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Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery and Coronary Angiography: Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcome

Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery and Coronary Angiography: Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcome

Title: Acute Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery and Coronary Angiography: Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcome
Alternative Title: Bráður nýrnaskaði í kjölfar hjartaaðgerða og kransæðaþræðinga: Tíðni, áhættuþættir og afdrif
Author: Helgason, Dadi   orcid.org/0000-0002-0162-366X
Advisor: Tómas Guðbjartsson
Date: 2019-06
Language: English
University/Institute: Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
School: Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Health Sciences (UI)
Department: Læknadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Medicine (UI)
ISBN: 978-9935-9476-1-1
Subject: Acute kidney injury; Coronary angiography; Cardiac surgery; Risk factors; Survival; Chronic kidney disease; Nýrnasjúkdómar; Kransæðasjúkdómar; Hjartaaðgerðir; Áhættuþættir; Lífslíkur; Læknisfræði; Doktorsritgerðir
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/1182

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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a growing problem worldwide and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. AKI is a known complication following cardiac operations and coronary angiography (CA). Following CA, AKI has been associated with contrast exposure but recently its importance in the development of AKI has been debated. Following open heart surgery, both patient-related and operative risk factors have been identified, where cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) plays an important role. AKI has been associated with worse short-term survival. The association between AKI following cardiac procedures and patients´ long-term outcome has not been described as well, since many studies have lacked information on long-term follow-up, especially regarding long-term renal function and development of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of the work described in this thesis was to estimate the incidence and risk factors of AKI following CA and three different cardiac operations: coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) and repair of acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). Furthermore, the association between AKI and outcome of patients was evaluated, focusing especially on long-term survival and development or progression of CKD. All the studies were retrospective; studies I‒III included all the patients who underwent cardiac catheterisation or open heart procedures in Iceland, but study IV included patients who were operated with ATAAD repair at eight academic hospitals in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. Data were gathered from national databases, medical record systems and hospital databases. Detailed information on patient characteristics together with intra- and post-procedural factors were registered. AKI was defined according to the KDIGO criteria in studies I and II and the RIFLE criteria in studies III and IV. Predictors of AKI were identified by using multivariable logistic regression models. Outcome of patients with and without AKI was compared and Cox models and propensity score matching were used to estimate the association between AKI and both long-term survival and kidney function. The incidence of AKI ranged from 2% following CA to 41% after ATAAD repair. Among the patient-related risk factors for AKI were advanced age, obesity, malperfusion and pre-procedural CKD. Contrast dose was mostly associated with AKI in patients who had eGFFR < 45 mL/min/1.73m2 who received more than 150 mL of intra-arterial contrast. CPB was associated with AKI following the open cardiac surgeries, and also with number of transfusions of red blood cells administered perioperatively. Following the procedures, AKI was associated with inferior short-term and long-term survival and was an independent predictor of long-term survival following CA and ATAAD repair. The association between AKI following CABG and mortality appeared to be partially explained by its association with other major complications. Following CA and CABG, AKI was found to be a predictor of development of CKD. The four studies highlight the fact that AKI is a severe complication following different cardiac procedures, and where the incidence is dependent on the complexity of the procedure and the severity of the underlying condition. Some of the identified risk factors of AKI could possibly be modified and may be useful in reducing the likelihood of AKI in high-risk patients. Furthermore, the studies have shown that AKI is not only associated with worse short-term patient outcome but also inferior long-term survival and increased risk of developing CKD.
Bráður nýrnaskaði (BNS) er vaxandi vandamál á heimsvísu og tengist hann aukinni sjúkdómsbyrði og dánartíðni. BNS er þekktur fylgikvilli eftir kransæðaþræðingar og opnar hjartaaðgerðir. Hann hefur verið tengdur við notkun skuggaefnis eftir þræðingar en undanfarið hefur verið deilt um mikilvægi þess í meinmyndun BNS. Áhættuþættir BNS eftir opnar hjartaaðgerðir geta verið bæði sjúklinga- og aðgerðartengdir en tími á hjartaog lungnavél gegnir þar stóru hlutverki. BNS tengist verri lifun sjúklinga til skemmri tíma en skortur er á rannsóknum á langtíma afdrifum þessara sjúklinga, sérstaklega með tilliti til langtíma nýrnastarfsemi. Markmið þessarar doktorsritgerðar var að kanna tíðni og áhættuþætti BNS eftir kransæðaþræðingar og þrjár mismunandi opnar hjartaaðgerðir: kransæðahjáveitu, ósæðarlokuskipti og viðgerð á ósæðarflysjun af gerð A. Jafnframt voru áhrif BNS á afdrif sjúklinga metin, sérstaklega með tilliti til langtíma lifunar og þróunar á langvinnum nýrnasjúkdómi (LNS). Rannsóknirnar voru afturskyggnar þar sem rannsóknir I-III náðu til allra sjúklinga sem gengust undir kransæðaþræðingu eða hjartaaðgerðir á Íslandi en rannsókn IV var gerð á sjúklingum sem fóru í viðgerð á ósæðarflysjun af gerð A á átta háskólasjúkrahúsum í Danmörku, Finnlandi, Svíþjóð og á Íslandi. Gögnum var safnað úr miðlægum gagnasöfnum og sjúkraskrám sjúklinga. Skráðar voru ítarlegar upplýsingar um sjúklingatengda og aðgerðartengda þætti og afdrif sjúklinga eftir aðgerð. BNS var skilgreindur samkvæmt KDIGO skilmerkjum í rannsókn I og II en út frá RIFLE skilmerkjum í rannsókn III og IV. Forspárþættir BNS voru fundnir með fjölþátta aðhvarfsgreiningu. Afdrif sjúklinga með og án BNS voru borin saman og voru Cox líkön og propensity score pörun notuð til að meta tengsl BNS við langtíma lifun og þróun á LNS. Tíðni BNS var frá 2% eftir kransæðaþræðingu upp í 41% í kjölfar aðgerðar á ósæðarflysjun. Aldur, þekktur nýrnasjúkdómur fyrir aðgerð, offita og blóðþurrð voru á meðal sjúklingatengdra áhættuþátta BNS. Skuggefnismagn tengdist aðallega aukinni hættu á BNS hjá sjúklingum með gaukulsíunarhraða < 45 mL/mín./1,73 m2 fyrir þræðingu sem fengu > 150 mL af skuggaefni. Tími á hjarta- og lungnavél og gjöf rauðkornaþykknis voru áhættuþættir BNS eftir opnu hjartaaðgerðirnar. Í öllum fjórum rannsóknunum höfðu sjúklingar sem fengu BNS verri langtímalifun en þeir sem ekki fengu BNS og var hann sjálfstæður forspárþáttur lifunar í kjölfar kransæðaþræðinga og aðgerða við ósæðarflysjun af gerð A. Eftir kransæðahjáveitu virtust tengsl BNS við lifun tengjast að verulegu leyti öðrum alvarlegum fylgikvillum. BNS var jafnframt sjálfstæður forspárþáttur fyrir því að sjúklingar þróuðu með sér LNS eftir kransæðaþræðingu og kransæðahjáveituaðgerð. Rannsóknirnar staðfesta að BNS er alvarlegur fylgikvilli eftir bæði kransæðaþræðingar og opnar hjartaaðgerðir. Hugsanlega mætti hafa áhrif á suma þeirra áhættuþátta BNS sem fundnir voru og þannig draga úr líkum á BNS. BNS tengist ekki eingöngu síðri skammtímalifun sjúklinga heldur einnig langtíma lifun og jafnframt auknum líkum á að sjúklingar þrói með sér LNS.

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