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Browsing by Subject "Fjölmiðlar"

Browsing by Subject "Fjölmiðlar"

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  • Kurvinen, Heidi; Pálmadóttir, Valgerður (Informa, 2024-07-24)
    In October 1975, the Icelandic women’s movement organized a ‘Women’s Day Off’ (WDO), a one-day strike designed to reveal the societal importance of women’s work. In this article, we explore media coverage of the WDO in the Nordic countries. Through an ...
  • Eyþórsdóttir, Eyrún; Loftsdóttir, Kristín (2019-12-17)
    Hatursorðræða er talin vaxandi vandi í hinum vestræna heimi í dag. Oft hefur verið vísað til tjáningar Donalds Trumps og stjórnmálamanna sem tengjast Brexit sem samþykktar á tjáningu haturs og, samhliða því, sköpunar jarðvegs til áframhaldandi ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Valgerður; Ólafsson, Jón Gunnar (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-05-31)
    The news media around the world has experienced drastic changes in recent decades, and the Icelandic media is no exception. These changes originate in political, economic and not least technological developments. In this article we map key developments ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2020-12-16)
    Covid 19 has had enormous impact on media firms all over the world, adding further economic pressures to a sector already suffering problems. Two different trends come together in the present situation, a challenge to the economic model of traditional ...
  • Hoffmann, Lara Wilhelmine (Háskólinn á Akureyri, 2022)
    This PhD project investigates aspects of immigrants’ integration in Iceland based on language use, media use, and creative practice. Traditionally, studies present integration as a linear process focussing on objective measures. Less attention has been ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019-02-01)
    The increased importance of social media platforms and network media logic merging with traditional media logic are a trademark of modern hybrid systems of political communication. This article looks at this development through the media-use by ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Valgerður (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2016-12-19)
    Miklar breytingar hafa orðið í fjölmiðlun undanfarna áratugi. Breytingarnar eiga sér pólitískar, efnahagslegar og ekki síst tæknilegar rætur og hafa m.a lýst sér í samþjöppun eignarhalds, aukinni markaðsvæðingu og harðnandi samkeppni. Erlendar ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2016-06-15)
    This article presents results from a survey among political candidates standing in parliamentary elections in Iceland in the spring of 2013 regarding their use of media in the election campaign. The purpose of this study was twofold; first to determine ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2014)
    Political communication in Iceland and in the Nordic Countries has undergone dramatic changes in the last decades. The political process has had to adjust to a new media landscape and to novel media technology at the same time as the media themselves ...
  • Ravn-Højgaard, Signe; Jóhannsdóttir, Valgerður; Karlsson, Ragnar; Olavson, Rógvi; Skorini, Heini (2021-03-26)
    This study compares the media systems of the West Nordic countries, namely the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland. All three countries are democratic welfare states with considerable institutional transfer from the larger Nordic countries. It is ...
  • Árnason, Guðmundur Rúnar (London School of Economics, 1991)
    The thesis is a study of political communications in a general election campaign in Iceland in 1987. The theoretical background is the so-called agenda-setting approach to communication. A multimethodological approach was used: first, a content analysis ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2021-03-01)
    My main objective in this article is to examine the importance of political parallelism in Iceland through establishing the extent to which political parallelism is perceived to char-acterise political communication in Iceland by politicians and voters. ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir; Hjálmarsdóttir, Hafdís Björg; Kristjánsdóttir, Vera K Vestmann (2019-12-17)
    The importance of marketing techniques in political campaigning has increased as communicating politics has become more complex in a highly fragmented media environment. With different media logics interacting in a hybrid media system, political marketing ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2013-12-15)
    Flokksfjölmiðlun þreifst hér á landi fram undir síðustu aldamót og sú umbreyting sem Blumler & Kavanagh (1999) kölluðu „Þriðja skeið pólitískrar boðmiðlunar“ og felst m.a. í aukinni sérfræðiþekkingu í boðmiðlun innan stjórnmálaflokka og mikilli fagvæðingu ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2015-06-15)
    Umræða um sjálfsritskoðun fjölmiðla hefur tekið kipp hér á landi eftir árásir á ritstjórnarskrifstofur Charie Hebdo í París í janúar 2015 og sviptingar í yfirstjórn og eigendahópi íslenskra fjölmiðla. En hver er sú reynsla sem blaðamenn lýsa sem ...
  • Meckl, Markus Hermann; Guðmundsson, Birgir; Ólafs, Helga; Proppé, Hulda (Háskóli Íslands, 2010)
    The freedom of the press is a necessity to ensure public debate, a debate which secures the emergence of truth for the better good of all. The importance attributed to this argument is reflected in European constitutions. Since the French Revolution ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2010)
    Hefðbundnir fjölmiðlar voru ekki í aðalhlutverki við kynningu og umfjöllun um einstaka frambjóðendur í kosningunum til stjórnlagaþings í nóvember 2010. Persónukjör með landið sem eitt kjördæmi þar sem yfir 500 frambjóðendur voru í kjöri er fyrirkomulag ...
  • Guðmundsson, Birgir (2009-12-15)
    Ríkisútvarpið hefur starfað eftir skrifuðum fréttareglum nánast frá stofnun. Þessar reglur hafa mótað fréttaflutning stofnunarinnar og skapað RÚV ákveðna sérstöðu á íslenskum fjölmiðlamarkaði. Fimm reglur hafa verið í gildi frá 1931 og miða elstu þjrár ...