed a decrease of 1.1% in CE per 100 mg/kg for the high current density and 0.67% per 100 mg/kg at the low current density. The detrimental effect was more pronounced for relatively low phosphorus contents up to 220 mg/kg. A trend line for that smaller range revealed a reduction of 2.5% per 100 mg/kg of phosphorus at 1.5 A/cm(2), while at 0.8 A/cm(2) a reduction of 0.92% per 100 mg/kg of phosphorus was obtained. This indicates that increasing amperage in retrofitted cells may amplify the detrimental effect of impurities on the current efficiency.


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