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Browsing by Author "Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta"

Browsing by Author "Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta"

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  • Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta (SAGE Publications, 2019-05)
    Iceland's performance on the Gender Gap Index has been outstanding in the last nine years. It now has a reputation for being one of the most gender equal countries in the world. However, local feminist activists argue that challenges to full gender ...
  • Rúdólfsdóttir, Annadís; Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta (SAGE Publications, 2018-02)
    This article contributes to recent research on young women’s emerging feminist movements or feminist counter-publics (see Salter, 2013) in the digital age. The focus is on the #freethenipple protests in Iceland in 2015 organised by young women and the ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta; Egilson, Snæfríður Þóra; Haraldsdóttir, Freyja (2022-01-15)
    When conceptualising health and wellbeing among disabled people, the experience of internalised ableism must be considered. In this article, we argue that internalised ableism is indeed a health and wellbeing issue that materialises in numerous complex ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta; Gíslason, Ingólfur V. (2022-04-20)
    Fátt hefur valdið jafnmiklu umróti í samfélaginu síðustu ár og reynslusögur kvenna af kynferðislegri áreitni og kynferðislegu ofbeldi sem birtar voru undir merkjum #MeToo. Á Íslandi hófst umræðan fyrir alvöru í nóvember 2017 þegar fyrstu sögur hópa ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta; Hjálmarsdóttir, Kristín Anna (Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands, 2011-09-15)
    Í þessari rannsókn er reynt að fanga þá karlmennskuhugmynd sem Egill Einarsson íþróttafræðingur heldur á lofti og skoða hana í ljósi fræðilegra kenninga um karlmennsku og valdatengsl í samfélaginu. Kenningar um þróun karlmennskuhugmynda gera ráð fyrir ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta (British Psychological Society, 2018-06)
    Despite Iceland’s outstanding performance on global indices measuring gender equality, young women report higher levels of depressive symptoms than young men. This suggests a more complex situation than what appears in public discourse, where Iceland ...
  • Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta; Gíslason, Ingólfur V. (SAGE Publications, 2017-06-11)
    Iceland enjoys an international reputation as one of the most gender equal countries in the world. This article analyses how young men in Reykjavík, the country’s capital, perceive masculinities as they orient themselves in surroundings where ...